The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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I love having detailed dreams because if i like where they're going i think about it all day and i dream about it the next day it's awesome. I had a dream where before 'IT' happens to Greg, Nick comes in and stops it and he is about to go crazy on them but before he does he see's Greg in one of 'there' arms about to do 'the worste thing that can happen to Greg' and Nick says "Let go my Greggo" and he saves the day :lol:
aww those dreams seems so ammusing =D and serenity ur's is so meaning full and wonderful.... Why can't I have a dream like that? *pout* lol
haha I want ur dream to b a CSI episode so badly now it seems like a really good episode =D and majorly bcause it's Nick and Greg getting 2gether =D hehehe

I only got one dream once but it wasn't a Nick and Greg but equally best thing; George and Eric =D it was pretty cool, haha it was at this award party, I think it was the Emmy's or PCA? not sure but anywayz it was at the after party and Eric suddenly out of no where appeared on George's lap and started to kiss him and do a lap dance 4 him then flash 2 bedroom *and let's leave it there :devil:*
^Ack! You guys are seriously turning me into a George/Eric fan. Here I was happily avoiding that pairing, and what happens? I hate you all! (not really. it's hot).

I would start going into detail about my dreams right now, but I'm pretty sure writing about pure smut would have me booted off the boards. Lately it has all been supply room, and getting locked inside. By Warrick and Catherine. :D
This thread is what made me into the slash whore that i am today and plus all the pretty banners and icons.

I am lucky to even have one Greg/Nick dream (The rest is all Chase/Cameron) but when i do have them i cant get it out of my head. So yeah i am lucky to have them :D
Not even fair.
I need Nick and Greg dreams but i don't usually get enough sleep to dream now that school started (boo)
The only really vivid N/G dream i had was when i was when i slept over at a friends house. It was really lame now that i think about think the dream involved playing spin the bottle with the boys.
Eh...whatever it was it was cut short because he stupid dog stole my blanket.
I still have school, infact i am writing this before i even go to school :p just thought i would talk about Nick/Greg to start my day :)

I wish i had more dreams about them. The picture of them on my wall is helping a bit (Well alot) but still haven other dreams and some new ones. Hopefully i will have one tonight!
Dreams... I don't really remember my dreams, so maybe I did dream about them, but I can't remember. *cries*
That would make a pretty sweet episode Serenity. *nods*

Anyway, I come here with a present:

Couch Cuddles

^I shall worship you forever and ever. You are such a talented drawer. I adore your artworks. I had one set as the desktop background on my laptop at one point - currently had the picture of Eric Szmanda from the "Beautiful People" article in the Paper Magazine.

I recently managed to get my hands on the CSI Companion and had a read of everyone's profiles, and I was intrigued by Greg's and Nick's backstory. Having read them, I've been thinking about how this would effect the way they act. Eg. What would they keep from their families, and how much would they lie to themselves?

Both things have been explored in fan fiction, but I was wondering what every thought, especially the people who've also seen/read the Companion.
Wow Sillie thats amazing and raw to! awesome job i love it :)

Good point Clarrisani Greg and Nick both grew up in good families am i right. I think that they would be kind of scared at what there families would say, especailly Greg because to me Papa Olaf seems like the old fashoned type. For me i think that Nicks family would be suportive about the things he does but i'm not sure what his Brother would say.
csikicksurass said:
I wish i had more dreams about them. The picture of them on my wall is helping a bit (Well alot) but still haven other dreams and some new ones. Hopefully i will have one tonight!

I just had a dream about them last night, which is really unusual for me cuz I hardly ever have good dreams. It was supposed to be from this blind item thing I read awhile ago Blind Item #30 Don't know if it's true or not, but that's what my dream was about :D
So what do you guys think of Greg killing this guy with his car to stop him from killing the beating victim, and then having to cope with the inquest? (where Nick is to testify for him - a sort of character witness I guess) How do you think this is going to affect our Greggo? I wonder what Nick will actually say about him.
That's a good question Serenity . I wish I knew.
I wonder that too. Ialso wonder since Greg calls for back up forfore he stops th attack and it's Nick & Sofia who testify on his behalf. Will it be NIck & Sofia who rescue him? I am excited about both these episodes. I know Greg will grow and become a stronger person. I just hope this does not land him back in the lab permanatly.
hmm good question =D I agree with Wojo on theat ome 2.
hehe I just can't wait till Season 7 come s =D heheh 5 more day's yeah!! soon more Slashy goodness of the boys will soon b 2gether =D yea can't wait =D
hee from what I read about Season 7 I really feel like this is the episode that the boys are getting to gether (onscree)or at least showing more that they r together the evidence never lies hehe

btw I was surfing the internet and I came across this old British Actor (name and his name is George Sanders haha I practacly sqealed =D
Hiya i'm back :D

I think since it's Nick he will have a hard time testifying about anyting after all of his accidents and to make things worse his freind (And hopefuly love) is in the hospital. Maybe Nick can give this great, loveing speach on how Greg is this amazing yet sometimes very anoying guy who would do anything just to help another person and then a tear comes from his eye ;) how sad but sweet that would be!
I have to agree. This may just be the season where Nick and Greg start looking like a couple. We all know how Rashomama backfired (ep yet to air in Aus) in making them look straight, so maybe they'll give up and just let them flirt/make comments and thus allow us to have a field day.

*is hanging out for any/all info about season 7* When it happens and concerns Nick and Greg, let me know people! We still haven't had "Spellbound" yet. That ep is two weeks away. So when the info comes out, give me the goss!!!

Please. *sad puppy eyes*
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