The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Wojo said:
heartagram69 said:
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.
Well, thats intresting.
There could be three possible reasons George said this:

1)He's telling the truth. He's not gay
2)He's bisexual, therfore he wasn't really lying
3)He's so far in the closet he can't see his way out. He's afraid to admit the truth :eek:

[I vote for number 3]


4) He really is straight
forensicsgirl said:



OMG that's good - you should put that on the 'photo manipulation fun' thread in the art section. they would love it!!

LoneWolfe001 said:
Wojo said:
heartagram69 said:
george was presenting at the logies tonight, and was asked backstage if he was single he said currently, and if he was gay and he said deffinetely not.
Well, thats intresting.
There could be three possible reasons George said this:

1)He's telling the truth. He's not gay
2)He's bisexual, therfore he wasn't really lying
3)He's so far in the closet he can't see his way out. He's afraid to admit the truth :eek:

[I vote for number 3]


4) He really is straight

Well isn't 4 the same as 1?
sarahvma dubbed Nick & Greg "Abs Man & Gel Boy" over in the GSR thread earlier today (which I think is just begging from someone to turn into a comic strip - think about it, the boys in latex super hero outfits... *drools*

*Drools at her own concept...*


4) He really is straight

Oh, you and your crazy theories.

Anyway - I don't think that the actor needs to be gay in order to have a gay pairing. I spoke of Will and Grace earlier, but Will is a great example of that - he plays a man who happens to be gay, not a gay man straight up front. But the actor himself is straight and married.

Same with Eric - he is most likely straight, but that doesn't mean he'd hate the idea of playing a gay character.

It's clear that this cast is comfortable with one-another from the way they speak of each other, and when the firings happened, how many stepped aside and said, "If they don't come back, I don't come back".

So, again, it would probably be a comfortable place to bring out this kind of a pairing.

I mean, how are two men who look like Greg and Nick single? Especially with Nick's musings about marriage and love?
sarahvma said:

I can't see either of these two actors objecting to it... and it would be nice to see a gay relationship on television

I think George would object for 2 reasons:

1) Since he said he is defiantely NOT GAY, I doube he would play a gay role


2) This is an extract from the CSI files interview with george Eads:

"Eads is quick to acknowledge in no uncertain terms that he's not in favor of romance between the main characters on the show. "Is that what people want to see—does everybody want to see us make out?" he asks. "Change the channel, man! We're not going to make out. I'm not making out with anybody!"

Damn!! it would have been so HOT if Nick & Greg got together on the show. But there is always fic to fall back on.

if i doubled postes. I am sorry. how do u add to quotes in one post :confused: :confused: :confused:

Well, not to bring my own ship into it just for the sake of it, but while watching Snakes he made it clear that he was in favor of Grissom/Sara.

A lot of actors at the beginning of the show, and a lot of staff said that they would never deal with the romantic lives of these people, and yet they seem to be doing it now.

Besides - with Will and Grace ending I need hot men goin' at it! lol.

On a perfectly serious note, it does seem to be a trend on television now to have a character that you love turn gay out of nowhere - and I think the method behind that is to show that it can be anyone - it's not this obscure person to fear.

Also, I think it would be great for them to aknowledge the chemistry between these two.

Even my mom, who doesn't really ship anyone, said she thought they'd make the cutest couple.
They do make the cutest couple don't they. super duper HOT. I would love it if it really happened on the show (a girl can dream though).

I love the pic forensicgirl!!!

Wojo, you are right 1 & 4 are the same. OMG, so embaressed, that is what happens when u read too quickly. *blushes*
sarahvma: I agree that there is people who play Gay and they are not in real life, Hell everyone is straight and married with children if they played gay. Sadness haha
Is like where are the gay people?

And we dont really know for sure if george or Eric has girlfriends / boyfriends whateva, they most likely say they are single anyway, so does every celeb for protecting their status and for still be number one for fans.
I think tough Eric is more open towards Gayness, dont know why, he just seems like a guy who could play gay more than George can.
forensicsgirl said:
*limps in, still sore from the thrashing Shacky gave me the other day* :p

Eh now, it wasn't that bad, just don't do it again and God those pics are hilarious, Greg the Mysterious Gel Man! Love it Love it

sarahvma Sorry if I came across that way, let's just say, people in another fandom would't even speak to me after they found out, but Nick and Greg are my first slash couple and seriously, it's almost canon.

And Hello to Turtlebaby also. For both of you, I'm Shacky20, and kind of the Local Librian, need recs, needs fics, Need websites or you remember the title but can't find it or any other thing. So you need anything like that, just let me know. And if you need any help or are looking for stuff at the nick and greg website, just ask me, I can help you there also

LoneWolfe001: that he says in an interview " he's not gay" doesn't mean he's telling the truth. Hello, this is Hollywood!.

Rock Hudson wasn't gay either. Or Tab Hunter. Or Richard Chamberlain and many others and they came out when their careers were over. Clay Aiken isn't gay either :lol:.Or Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel, Ryan Seacrest, Jesse Metcalfe...All of them have always denied the gay rumors because there's no such a thing as a hot gay actor in Hollywood! :lol: I guess George's publicist is just doing her work.
I just watched George Eads on Aussie tele!!!

Adam Hills (an interviewer) asked him what he thougth of Aus. GE said it's been one long party, and he hasn't slept since he got here. Adam then used the purple UV light thingy they use on CSI and tried to suss out George's suit, (he got pushed away when he got to his crotch hee hee) and then asked him if he was single, GE said yes, and gay? ... No.

There was a pause people!!!

George was also asked about AFL (Aussie rules footy) as he watched his first game today, and he said he didn't know much about it (he didn't know it was played on an oval field :rolleyes:) , until a channel9 exc. told him all the rules. George reckoned that it's a very skilled sport which requires much athleticism. I bet he was just concentrating on all the hot guys in singlets and short shorts running around, but that could be just me...

I'm sorry, i'm just babbling everything i can remember about George at the Logies, cuz i'm just so excited he's in Australia!!! Yayayayay... *breathes*
Curtainfloor, nice icon, do you steal that from me? I remember I snagged is once over a year ago but didn't have or the name to credit for it. If you do I'd love to have it.

Cool, are we all coming out to play today?

Curtainfloor: How long of a pause are we talking about???

Seabird: are you saying that Tom Cruise and Vin Diesel are gay? No way sweetie. PM me, we can dicuss this.
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