The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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ohmygreg you guys. i haven't been here in like, forever. KELLY, hope you're doing okay and all the injuries are better! had my own narrow escape this weekend - pm, msn or email me if interested. hahaha

oh and those pics! i'm talking about kelly's timeline of The Love! *falls* so amazing... so undeniable.

i have to get back into fic too. still wrestling this screenplay to the ground... and writing my other "professional" stuff.... but i have a hankering to write some PWP.

oh WOJO, i lovelove your avatar!!

oh and WTF?!!! what's gone on with nickngreg?? someone spamming/trolling/dissing? hope you booted them well and truly to the curb. *fondles baseball bat* if you guys need an enforcer, i'm up for the challenge.

ok that's it, later dudes!
*sob* I have to go to New York and FOR SOME STUPID REASON I can't bring my laptop...I'm going to miss so much! Oh no...
Aww, bacon! How long are you going for?

Hey sofine! Good to see you back!

Yeah, we had some trolling and spamming at the Nick/Greg comm, but as our mod was AWOL we couldn't do anything about it. But lj handed the comm over to mangojunkie/Dreama, and her, geekwriter and myself are now the new mods *happy*
excellent serenity! remember, if you need some bums spanked.... you know where i am. *looks around*

welcome to all the new people!! *hug*
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