The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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hey all, I got a new fic up. called 'Denial' two chapters. Beta's by our own Shacky ! You can find it at the usual places. Can't provide a link because of the rating.
Wojo said:
yes there is a new one this week, it's called: Rashomama
Serenity said:
Ah, the one where they try and prove how straight Nick and Greg are. Looking forward to that one [/sarcasm]

Oh, somebody, SPOIL ME PLEASE!! Thursday is too far away, and since there's this nifty little "Spoiler" function, could somebody please fill me in on what we know about this week's upcoming episode?
God I am so impatient, remember that song I was looking for, I found it thanks to Bine, and of course I couldn't wait, cause just listening to the beginning I was thinking, Oh this would be the perfect start, and so then I had to do it all. I'm about 1/3 done, but it's only 5, so I should/might/maybe have it up tonight. See, I can put all of the stress and anxiety to good use!

OK check out this pic. You may have seen it before. Is it my imagination or does it look like Eric & George could be holding hands behind Gary's back?


Dixie said:
Oh, somebody, SPOIL ME PLEASE!! Thursday is too far away, and since there's this nifty little "Spoiler" function, could somebody please fill me in on what we know about this week's upcoming episode?

OK sure:
Solving the case of a wealthy defense attorney killed at her son's wedding is compromised when all of the evidence from the case is stolen along with Nick's car. At first, the CSIs surmise that whoever took Nick's car must also have killed the groom's mother. However, as they retrace their steps and gather new evidence, the team begins to suspect that someone in the bridal party may be responsible for this "not so happily ever after" occasion.also From what I've read It's suposed to be 4 versions of what happened of the same event,4 points of view. Nick, Sara,Grissom, and Greg. spoilers change though so who knows.
haha! that pic makes me laugh. i love garys expression. its like hes pissed about being in the middle of the boys PDA.
That project I mentioned earlier is now completed, and it's
at only one place right now!!! Party at my place!!!!!

shacky20 said:
Do I need to get it out? Are you slacking?????? Don't make me do it, but I will, Oh I will.......

well i sent you my first bit, but you never responded. so i figured either (1) it sucked, (2) you were asleep, (3) it sucked.

and yeah, i HAVE to get scene two done this week. so poke away.

btw: i LOVELOVE your icon! god. nick looks SO freakin gorgeous in it. *dies* i'm a greg girl though. yes i am. i AM!!! *pounds desk*
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