The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Oh, I'm really sorry! Thanks, I don't know where my head's been lately with The Love. lol. It's great that they're finally working together. Ironically it always seemed that when Greg was trying to bust out of the lab, Nick was giving him breaks or letting him tag along on certain things, so it's cool that we'll get to see some of that again.
I love the way Nick is touching Greg. He just got to 2 base, he totaly skipped the first one, well Nick is the Man!

Do we really need to use the spoiler tags any more for Toe Tags because we all know what it's about and it does say on something on Toe Tags on
THOSE ARE SO CUTE!!!!!! *squeak*

Ummmm, okay, what was i going to say? I got distracted. . .

And i can't get away from spoilers! *cry* I'm spoiler free this season and it's already driving me NUTS!!

Umm, okay, must go now

Gillian Sara Grissom

Yea Toe tags comiing soon =D can't wait!! sigh finally Nick and Greg get to work together (I still can't get use to saying that) and not only Nick and Greg get to work together on a case but the storyline for it is good to, it seems really interesting.

I was watching clips from GD pt.1 and I can't believe I missed this from when I was watching the first time. But I think I found a scene where Greg was about to breakdown since the capturing of Nick. It was when they first time watched the video of Nick in the Coffin =( Greg was blinking tears so they won't fall and tring not to have any facial expression (but you see him tring really hard not to cry) and he was like tilting his head so the tears won't fall. it was so sad =(
I remember that, was it the scene where he was standing next to Catherine? I was so tired of people saying that Greg was emotionalless when GD aired. He wasn't. Like the part where Warrick said he had 90 mins left and Greg's head just dropped while he was under the dog coffin. Sad. Greg cared he just couldn'r show it in front of the others.
I know people thinking Greg didn't care pissed the hell off of me. He wasn't even in that episode alot other then Nick the main guy was Warrick but if Greg was the main guy then it would show him all emotional like Warrick and maybe since after Greg; Nick is the main guy is Fannysmakin, maybe it will show him being all emotional.
"Look, I thought we had a relationship. What are you doing taking Archie out into the field, instead of me?".

(A jealous Greg to Nick in "Random Acts Of Violence").


Okay Seabird , i know you've probably already answered this, but where does the i love you thing on your avatar come from!! I WANNA KNOW!!

And jealous Greg is so cute!

Gillian Sara Grissom
Hey all, Chapter 2 of Closet case is posted at the usual places! Rated R
One more day until Toe Tags, Nick & Greg on a case (unless the writers screwed it up)...can't wait.
GillianSGrissom said:
Okay Seabird , i know you've probably already answered this, but where does the i love you thing on your avatar come from!! I WANNA KNOW!!

And jealous Greg is so cute!

Gillian Sara Grissom

It's a scene from "Abracadaver", season three. Nick's gesture means "I love you" in sign language. And look at the little smirk on Greg's face...He KNOWS ;)

"I Love You" sign

And yeah, jealous Greg is really cute! :D

Gregs jealousy is so hot!

Greg is so cute in that picture. He has the smile that says I love you back!

Ok just to make sure, October 11 is when Fannsmaking is comming on. I want to make a countdown for it ;)

that episode was good but disapointing. I should know better than to trust the spoliers.

Next weeks promo was good.
erg i just watch toes tags, what a dissapointment on Nick and Greg part =( erg I wonder why the writers screwed up again!! sigh I hate how they changed, I'm like y can't they just keep it to the plan =( I hate this. sigh I thought this would b finally one of Nick and Greg; I guess I can't have what I want.
=( I'm so sad now and this time I hope, pray, beg Nick will b the emotional one during Fannysmakin' sigh I just someday soon there will b a serious Nick and Greg scene
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