The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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curtainonfloor said:
Paging all Americans: Were there any Nick/Greg moments in the latest eppie?

No, not really. They were in the same room together near the end but didn't actually interact.
well, he did admit to Catherine that he no longer fantasizes about women and liquid latex. Sort of. :D

My slash goggles allow me to interpret that last scene as Greg harboring new fantasies about a certain Texan he'd like to explore.
nibbler77 said:
well, he did admit to Catherine that he no longer fantasizes about women and liquid latex. Sort of. :D

My slash goggles allow me to interpret that last scene as Greg harboring new fantasies about a certain Texan he'd like to explore.
"slash goggles". *snort*

okay i am officially freaked out. i was in the grocery store yesterday and the TV Guide cover had a pic of grissom and a blurb about the CSI season finale, and the caption read "a death".

??????????? anyone heard any rumours about this? i tell you, my heart just about dropped to my boots! i was like noooooooo don't kill my greg!!! i just had this awful feeling... and now i'm scared. what if they kill off greg? what will i do? where will i go? my greggo can't die!


*flails wildly*
about the death thing
ive been thinking that too because of the diner pic cbs put up. (gregs eyes are closed and is said to have the tarrot death card in his pocket.) ive been rather distraught sinse seeing the previews for next weeks epi as well. oh man. :(
The Death card is heavily proverbial in Tarot readings. Very rarely does it ever literally equate to actual death. Its more commonly used to signify a dramatic change or a "death" of a current frame of existance or a former self.

I had at one time speculated that it hinted at him going back to the Lab, that maybe he felt he had more of an impact on a case as a tech, or that his taking on a field role was cathartic following his trauma in the explosion. I'm not 100% on that theory, its just a possibility to explain change and/or "death". Bear in mind, though, that its still speculation whether its a Tarot card in his pocket. I will admit that it falls in play with Greg's beliefs and background. It probably is a Tarot card. But on that note, because of how well Greg is a medium for that type of foreshadowing, this clue may not be directed at him personally, but rather suggests what is happening to the entire group. I say that because it would feel differently if I had seen it on Grissom or Catherine.
acording to the spoilers I read:
Brass gets shot and his life may come to an end. It isn't Greg who's life is in danger.

besides, to me looks more like Greg's Id card in his pocket not a Tarot card. And his eyes only appear closed because he's looking down.
I've just been reading all the squeeing over Grissom and Sara's eye-f**kage. Very pleased for all those GSR shippers out there, but I can't help but think..... Nick and Greg look at eachother like that ALL the freaking time!
Wojo said:
acording to the spoilers I read:
Brass gets shot and his life may come to an end. It isn't Greg who's life is in danger.

Wojo, I was thinking the same thing last night for some reason. That person just popped in my mind. Where did you hear this from

Serenity said:
Nick and Greg look at eachother like that ALL the freaking time!



Oooh, pretty. I made myself an icon like that, but only using lj's icon factory, so there's no writing on it. And mine's a bit more blurry! Hehe.
omg.... oh my greg. if anything happened to him i'd FREAK.

i know he's only a fictional character but.... GAH!!!

leggo my greggo

goddess, keep my eric safe! smib.
sofine said:
omg.... oh my greg. if anything happened to him i'd FREAK.

i know he's only a fictional character but.... GAH!!!

leggo my greggo

goddess, keep my eric safe! smib.

Same here. o_O



waouh your icons rock Sillie!!!! i snagged a bunch :p

btw guys anyone know where i can find a love banner? i wanna change ....and i wanna support more the LOVE
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