The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Heya, this must be like, the morning or something for America? cuz everyone's here, and it's like, 1am in W.A. I'm never here at the same time as everone else...kewl!

Shacky, i can't remember where i got the avatar from, so i have no idea who to credit. I was randomly searching through my photobucket account and found it.

LoneWolfe, it wasn't that long a pause, about 2 or 3 seconds maybe? George just looked a little "whaa? Did you really just ask me that"? and then said no. He and Adam were kinda grinning throughout the whole exchange.

I dunno, maybe someone will put it up on the web, and you guys can see for yourselves? *runs off to youtube*

Oh, also: Tom Cruise is a crazy, scary, insane and gay man.
Please curtainonfloor : Speak more! haha
What does he do in Australia? is he there now?
God he got 2 questions already asking if he was gay? never heard of that before.
Glad he atleast said NO this time, and NOT Def NO like someone posted he said in another interview.

I just watch season 2 again episode 20 Cats in the cradle, its soo funny. When Greg says to Nick they are going to play a game , and then Nick figures the game out and he says to Greg " What did I win?
haha my mind said Greg was walking closer him and gave him a kiss.
LoneWolfe001 said:
I think they are both are wonderful actors. I think both could play gay roles if they want too.

Actually Eric does play a gay man in his one man play 'Hyenas'.

about the play:
Hyenas tells the story of 22-year-old Théodore-Frédéric Benoît, who has been accused of killing his male lover and mother. In this one man show, Szmanda goes through a rollercoaster ride of emotions as his character's monologues make the audience question whether he is innocent or guilty. The play marks Szmanda's third project with director Paul Verdier at the Stages Theatre Center in Los Angeles.
Wojo said:
heartagram69 said:
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.
Well, thats intresting.
There could be three possible reasons George said this:

1)He's telling the truth. He's not gay
2)He's bisexual, therfore he wasn't really lying
3)He's so far in the closet he can't see his way out. He's afraid to admit the truth :eek:

[I vote for number 3]

Number 3..... although not completely by his own choosing......
Hey guys, could we veer away from discussion of the actors' sexuality? It's a private matter for them, and unless one of you is secretly George or Eric, we really can't know the real truth. :p There is an LJ community dedicated to the guys, and I'm sure someone would be happy to PM the link to anyone who wants it.

So let's keep this thread focused on the Love between Nick and Greg. :)
OK, back to Nick and Greg.... what do you think Nick got Greg for his birthday? (non-rude things please! PG 13 remember!)
mmm, let me think. How about a the Brokeback Mountain dvd & a cowboy hat (cos that is what i would like for my birthday. LOL!!).

or maybe Nicky got Greg something MM related
Funny you should ask, I just finished part two of my story 'The Ulimate Gift'. Nick gives Greg a specail gift. Rated NC-17 though. I sent it to be beta'd so when it's done I'll let you know.

I think Nick would do anything Greg wanted. Ex: dinner, dancing, breakfast in bed, take him to a movie, concert tickets...etc
um... a big party with lots of CAKE mmmmmmmmmm...... :p o right them sorry :lol: um i dono the dvd for sure but um maybe t-shirt or somthin idon't know :confused: :lol:
What would Nick get Greg for his birthday? Hmmm... Good question. Something "sweet" :) Maybe a weekend retreat off in the mountains, or a trip home to California... I definitely think he'd take him away from home for a while in order to escape work related things and just have some solitude. Or maybe he'd just take him to one of Vegas's hotels for a weekend and never leave the room ;)
I like the thought of them never leaving the room Dixie :) On the point of Nick giving Greg BBM I like it but it's a little sad, I dunno I think he might get Greg something a little more nc17 (or maybe I just pray he would)

I'm new to the boards by the way so HEY. I'm a long time lurker of this thread and I love this one the most.
I second that welcome. Nice of you to come out of lurking HopelessRomantic , we are always glad to have newbies here who share 'The Love'. :D
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