The Ever-Declining Danny: Hot Or Not?

CrushinOnMesser said:
I always thought of Danny as the nerd that had a little sex appeal :). I think he looks hot but I keep visualizing him living off on the vending machines and tha free coffee in the office just to get buy with his salary but still be able to shop regularly at Barney's :lol:.

Oh, yes, definitely. I think Danny had a lot of sex appeal first season, but it was sex appeal he was at least partially unconscious of. Yeah, Danny knew he was cute, but I didn't get the feeling he knew how magnetic he is, how almost everyone responds to him sexually, whether consciously or not. A lot of suspects gave Danny the once-over. ;) It was interesting to watch. He didn't need the tight, trendy clothing to emphasize his sex appeal because the intensity of the character made him smolder.

His look was never an issue for me before because Danny was a great character. His appearance may enhance his persona but a pair of "Citizens of Humanity" jeans and a few baby-tees doesn't make Danny the Danny I, and I'm sure others fell for :). The problem now is that there is barely a character to actually enhance :(.

No, you're absolutely right--it's that the character has been changed more than the wardrobe. The trendy clothes wouldn't make him just another pretty boy if Danny was still the same intense character he was before. It all comes back to the changes in the character.
I miss our Danny... The old Danny :(.

No, you're absolutely right--it's that the character has been changed more than the wardrobe. The trendy clothes wouldn't make him just another pretty boy if Danny was still the same intense character he was before. It all comes back to the changes in the character.

The Danny that was a smart and talented criminals, that showed-off his capabilities in a way that it was almost like competition. The one who was passionate about his work. He who was determined to prove his dotting peers wrong. He who earned his colleges respect without sacrificing his integrity.

I miss his raw and emotional style. That rough-around-the-edges persona. I miss how he could be professional and respectable but still have the empathy to understand victims and have that humor for that friendly banter with his co-workers.

That's the Danny I love and miss... He's been pushed to the back a some sort of prop or backdrop and been reduced to a neutered, stereo-typical, eye-candy with hardly any depth.
That's what I miss too...the passion. Danny cared so damn much that he'd get worked up and upset and clearly took what people were capable of doing to each other personally. He was so incredibly emotional, but it made him real, and it made me (and many others) gravitate towards him as a character. I believed in him as a person, not as a too-perfect-to-be-true investigator, like so many of the CSIs are. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but how many people are as cool under pressure as Calleigh or as unshakeable as Grissom? They're larger than life, and that fits their characters, but I liked how real Danny was.

I agree that he's been turned into eye candy, and a "romantic lead" type. Romantic leads are all well and good in romantic comedies, but they tend to be rather bland. Pretty, but bland. I'd hate to see that be all Danny is relegated to, especially after being such a three-dimensional character in the past.
Top41 said:
I agree that he's been turned into eye candy, and a "romantic lead" type. Romantic leads are all well and good in romantic comedies, but they tend to be rather bland. Pretty, but bland. I'd hate to see that be all Danny is relegated to, especially after being such a three-dimensional character in the past.

To be honest, I think it's a bloody insult to our intelligence. TPTB clearly consider that a girly fanbase wants a man with a pretty face, a good bod and nothing more. Can't we be attracted to a man with a brain, with a personality? Just how stupid and vacuous do they think we are?
^It is insulting to the audience--Danny became a popular character not because he's cute or because he's got a great ass, but because he's complex and passionate. I mean, no offense to Carmine, but just based on looks, Eddie and Hill are both classically better looking men. But Danny is so earnest and such a strong-willed character that his energy draws you in and makes him more attractive than he might otherwise be. So yeah, turning him into some himbo in tight clothing who gets the plain girl is insulting to the audience. I'm also insulted that they'd think as a girl from the Midwest, I'd ever relate to the plain, dowdy, uptight chick from Montana, but that's another story. :lol:
Twinkletoes said:
TPTB clearly consider that a girly fanbase wants a man with a pretty face, a good bod and nothing more.

Exactly. You'd almost think TPTB are mistaking us for men! :p :lol:
I can't believe that the show like this would ever think that way. CSI is entertaining cause of it's blend of the science of criminology and amazing storylines that involves the criminalist lives. It's complex with a lot of heart.

At least... that's why I fell in love with the show.

To be honest, I think it's a bloody insult to our intelligence. TPTB clearly consider that a girly fanbase wants a man with a pretty face, a good bod and nothing more. Can't we be attracted to a man with a brain, with a personality? Just how stupid and vacuous do they think we are?

Danny has always been an interesting character. His story was well developed and Carmine (in my opinion) is perfect for the part.

Now in the 3rd season, making him into a mannequin after he's been so lively isn't only and insult to the audience but also to the character and actor. Carmine's a great actor and I always loved that I saw Danny a smart, funny and genuine guy who just happened to look good.

