~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/DC!'~

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Wow Casp....a warning was required for that one :eek: Good job I was sitting down!! That was definately my reward for a hard week at work. :)

Hiya Zippy great to see you here...I love the enthusiam too.... :p

As for the whole DC/HC debate, most things have been said....but from all I have read I really appreciate how honest the guy is about his mistakes and what he has learnt from them.....he really did get a rough trot after Blue.....for a long time and to be willing to admit his mistakes and pick himself back up takes some character I believe! :)

I have a lot of respect for him....and it doesn't hurt that he's not too bad to look at either ;)
Oh I'm the other side of that one...he definately improves with age ;)
But then I suppose I never saw Blue first time around!!

But I've always had a thing for the older man :lol: gotta love that maturity!!
John Kelly was extremely easy on the eyes! Horatio is adorable, but there's something about DC in NYPD Blue that is just so very, very cute.


Aw! :)
[[But I've always had a thing for the older man gotta love that maturity!!]]

Right behind you Liz... I got a thing for the older myself.. :D
John Kelly is still the 'older' man though. ;) At least, I'm assuming most of us are under 37!

I first came across DC in NYPD Blue and totally fell for him back then (1993), so I quess my perspective is a little different. Comparing the two (both character and appearance), I love them both equally. John Kelly will always have a place in my heart! But, it's so wonderful to see DC back in a regular tv role as Horatio (although some of his films are excellent too).

Appearance wise, they are both damn sexy, so I'm really not fussy in that respect! :devil:
well.. I haven't seen Blue so I can't coment on that.. all I've seen from that is the pics.. and all I can complain about is the TIES... :lol:

well I love him as Dino.. he's just so cute in that move.. and the gun is big... :D :p

I'm gonna leave that one open. sorry... :lol:
:lol: The gun has to get a mention! :D Dino was a brilliant character. I might watch 'Proof Of Life' again this weekend. I need a DC fix. ;)
Appearance wise, they are both damn sexy, so I'm really not fussy in that respect! :devil:
Luce, I couldn't agree more! I remember watching NYPD Blue when it first came out too, and David knocked my socks off! He was just gorgeous. That picture you posted is really cute! He was such a nice character too. Tough, but sensitive. David plays that kind of role so well. Michael Hayes was similar too. :)
Comparing the two (both character and appearance), I love them both equally. John Kelly will always have a place in my heart!
I think CSI Miami will always hold a special place for me - this is mainly becuase I first stated to find DC very hot in Miami *holds head in shame* (im a late starter in the DC loving department -but im catching up :lol:). Although my opinion may change when I finally get my NYPD box set and I get to feest my eyes upon John Kelly! :D
welcome back :D the first Miami eppy that I fell for DC was Blood brothers, I had seen eppies before that, but that was THE episode that DC got me :D
Ah my mum warned me about DC before I watched Miami....but I fell hard the first time I watched...I mean he just commands the screen....can't take my eyes off the man :lol:

It helps that his cahracter is adorable :)
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Welcome zippy! You've come to heaven! Erm.. I mean DC thread!

Sorry for being late.. something strange called "real life" has been bugging me :p
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 3 aka 'HC/D

Welcome back Ducky. Very good to 'see' you. :)
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