The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Serenity said:
Can I also recommend 'Sno' by anmani which is just beginning, she just posted chapter 3 today. It's a really good 'first time' fic.

I am reading Sno as well , its very good (if u haven't read it, pls do). I am also reading "You're just one more hand me down" (its really good as well) and i'm reading an AU called CSI Men (CSI meets Xmen - its cool)
so how many people can we get in a tent?

Well, I hope you've got room for one more! The school year is now officially over for me so I'm back :D I've missed the Fort for sooo long!!

As for good fic lately, I've definitely been enjoying Kennedy's work, and also Serenity's "Because I Want You" fic.
Of course Dixie, always room for more.

Just to let everyone know, Matt has once again out done himself and updated the site, created a beta program, plus you can ask a question you absolutely not remember what episode it was, and you can now register if you want to be a part of our beta program. Matt's calling it WMTDB 3.0 version. Let us know what you think, there is a comment place at the bottom.

The new site looks amazing, the way you've set up the beta programme is so good, with the different options. I'm hoping that there's a lot of uptake for this service.

The Wikki software will take a little getting used to (I'm not very technically minded) but I'm sure I'll get used to it!

Well done to you and Matt.
I am a huge Nick/Greg fan lol. I love all the fics, vidoes and funny pics!!
shelie0898 said:
I am a huge Nick/Greg fan lol. I love all the fics, vidoes and funny pics!!

Welcome shelie0890 sit back and enjoy the view, isn't it beautiful, *everyone scout on over, one more coming in) Hope you like our happy little Fort of Love, I'm Shacky, the Librarian around these part, so is your looking for fic, need a rec, a place to start, I'm your girl, plus I run the "What Makes the Desert Beautiful Site" which is a Nick/Greg archive, so if you need anything, a sleeping bad, a rec, a title, or another marshmellow, I'm your girl.

And for the reason I came around here.

OH OH OH, the perfect video idea came to me, I don't think anyone else has done it cause I haven't seen it, no title, but give you a hint, the love song to where we're at now. Won't it be the prefect song, now I just have to hope I can do it justice, it will probably take me a few days, or maybe tomorrow, you never know. When inspiration strikes me, you now how impatient I get.

Shacky, if it's the song I'm thinking of, it will be fantastic! I toyed with the idea of that one myself but then made the one using 'the wings' because I was so short on time and it was a really short song!

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Fic update: I have now written over 30,000 words for 'The Everlasting' ;)
Serenity said:
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Fic update: I have now written over 30,000 words for 'The Everlasting' ;)

Ya, it's probably the one you're thinking of, it just hit me, and I was thinking, "yeah, I can do that" so I'll give it my best shot. And girl, when are you doing to start posting, you're killing me here.

Hehe, I'm not going to start posting until I'm completely finished. If it's anything like BIWY I'll still be working on the first chapter when I'm writing the last one!

Also means there's less pressure if I know I have all the chapters tucked away safely, ready for unveiling at the right time. If I get writers block for a week now it doesn't matter. If I get it during posting, I'll be panicked. LOL
omg greg is sooo hot! he is a total babe!nick is hot he has a serious six pack!
Guess what movie I saw yesterday guys?? Brokeback Mountain of course!!! :D Now I actually understand what you guys are talking about :lol:

and Kelly I can't wait until you finish that video! :)
Oooh, I don't like it when we're this far down the page.

Is there a new episode this week, for those of you who can watch it?
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