~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/DC!'~

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Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

No problemos Luce :p
And oh, how did you guess :p

Nice onces ;) (but then again.... I don't take bad screencaps :p )
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Hehe! ;) Ducky, your screencaps are amazing! :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

:lol: Sorry if I spoil too much! But I really love posting his pictures. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to see my fellow HC/DC mates happy...plus..It's ALWAYS a pleasure to post him..Get all the luxury to stare and gawk at him all day loonngg!* phff I need a life!*.. :lol: I better retire and sit back for awhile.. :D.

Love that holding up the card pic Luce! Look at that distinct hair! I can almost see every strand of it! :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Wonderful screencaps thanks for posting them Lucy, and they are wonderfully done by Ducky. :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

They are superb, love them all. Especially the fist one, Horatio, Radio, glasses, Hummer... what more could you want.
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

you know Casp I could just kiss you right now.. I LOVE those pics.. all of them.. you just made my day... now I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day.. nothing can make it go away.. totaly love yours to Luce (and Ducky)... *dreams*
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Wonderful pic`s Casper *drools* :D - which reminds me CSI Miami is on tonight (copkiller I believe) - we are so behind. :( But I get to see H tonight *double drools* :lol:
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

copkiller is a good eppy if I remember correct.. :D .. and H is always good..
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Yeah, I'm with you Tinkerbell, tuesday nights make my week, even if we are stupidly behind, need my weekly helping of H!
(Of course DVD's keep me going the rest of the week!)
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

Yeah, I'm with you Tinkerbell, tuesday nights make my week
Yay im not alone! :lol: We need our weekly dose of H. ;)

ImissSpeed - we are in the UK, and very far behind :)
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

not so much.. okey we here in sweden had lost son in lik may.. but after like 7-8 eppys they took a brake and we got it back about 5 weeks agao.. so I just resently(sp?) saw copkiller myslef.. :D
Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D

IMissSpeed...isn't that annoying? First showing 7-8 eppys.. then few months break... then few eppys... and again 2-3 months break and then rest of the eppys. Makes me really annoyed.
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