The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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hey people, i started a fanfic challenge on the fanfic section and one of the pairings is nick/greg, i hope you guys will participate and show to everybody how the LOVE is strong :D
Morning all!

chapter 19 - That's all you need - is up now.

Also, just to let you know that 'Subtext is everything' won the name vote. Thanks to all that voted.
Subtext won the name vote by a MILE, actually :)

Serenity, is there really only one chapter left? Maaan. I feel like all the fanfics I'm reading are ending all at once. *cries*
Serenity said:
Yep, I'm afraid there is only one more chapter.... and no sequels either. Sorry!

WHAT :eek: I just go and leave you this big long review and that's it, damn girl.

No everyone I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, and no more trips to the hospital at least either. Still here in TN one more day, so I can get back to all the N/G goodness and catch up on what I missed? So, what did I miss, what'cha all talking bout, out of the loop again

Haha that video was funny=)

Do you know where to find CSI Bloopers? I searched the net and found one video on You tube, with Who I think is Catherine and Nick dancing or something.
And there is Greg also in it, its no sound only music its sad. They seem to have a blast working tohether
Question: Does anyone know what Nick's ball cap says (the one he wears at scenes)? I've looked at pics, and I've tried looking on the DVR, but I just can't tell what it says. It looks like some kind of emblem, with some writing.
Not the CSI one? I can only think of the standard issue CSI cap.. hm.. that one just has the LVPD seal and "Las Vegas Nevada CSI" on it...*shrugs* (I have one from the official CSI store. It makes me soooo proug. I wear it every Thursday.)
I dunno. That might be it. I can't really see it clearly. He's wearing it in the ep where his truck gets stolen. If anyone has a pic where I can see it clearly, I'd love you.
Morning all! It's with a mix of sadness and joy that I come to inform you that my last chapter is now up, called:

Epilogue - The Everlasting

I hope you enjoy.
Cant anyone tell me if there is some bloopers on the dvds on CSI???
or somewhere else where I can find it.

Jessy said:
Cant anyone tell me if there is some bloopers on the dvds on CSI???
or somewhere else where I can find it.


I have looked and looked also. They are very rare to find. The only one that I really know of is from "Cat's In the Cradle" with Eric and the glove on his head, with WP cracking up, and with Marg and George going to the coroner in "All For Country" where he is acting like he has a gun, and is covering, being a complete goof. Someone has an icon of it, forgive me, I forgot.

Off to read your chapter Serenity, I thought about putting it off so it wouldn't be over, but can't wait.

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