The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Ah Gumdrops I'll have a go at answering.

You are right at the end of 'Killer Date' Horatio asks Bob (the guy sent down for killing Raymond!) if Ray was still alive and he said yes (Season 3)
As the season goes on we get more hints of Ray being undercover, in the final eppy of the season '10-7' Ray's prints turn up on a murder weapon, Horatio meets Ray, and he is alive but deep undecover, he needs to get out so H sends him off to Brazil with Yelina and Ray Jr, letting the FBI believe he really is dead this time. There is loads more to it, but that is the basics :)

*Just edited the thread title Liz* ;)
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

I have a "?" for S4 epi 13...what was the connetion between woman-chief at the firm for pill and the guns find in her hous ?! why they was there ?!? and for what was use this pills ?!?

thamks in advance !
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Pusher, I'm not sure (I lost a bit of interest in alot of season 4 episodes!), but you may find the answers at or at CSI Files own episode guide. :)

hamstermoon, I'm not certain when Horatio has used the word 'stupid', but hopefully someone else might know. I think Eric was late in 'Hard Time' because he was helping a woman out that had fallen on difficult times. I can't remember the exact details without watching the episode again. You could possibly post the question in the Adam/Eric thread, as I imagine someone will definitely know there. ;)
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

ok thanks i will look in the future in this 2 sides...won`t trouble any more here...the info there is full i just forgot to read there...
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

You're welcome. There are other people that probably know, but just in case you didn't get an answer for awhile, those 2 sites might help in the meantime. You can still post season 4 questions here. I probably know some answers, and I'm sure others will visit this thread later. :)
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Title :Miami Day Shift :D hahahaha :D

and ThumpyG42 : Miami Night Shift i love this :)
befor now i don`t notice this change . ur are the ONE :D

this sound to me very very familiar ... :lol:

out of topic..only Mod`s have Title or only Premium Membership in there profile..?
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*


Hehe. Yes, Premium Members and Mods/Admins can change their titles. Thumpy and I have taken your names for us and used them, it amused us so much! Call it a tribute to Pusher! :D
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Ooooooooooh wait a minute... Horatio was interrogating someone and the suspect said something mean to Yelina. Horatio said something like:

That is Detective Salas and she's attemtping to give you a chance but you are too stupid to realise that.

Or anything like that... can't remember it very well :( But I think it's Season three Pirated or another eppy :D I'm not really sure!
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Yep togoholic that is exactly the line!! I love that scene!
It is Pirated! It's to that racist guy!

I love your location by the way!! Just watched Rap Sheet!!
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

It really is? Oh cool :lol: Have to train my photographic memory a bit more, I'm a little rusty right now. But it's still working somehow, that's cool :D

Agh yeah that kiddo with the eyepatch, right? He was indeed stupid!!!

Thanks Footyliz :D I'm so into Fratio, and they would rock as rappers! Word :D
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Pusher said:
I have a "?" for S4 epi 13...what was the connetion between woman-chief at the firm for pill and the guns find in her hous ?! why they was there ?!? and for what was use this pills ?!?

thamks in advance !

Pusher, I'll give this a shot, I may be wrong though because I'll admit I got confused while watching this episode. The connection between CEO of the Pharmaceutical Company and the guns is that the landscaper (Mario) who worked at her home was set up to be arrested by the Mala Noche, they then took over his landscaping clients and began to hide weapons at their residences.

As for what the pill was supposed to do, I think it was some sort of pain reliever.

Title :Miami Day Shift hahahaha

and ThumpyG42 : Miami Night Shift i love this
befor now i don`t notice this change . ur are the ONE

this sound to me very very familiar ...

:lol: Glad you like our titles. Lucy and I both loved the 'day/night shift' thing you came up with. ;)
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

Thumpy thanks for the info :)

DaWacko can u help me. as i understand u already have see CSI NY S2 E 07 and i have one question. in this epi H have courier consignment (shipment) and hi tell Mac that hi si on personal work in NY except the case....

well in this or other CSI Miami or NY epi did explain what was the package and what exactly H was try to solvable in NY for hi private live !?!?
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

I've seen that episode Pusher, and Horatio is handed a subpoena while he's in New York. Is that what you might be referring to?
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

I'm not sure do you mean when he got the... subpoena delivered? (to testify in court or something) and if it's that, Stella was with him in the scene.

It was only thing in NY episode to "mentioned" about H's private life. He just got subpoena delivered and I don't remember what he said to Stella. I don't recall him talking to Mac about it in any point.

What is the case where H has to testify? that I don't know, but it has something to do with his NYC past.

Did I understood right?
Re: The CSI:Miami 'I have a question' Thread *NO SPOILERS*

yes u understood right

...till now never explain what was subpoena delivered that H have take....but it has something to do with his NYC past...

for that i was ask for..

ok thanks a lot

PS don`t know who or where to ask, but what u guys mean when u use this word: "aka" .
and how is translate: "Xmas" or "Ashes To Ashes"

thans in advace and sorry for be OT
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