His physical appearance was only the icing on the cake for me, now it seems that the layer of the icing is thicker than the actual cake.
I think the main attraction with Danny was he was a bad boy turned good. He's got street knowledge with an enormous geeky side.
yeah he's a good looking guy but the way he has formed the character is what makes him more attractive. Bring back the suits or the jean, shirts combo from season 2. Some fangirls are forgiving if you put Danny is a tight tee shirt or make him whip his top off, but with the storylines you started and what we know Carmine is capable of, a flash of flesh isn't going to cut it.
Top41 said:
^It is insulting to the audience--Danny became a popular character not because he's cute or because he's got a great ass, but because he's complex and passionate. I mean, no offense to Carmine, but just based on looks, Eddie and Hill are both classically better looking men. But Danny is so earnest and such a strong-willed character that his energy draws you in and makes him more attractive than he might otherwise be. So yeah, turning him into some himbo in tight clothing who gets the plain girl is insulting to the audience.
Excellent post! I'm surprised that with a female showrunner and women on the writing staff, they think eye candy does it for us. Sure he's hot. Blah. Blah. Who gives a shit about that? Besides, as Top points out, Eddie and Hill are both traditionally better looking anyway. It's the energy and the passion that does it for us. Not the hot guy with the tight shirt. :rolleyes:

I'm also insulted that they'd think as a girl from the Midwest, I'd ever relate to the plain, dowdy, uptight chick from Montana, but that's another story. :lol:
Duuuuude, you should be insulted!!!!
Great points, everyone! You've all pretty much hit the nail on the head why Danny just isn't Danny anymore.

CrushinOnMesser said:
His physical appearance was only the icing on the cake for me, now it seems that the layer of the icing is thicker than the actual cake.

And ya know what happens when you're forcibly being stuffed with a whole lotta icing than cake, right?

You'll get sick of it sooner or later. Big time.

(Heck, even icing freaks will get bored of it one way or another.)
PerfectAnomaly said:
Twinkletoes said:
TPTB clearly consider that a girly fanbase wants a man with a pretty face, a good bod and nothing more.

Exactly. You'd almost think TPTB are mistaking us for men! :p :lol:

:lol: I'll admit, as a woman with a healthy sex drive, I do like seeing Danny stripped down now and then. ;) But I think it should be within a good storyline and make sense--in "Trapped" he was stuck in a panic room that conveniently didn't have air conditioning. Off comes the shirt--that makes sense, and the story was great. While I will admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the sight of him shirtless in "Mrs. Azrael" I also feel bad that it took away from Hawkes' moment. And it was totally and completely gratuituous.

But where I think we're really being condescended to is with this cheesy romance between Danny/Lindsay. I feel like TPTB or the network or both think that just because we're women and find this guy attractive, that we want to see him in a romance. I'll admit, the possibility could have been intriguing with someone like Maka or Aiden, where it would have been hot and sexy and adult. But this dislike-turns-to-love, paint-by-numbers, high school level romance with an unpleasant character that he has no chemistry with? No.

It's all formula, cheesy, bad romantic comedy formula. That formula does work in movies sometimes when done well. But honestly? I can't recall the last great romantic comedy I saw. Bridget Jones's Diary probably, and that was several years ago and worked because the characters were great, had chemistry and a great story.

The problem with trying to replicate that in a CSI show is that it's not a romantic comedy. CSI:NY is about crimes, so the romance is kind of half-assed and pales in comparison to shows where it's being done better. For a TV show, a romance like Mac and Peyton's--one character is recurring so the romance isn't always front and center, a lot of the romance happens in the background, a good mix of happy moments and trouble, etc.--works much better.

The romance has only served to hamper both Danny and Lindsay. Granted, I don't care so much about Lindsay, but she has been turned into a character who really is nothing more than Danny's love interest--she couldn't even have her own storyline without heavy involvement from him. And Danny has been undercut in that everything that was interesting and unique about him has been shoved aside in favor of this teen drama pairing.

So yes, I do feel condescended to. I think it sucks that because we're women it was assumed that we wanted a cheesy romance rather than honest-to-goodness character development.
It just seems like Danny can't have a scene without asking about Lindsay or looking off into the distance for her and Lindsay can't seem to process properly without Danny around and without mentioning she's from Montana. We get it already!!!
i think there is some serious works that needs to be done when it comes to Danny's character...and i really hope they give him a better script next season since this season is pretty much over anyhow
the more I watch S1 - they are premiering it in Slovakia, the less I wish Danny would go back to his S1-self. I mean he was funny and sarcastic but also hot-headed and annoying. not at all likeble - maybe except for his smile. his character improved in S2 and S3. he is stil funny and sarcastic and acts on his instincts but is more leveled and not at all annoying - unless he means to annoy someone on purpose.

I stay with what I said earlier - in S1 he was a boy now he is a man
^ I agree with you.. i didn't like him in season one. His hot-headnesses was totally driving me crazy. I'd be afraid to let him work on a case alone. Good, he had his bodygouard Aiden... He was such a kid. The Messer in season two... thats something i love and i'd be glad if they will go back to it next season. He can be with Lindasy or without her, i don't care, as long as he's the Danny we love.