The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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forensicsgirl said:
I'm completely ashamed of myself - I haven't been by the fort in ages :(

*hangs head in shame*

Come here, now you know the punishment, come here and bend over
(I just love that smilie) and just to let you know, that hurt me more than it did you.

But you brought goodies, YEAH, I will be snagging one cause I've been looking for a sig lately, awesome job on those. Thanks for sharing.

ETA: *screams* My avatar! They tooks it away! *rocks uncontrollably* Can someone PM me and tell me how to make it smaller? :eek:

I'm sorry, I'm not much help. They did that to mine too. :( I thought that if I just shrunk the image size, it would work, but still no, so I ended up having to change it all together.

Forensicsgirl, those are really great :D
that "god of cute" banner.... i don't think i've ever seen anything so utterly beautiful in my entire life. eric is simply the most beautiful man i've ever seen.

I've just remembered what I wanted to ask, though I can't remember if it's been asked before or not...
Greg's fish, are they canon and I've just continually missed it, or just widespread fanon?
Also, it feels like the fort is missing sooo many people. I guess it's just a busy time of year for people? (Or where did everyone go?)
Heh, well... as far as I know, Greg's fish are widespread fanon, correct me if I'm wrong. :3

And Sofine, you're so right. *swoons*
Jessy said:
dragana said:
Jessy said:
dragana said:
yey gregi and nick fourm!! yey lol its the best pairing, am i right or am i right?

Ofcourse! this is the best Pairing of all time! ;)
I usually dont dislike pairings but I cant stand sara/ Nick pairing, uh. Well I cant stand anything with Nick and Greg with girls, not in my mind, never gonna happen.
yeah i know me ether gregi and nick allthe way! though the crossaover paring of ryan and greg isnt tobad ether...

yeah well if Greg and Nick are going to pair with others, if they pair with boys its all good. haha even tough its always gonna be Nick and greg love.

forensicsgirl : Wonderful :)
i agree lol
sillie your avatar is just....WOW!! Yes, it's true Greg's fish are strickly fandom. He has never mentioned anything about pets of any kind on the show. :)
Hey, can anyone give me a little spoiler for tonight, I have no clue what the plotline is even about

shacky20 said:
Come here, now you know the punishment, come here and bend over
(I just love that smilie) and just to let you know, that hurt me more than it did you.

Owwwww! Dude, that smarts! *rubs sore butt*

Glad you guys liked them - the boys are too cute NOT to make banners for them, ya know? ;)

Oh, and the fish - after reading a whole bunch of N/G fics, I too was convinced the fish were canon - the power of fic never ceases to amaze me :lol:
shacky20 said:
Hey, can anyone give me a little spoiler for tonight, I have no clue what the plotline is even about

This is what I read on YTDAW: Someone dies after winning a lot, a lot, a lot of money, and the CSIs are on the trail. People are seriously into pool in this episode. Sara is with Greg (and Grissom some), Warrick is with Catherine, Nick and Brass are respectively solo.
csifiles news section says this

hope that helps, it's not much.
Sor Forensicsgirl but these things have to ber handled and come on, it was a funny smilie.

And I have been looing for a new banne/sig forever, so thanks again. "One Good Man" that Geedwriter wrote, wrote in the fish so well, it's like, how can Greg not have fish. They seem so Greg like, and beautiful, and I could so see Greg having something to keep him company when he's home.

forensicsgirl said:
Oh, and the fish - after reading a whole bunch of N/G fics, I too was convinced the fish were canon - the power of fic never ceases to amaze me :lol:

I know what you mean I totally thought the fish were cannon too and felt stupid for not knowing what episode they were mentioned in and then of course it turned out to be fannon :lol:
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