The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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blackened623 said:
I just had a dream about them last night, which is really unusual for me cuz I hardly ever have good dreams. It was supposed to be from this blind item thing I read awhile ago Blind Item #30 Don't know if it's true or not, but that's what my dream was about :D

that's a greaaat blind vice! :D but it's not really detailed enough to really know if it's them.. but some of the guesses by the site owner are totally my guesses too so i think it should be accurate!
My little sister has been living in Wales for a few months and she just emailed me to let me know that she saw a commercial over there for some sort of L'Oreal product.. with George advertising it. :lol: She says he even said the famous "Because you're worth it!" with a stern (but sexy) look at the camera. Uh, *huge giggle*
I heard about that and i saw a pics of it he looks so amazing! George is in a L'Orel comercial and Eric poses for Bloomingdales. They should pose for something together like uhhh... Well these days in the jean comercials the guys for some reason aren't wearing shirts even though they're posing for the winter fashion (They're are going to be freezing) maybe Eric and George can pose shirtless for that (Together of course ;))
mmmm the thought of them 2gether in jeans with no shirt yummy =D haha what a site to die 4 hehee =D or they can pose 4 a commercial about summer and one or both of them can b dripping wet, while comming out from the Ocean to the Beach or sumfin like that.
yea season 7 is starting 2molo =D yea can't wait! Hope some touching will occur =D hhehe
they so should pose together shirtless for a jeans commercial, they should have george showing the front of the jeans standing behind and to the side of eric, and eric facing away with a hand on george's chest and his head facing the cam, and george having a hand in eric's back pocket :p
Lol well George does have the pack but Eric has the ass :p

Can you believe the season premire is tomorow (In Canada, mountian times) i am so excited that i wont be able to pay attention in school for today and tomorrow. I'll be to busy day dreaming about Nick and Greg and there wild flirtation!
Yeah, so looking forward to the news season. But too bad we have to wait another two weeks to see Greg & NIck work a case together in Toe Tags. I ma so looing forwad to it and the Greg-centric episode that follows.(See spoiler thread for details) I hope for some comfort for Greg on Nick's part. So far it seems Greg is getting alot of attention this season.
Just found this link on Eric's thread ( thanks, Miko ). George and Eric choose their favorite songs for the CBS playlist ( I love The Cure too!!):

CBS playlist

And as some people have said before, the spoilers for episode 4 "Fannysmackin'" and episode 7 "Post Morten" seem... promising for our couple :D

I won't say more because this isn't the spoiler thread ;)
I never heard any of the Cures music before but i want to now.

Every couple has a episode and now we finale get one. "FannySmakin" is going to be really bad because it's Greg and amazing because after 7 seasons we finaly get our episode yay!!!!!!

Took long enough but i dont care because it's finaly here.
Yeah, I can't wait til those episodes. From what I've heard, FannySmackin is definately gonna be emotional. Not sure exactly what to expect... but I'm listening to that CBS playlist now. Interesting to know what their listening to...
Yo peeps i'm starting to make some CSI icons, well first shipper icons and i cant think of some good Greg/Nick episodes off the top of my head so i might need some little help so i can find the screencaps :D

Do you think Nick will cry? I hope he does because i would if he does :lol:
Nick/Greg buffet in Australia last Tuesday. "Bad Words". First time they've ever repeated the episode, and I was definately bouncing in my seat when it was on. And now, in a couple of months (8 November), season 4 will be coming out in box set here! *bounces again*

And they're finally putting season 6 back on here. Definately looking forward to Sunday.
I would love to see Bad words again but i made a promise to my self that i wouldn't watch one episode without the other unless it's going to be Fannysmakin (With the love and all)

I made my very first CSI icon ever and i decided to make it as Greg/Nick :)
Sooo... what did everyone think? I found it kinda boring. But at least N/G were in the same room at the same time for a minute there!! Greg needs to trim his sideburns. hee.

I was watching the episode with sarahvma and at the point where Grissom doesn't get Warrick a sandwich and he says "Where's the love?", we figured it would have been a FANTASTIC shout out if Nick and Greg walked in right then. Don'tcha think? ;)
I was unimpressed. But was glad that Greg's only 3 mins on camera was with Nick. Of course the dancing and him leaving with that girl was not to exciting to watch either. All I thought was "How could he do that to Greg?". It was a pretty decent episode but it could have been better. As for GSR I'd rather not say what I think.
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