The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

You’re right. I can assure you that “Vamos” means “Let´s go”. It´s the same in Portuguese. ;)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

i have some questions? can someone help me...

in S4 (miami) epi 7 is crossover Miami & NY...did i must see nex epi form NY (S ? ep ?)to understand the end of the case ? and if there play H ?!?!

and in which S and epi form LV is first show SCI miami team ...?

in S4 epi 8 can`t understand full did H mam was kill and after this he kill the violator ?! and why NY still investigate H case ?!?

thanks in advance !
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

Well... that case will be closed in NY episode so you don't know how it ends, if you don't see it. There is not much info about "H's past". But there's still some Saint H in that episode :)

And to 2nd question... that would be season 2 and episode called "Cross-Jurisdictions"
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

And to 2nd question... that would be season 2 and episode called "Cross-Jurisdictions"

thansk for this info

but u don`t help me at all

i still don`t know which CSI NY ( S ? api ?) must see to understand the case...?!?!?!?

and with my translation "in ether" did i understand full thta H mam was kill and after this he kill the violator !?!?!?!?

write to me like i`m a fool so to be sure 100% that i will got it :D :devil:
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

i still don`t know which CSI NY ( S ? api ?) must see to understand the case...?!?!?!?
Season 2, episode #207, 'Manhatten Manhunt'.

and with my translation "in ether" did i understand full thta H mam was kill and after this he kill the violator !?!?!?!?
I haven't got my quotes at hand, but from memory, I think H says to Rick;

H: In an attempt to save my mother's life, I intervened in a situation and her killer wound up dead.
Rick: And so did she?
H: That is correct

We have no further details as yet, and we still don't know the reason why this case has been re-opened.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

thanks a lot !!!! :) now i got it my teacher like to say : 'silly question not exist'...soon will write here again ....thank again ...
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

You're welcome. :D
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

Sorry Pusher, my eyes were bit selective :lol:
But I'm glad Lucy was here :D
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

here we go again :)

i seen S4 epi 10 and don`t got it full how in the end of this epi Delko was 'saving' (free from guilt)? what actually was the mistake in the way tast was take form him ?! and it was '+' right (the test for drug)?!? and if it was '+' did it means that he too like his sister smoke marihuana?!

and i know that H is lieutenant...this promotion for what Stetler talk about was happen in the past before S 1 right ?!?!

and in epi 9 how the boys (PC game players) have succeed to go on CSI miami building (must be strictly guard) ?!?!

thanks in advance !
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL

Actually, they couldn't prove had it been active use (Eric himself smoking) OR passive (Eric being next to someone who smoked). And since passive could also cause positive test result, but it's not a crime.

So probably Eric had been next to his sister when she smoked marihuana and that's why test was positive.

H being promoted. Yeah, it happened before s1.

And for that last comment... that's a good question and I believe everyone in here wondered how it was possible.
We don't know.
Why was Eric late to the case in Hard Time?

Was watching it with the commentary a few days ago and they said he had a good cause and we would find out why. Then I missed it ...
Horatio using the word stupid ...

Calling someone or something stupid perhaps? Even just using the word ...

Episode please (and not in Season 4 as I haven't seen all of those!)
Re: Horatio using the word stupid ...

Good question...I'll let other, more competent people answer that. I'm alittle new to Miami, and I am confused. I remember H talking to this i dunno...drug dealer maybe? and asking him if his brother (raymond, obviously) was alvie. was this ever resolved...if so what eppy?
The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' thread *NO SPOILERS*

hamstermoon, please can you not change the thread title as you go along, but instead just include all the details of your question in your post. It gets a bit confusing otherwise. Also, you can ask more than one question in the same post, rather than double-posting. Thanks. :)
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