The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Oh okay, I´am really confused tough about the words Slash and Shippers and everything, dont really know what they mean. Its nice to Just call it Nick and Greg beacuse its Love :)
shacky20 said:
CSI_Dunn said:
Finally! A forum for Nick/Greg...Hey, Shacky! Remember me? Lexi_Lou_Who...
Thanks, Shacky. Glad to be here.
I was worried about WMTDB, thinking that if they redid the whole site, I would have to rewrite all my stories (Because, silly me, I didn't save any of them), but thank Greg and Nick that it's back up!
Hi, glad you found us over here. Welcome to our Fort. And what's up with that, I do hold the poking stick, don't worry, I'm getting it in my head. But first must come dishes, then laundry, so give me a little time. Ducks flying objects and poking stick *MINE*

Jessy said:
Oh okay, I´am really confused tough about the words Slash and Shippers and everything, dont really know what they mean. Its nice to Just call it Nick and Greg beacuse its Love :)

I know, when you want to people together, usually male and female, you call yourselves "shippers" be you support that relaion'ship'. When you want either two men or two women together, it is know that you 'slash' that couple, ( I don't know where that name came from ) But we felt so strongly about Nick and Greg and believe their love is as real as any other would be couple on the show, we consider ourselves 'Nick and Greg Shippers"

Hope that helps a little'

shacky20 said:
But we felt so strongly about Nick and Greg and believe their love is as real as any other would be couple on the show, we consider ourselves 'Nick and Greg Shippers"

Hope that helps a little'


Oh my god that´s soo cute! makes me want to cry.
I understand now too, thanks.
I believe the term 'slash' came about when people originally wrote Spock/Kirk fic, it was Spock 'slash' kirk fic. I may be wrong, but I've read that once before.
Serenity said:
I believe the term 'slash' came about when people originally wrote Spock/Kirk fic, it was Spock 'slash' kirk fic. I may be wrong, but I've read that once before.

You know, that does sound familiar now that you mentioned it, I can't keep up with everything.

Hey girl, you OK, you haven't been aroud too much, email me please!!

I think the term "slash" came from the "/" that gets put between the two names (Nick/Greg). It's odd, but that's what I read a long time ago. :rolleyes:
Serenity said:
I believe the term 'slash' came about when people originally wrote Spock/Kirk fic, it was Spock 'slash' kirk fic. I may be wrong, but I've read that once before.

Nope, you're right. That's where it came from. :)
Intresting,I've always wondered where that term came from. However whenever I hear the word slash I can't hepl but theink of Guns N Roses!!
Have you looked for icons at We have hundreds over there now, just click gallery, and then icons, and we have them by the maker, but we have tons to check out.

Morning everyone!

Just to let you know I've written a silly, fluffy little ficlet as a present for dagdrommer who very kindly designed my new lj layout. It's combining a few of my great loves, Nick/Greg, poker and drinking games. It can be found at all the usual places.
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