The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Hey, Clockstopper, welcome back. Been wonderin what happened to you. Who needs school, fic we do need however.

Lament, just finished reading your story for the first time. How wonderful and different. Greg is just, so Greg. Can't even scare someone right. I could just imagine him stomping and pouting that Nick didn't even notice him.

Sillie, so adored the "Sweet Dreams" one. You're just amazing. Hell, I can't even help William draw stick people for his first grade class.

I so need to do something, I'm feeling most useless lately, need to start making that vid, well after the laundry is finally finished. I didn't know four people on vacation for a week could produce so much laundry.....

Hey, Clockstopper, welcome back. Been wonderin what happened to you. Who needs school, fic we do need however.

Oh I wish right. Sadly, school is a must, but like I said it's almost over. I think like two weeks... I should really know how long it is however I do not.

Fic, yes fic is good. I just wrote something Nick/Greg that was one part smutty and one part fluffy so I'm getting back into the writting game.

Wojo yes the 30 second Greg scenes really do need to stop. I guess we just have to wait for season seven.
Hi everybody, I wasn't around so much lately (and I couldn't log in :mad:) and I just wanted to say that I made a new Nick/Greg video a few days ago.
You can find it in my livejournal and also in some lj communities. Link to my LJ is in my profile!

And now (or better tomorrow) :lol: I have to go and read some stories, I missed a lot the whole week. :rolleyes:

Goodnight! :)
i <3 greg and nick

i made a name for them and it's CURNAL STOKES

the owner of kfc was named curnal SANDERS, sanders is gregs last name and i take that away and add stokes and wala CURNAL STOKES

i think of curnal stokes the same way marge thinks of potatoes "i just think there neat" :lol:
Hey all I posted a new fic. It's rated R so I can't provide a link but its at the usual places, nick & Greg LJ & WMTDB.

Someone once told me I was blessed with a naughty mind(You know who you are :)), and this fic is no exception to that rule. Hope you enjoy it. It's called 'Tell Me' Beta'd by our own Shacky20.
Hey, I took a few days off, but I wanted to say that Sillie, I LOVE your drawings, thanks a bunch! Especially the one with them as secret agents. very cute ;)
Hey all. I was thinking about posting me and Kristen story at WMTDB. I know it's just a friendship story, but there have been other friendship stories posted there. And there have been a lot of new readers since then, and seeing the season finale brought back so many memories of last year's, but I don't want to play favorites with myself. I don't know. It may be too old, but many probably haven't even heard of it. Hum, I can't decide.

Love the fic Wojo. God I'm so bored, I need to find something to do until bedtime.

Kelly - do it. I don't see what difference it makes whether it's old or new, full-blown slash or friendship, the archive is there for all things Nick and Greg (you know that! :p) And you shouldn't have to worry about playing favourites with yourself, you're just as entitled to load your stories there as any one of us.

It's blooming hot here, so I'm off to catch up on new stories before I have to venture outside.
Yeah, it's 93 here. I really hate summer, too damn hot and my flowers are dying off from the heat.

Well I got my video started, I've been working on it for five hours, and I've got 1 minute and 30 seconds done. Damn, I meant what I said it would probably be my hardest yet, but it's looking cool...

Can't wait to see te finished video Kelly, bet it will be good. It's only 79 where I am, but I work in a warehouse with no A/C's misserable.
Well I might actually get it done tonight, up to two and a half minutes, depends how busy my kiddies keep me. I hope more people show up to see it.

OK, I must have scared everyone away, Hello (hello hello hello) Well, that project I mentioned will be up shortly. Once I got it started had to finish it, give me about fifteen to get it everywhere.

Kelly, I just watched your video over on your LJ... very nice. I already posted in your comments, but I had to come acknowledge it here too, cause it's just that great :)
just1tearforme said:
Just a heads up, I updated "Nerd Gone Wild". It's posted at the usual places: Nick&Greg lj, WMTDB.

Already reading it! I'm quick huh? Not like I was anxious, no, not at all.

ziggystarduzt said:
Kelly, I just watched your video over on your LJ... very nice. I already posted in your comments, but I had to come acknowledge it here too, cause it's just that great :)

Thank you so much, I needed that, not a lot of people around tonight, so didn't hear much back. But thank you so much. That took a hell of a lot of editing, but I think I found my new favorite.

hey just1tearforme I am so glad to see you continue this fic. Awesome chapter.

Shacky loved the video!!
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