The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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sarahvma said:
Perhaps it's simply my liberal roots, but I don't think it would be that much of a stretch for the love to fly on the show.

But either way - they're still adorable together.

sarahvma, are you new around here? If so welcome to our Slashy little love Fort, this time we were at Brokeback Mountain, we move a lot cause our fingers to the talking. And I personally doesn't think it has anything to do with liberal/conservative, but hun, I'm about as conservative as they come, and hell, I run the website, it's all about the Love, and it just grabs hold of you it leaps out of the TV and never let's go.

Hope you like it around here, we're a friendly folk and are very easy to live with (Hey everyone, scoot in, nother one in the tent)

Heya guys,
just voted for Nick/Greg in the slash comp. They're kicking arse, of course :)

Does anyone know who i can credit my current avatar to? I can't remember where i got it from.

ETA: Welcome to the fort Sarahvma!
sarahvma, are you new around here? If so welcome to our Slashy little love Fort, this time we were at Brokeback Mountain, we move a lot cause our fingers to the talking. And I personally doesn't think it has anything to do with liberal/conservative, but hun, I'm about as conservative as they come, and hell, I run the website, it's all about the Love, and it just grabs hold of you it leaps out of the TV and never let's go.

Hope you like it around here, we're a friendly folk and are very easy to live with (Hey everyone, scoot in, nother one in the tent)


LOL - I didn't mean to make it about politics - I've just always been raised very liberally was all I meant.

I think it's more of a "norm" for me.

Having said that - I totally recognize that others do as well.

But anyway - I still love these two together. Other than the ship I quite plainly support, it is my favorite. I think more than anything, these two just have a great comraderie.

lol - yes, the love has a power that submits us to its sexy, sexy will.
I was checking out the picture over at and I noticed -
Nick has what appears to be a cut on his neck just below his ear. It's red in the very least, though I could be wrong. And does it seems like Doc Robbins is holding a scapel?
Of course I could be completely delusional, which considering finals have just ended (I sent my paper to my prof so I am done) and there was little sleep to be found is a perfectly viable reality. Anyone? Bueller? LOL
sarahvma said:
Perhaps it's simply my liberal roots, but I don't think it would be that much of a stretch for the love to fly on the show.

They've had enough cute scenes between these two, and I can't see either of these two actors objecting to it... and it would be nice to see a gay relationship on television that isn't *all* about the fact that they're Jack from Will and Grace or Queer Eye gay.

But either way - they're still adorable together.
Hahha Oh . So season 6 isnt over yet, god Now I understand what you all are talking about. Wich episode are they airing where you live ? and wich days?

Where do you vote for the ship???

Have anyone got the clip of George when he is asked about his love life? and he says something like, blah dont remember
The last two episodes air on May 11 & 18th, it's a two part fianle.
Go to shipper central, you will find the thread there.

I know the clip but I Can't help with finding it -sorry, maybe some else knows. I believe George is asked about his personal relationships and just keeps saying "I'm not married" blushing a bit as he says it.
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.
heartagram69 said:
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.

Hardly surprising :rolleyes:
heartagram69 said:
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.

well then he is single anyway. And why on earth did he say " Deffinelety Not"?? what is he trying to prove, is he so afraid that people should think he is gay. He could just have said No.
Grr is he a homohob or what?
Ok so I'm new. Hi! Second, no Sarahmva...I am still not stalking you.

But I had this very odd image pop into my head last night that I just thought I should share and Fogi would poke me with her stick and get me with the water gun if I posted it in my ships (can you guess which one?) board. So here it is, my very own Nick/Greg scenario (which I would love to watch onscreen...) which I promise is totally PG-13...well ok so I'll cut it off when it starts not being PG-13...

Scene: Locker room after shift, Gregs in an obvious hurry.

N: Going somewhere Greggo?
G: (Kinda of flustered) I've been talking to this guy online for a while now, we're meeting for breakfast this morning...
N: Did you just say 'guy'?
G: (Blushing) Uh...yeah.
N: So you're...
G: (totally beet red) yeah.
N: (turns away to walk out the door) You should have told me sooner...we could have had a good time. (Leaves)
G: (slow on the uptake...takes a minute for what Nick just said to be comprehended cue an OMG look) Hey! Nicky! Wait a second!

Use your imagination to fill in the rest... :devil: lol.

Second on my list of three ships - The Love kicks butt. Now if we could just convince TPTB that it should be...
heartagram69 said:
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.
Well, thats intresting.
There could be three possible reasons George said this:

1)He's telling the truth. He's not gay
2)He's bisexual, therfore he wasn't really lying
3)He's so far in the closet he can't see his way out. He's afraid to admit the truth :eek:

[I vote for number 3]
lol - ducks as Turtlebaby follows her.

Anyway - I do dislike that if any actor is single, they immediately get the gay rumor. I just kind of want it to all be even, I suppose.

At any rate - Nick and Greg.

The cut on Nick's neck... well, Greg is sitting next to Doc. They probably got in a fight over who got to cut his shirt off this time and Doc got a little crazy with the knife.
*limps in, still sore from the thrashing Shacky gave me the other day* :p

sarahvma dubbed Nick & Greg "Abs Man & Gel Boy" over in the GSR thread earlier today (which I think is just begging from someone to turn into a comic strip - think about it, the boys in latex super hero outfits... *drools*

Anyway, as a result, this was just begging to be made...


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