The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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NVenus said:
Hey guys! What's up? I'm new here, on this thread I mean, but yeah,

Welcome, come on in (everyone scoot over), nice and warm in the tent now. Glad to see you here, and I am the local Librarian around here, so if you need fic, looking for a fic, a rec, an author, someplace to start, I'm your girl, so welcome and hope you visit often.
Damn, they found us,

Oh, hey look over there, yeah right over there, dinner, Sofine get your gun

NVenus said:
Hey guys! What's up? I'm new here, on this thread I mean, but yeah, I love Nick and Greg slash above all else... well, maybe not above the boys themselves.

you posted 100 posts without visiting greg and Nick. why?
*waves at new people* Hi guys. :3

Alright, I've got a question... or a request rather. Although I've already got two people who beta for me, I need another one. Someone who's willing to pick my story appart and point out what's wrong with it. Because I've got the feeling I'm not getting any better. My stories now are kind of okay, but I want them to be better. I think it has partly to do with the fact that English isn't my native language, and half the time I've got the feeling I'm flailing at finding the right words, and half of the time I don't succeed. I guess everybody who's got English not as their first language knows what I mean... I need someone who's willing to brake my stories in tiny pieces and gives hints to how I can put them back together again, sorta speak. :'3

Anyway... I guess what I'm asking is... someone willing to beta my Nick/Greg stories? *puppy dog eyes*
Since tonight is a rerun, I thought I'd pose a question or two about episodes past.
1. If you could choose one episode to rerun, what would it be?
2. You want to convince someone else or the PTB that Nick and Greg are meant for one another and/or are in a relationship/heading towards relationshipville, what one episode would you choose? Why?
LoneWolfe001 said:
Nick & Greg need a theme song. any ideas?

Every you, every me, by Placebo. *shameless plug* ;)
Actually, most of their songs could be a N/G "theme" song.

Anyway, this is mostly a drive-by, but I thought I'd offer that up as a suggestion, so as to keep the mods and admins off my ass. (Can we even say "ass" on here anymore?! I've not been on for a while and it seems more has changed than simply the layout of the board.)

*loves and off to bed* *hugs and kisses for Kelly* and whoever else wants them, I suppose. Heh. :D
just1tearforme said:
Since tonight is a rerun, I thought I'd pose a question or two about episodes past.
1. If you could choose one episode to rerun, what would it be?
2. You want to convince someone else or the PTB that Nick and Greg are meant for one another and/or are in a relationship/heading towards relationshipville, what one episode would you choose? Why?

1. Probably Grave Danger just because I can't get enough Nicky angst

2. Only one episode! Well I guess I'd pick "Bad Words" because that's the episode where Nick touches Greg's chest and calls him doll! I'm squeeing just thinking about that scene :D
Hey Sillie. I totally don't know how to quote on here, but I'd be happy to beta for you. Your artwork rocks, and I really liked "In Heat"
Nikka_what said:
*loves and off to bed* *hugs and kisses for Kelly* and whoever else wants them, I suppose. Heh. :D

Nikka! *runs and covers with sloppy kisses* girl you so need to come and visit more often. Been a little quiet here lately, but the love is stronger than ever. Everybody is feeling it, and please, could have asked for a better scene for our boys than discussing a guy, in a bikini, and all fours in bed, what is it with them and the sex cases???? Not like I'm complaining of course, but so so fun.

I'd say rerun KKBB because there is so much Greggo goodness!

well, Felonious monk because of the eye fu*kage scene!!
LoneWolfe001 said:
anyone reading any good N/G fics lately?

Well, the three I've read lately that were very good were, "Because I Want You" by Serenity, "Into the Fire" by Kennedy, plus "The Return of the Crazy Hair", and "As the World Falls Down" by NicksAngel, and also "Baby Steps" by Catlover2x, which tied for best Post-ep GD in the Fanfic Awards, and don't forget the "Masquarade Series" by Jennybel and Catlover2x also.

Any of those sound interesting?

Can I also recommend 'Sno' by anmani which is just beginning, she just posted chapter 3 today. It's a really good 'first time' fic.
subobscura said:
Hey Sillie. I totally don't know how to quote on here, but I'd be happy to beta for you. Your artwork rocks, and I really liked "In Heat"

That would be great. Could you PM me with your email so when I've got something I can mail it to you?

To the rest... 'The Medallion' by subobscura ( is worth reading. It's quite good. :3
just1tearforme said:
Since tonight is a rerun, I thought I'd pose a question or two about episodes past.
1. If you could choose one episode to rerun, what would it be?
2. You want to convince someone else or the PTB that Nick and Greg are meant for one another and/or are in a relationship/heading towards relationshipville, what one episode would you choose? Why?

1. "Stalker", "Chasing The Bus", "Gum Drops"....

2. "Abracadaver", season 3. Why? *Pointing to my icon* ;). That gesture means "I love you" in sign language.

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