The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Painted_Shadow said:
Lucy said:
Re Horatio's past, it is also revealed at the end of Season 4's 'Collision', that he killed his Father (whilst attempting to save his Mother's life).

...really, they said that? I thought we were just speculating and inferring that particular fact. Of course, I didn't remember that whole post-NY conversation with Stetler, either. (Hm, maybe I should have gotten the season 4 DVDs.) Do you have an exact quote?
It's one of those scenarios where you have to put what H told Stetler in 'Nailed' and what he said to the little boy at the end of 'Collision', together....

H: My Mom was killed just like yours.
Danny: Really?
H: Yeah.
Danny: You mean by your Dad?
H: I do. I do mean by my Dad.

So, according to what Horatio said in the past, he's the one who killed his mother's killer, so therefore, he killed his Father. Just to be sure we had connected the dots correctly, I asked Corey Miller for confirmation. He said that this was correct, but they decided to leave the storyarc there for now, as they felt things were getting a little too dark.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Lucy said:
So, as Horatio killed his Mother's killer,
Yeah i remember reading that in the review. But i didn't see the part saything that HE killed his father. I should check that out.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

It really was a case of joining the dots with this one. It is also referred to in the review of 'Collision' at CSI Files. As Luce said, to clear up any confusion, we thought contacting Corey was the best way to confirm it. In a way, I'm rather glad they did drop this storyline as there has been far too much H angst going on. He needs to be left alone for awhile. ;)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Does anyone else hate that mosquito banner that pops up at the top of the thread? :lol: No matter how many times I zap that thing, it keeps coming back. :p

It's almost as bad as that banner that flashes on the side of the screen. It's too bad the broad mods can't control what adds are displayed.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

athlov, could you explain what that has to do with CSI: Miami? There is a separate forum called QSF (Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback) for questions about the message board itself.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

MiamiDade said:
It really was a case of joining the dots with this one. It is also referred to in the review of 'Collision' at CSI Files. As Luce said, to clear up any confusion, we thought contacting Corey was the best way to confirm it. In a way, I'm rather glad they did drop this storyline as there has been far too much H angst going on. He needs to be left alone for awhile. ;) I see. I wish I'd been able to put that together myself, but thank you much for the clarification!

Although really, it shouldn't count as adding MORE angst if it's merely explaining things that have happened in the past...
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Hunter said:
Yeah i loved that part where Cal smooth talked her way to that guy. I remember that episode.

I was cracking up the entire scene, I thought it was cute the way she used country girl accent to play the part down even more...only to then moments later lay the smack down on the owner by whipping out her badge. :devil: :lol:

Thanks again Pusher! :D
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

it shouldn't count as adding MORE angst if it's merely explaining things that have happened in the past...
In a sense, I do see it as adding more angst as the writers decided to give H an even more angsty past. This NY past of H's only came to light in Season 4. It could have been left alone, as H, afterall, had already been through alot with his brother's 'death'.

What happened with Raymond always seemed to haunt him and effect him deeply, which I felt was enough of an emotional burden in itself. Giving him an even more traumatic past felt a little unnecessary and I think that's a factor in why the writers decided to leave the NY past storyarc alone mid Season 4 (hence Corey's remark about things getting too dark). H had been through enough, and it seems many fans got a little tired of Horatio Caine's life of woe. It was becoming a case of 'what hasn't this guy been through?', and that can start to become rather unconvincing and over the top when it's overdone.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I'm not sure if this question has been asked before but here goes. Does Horatio and his team work the day or night shift?

Cos it seems they work mainly day shift but there were episodes where they worked cases at night.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

They work mainly the day shift, unlike the Las Vegas team in the original series that works the night shift. But if a case is important enough, or if a life is currently in danger, they could go into overtime.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Now, I'm confused about Marisol and her illness. I know that's probably reasonable, but I'm wondering if I've missed something.

So here's what I think I remember.
She's having treatment after having found a lump. Did she mention breast cancer, or is that just me putting words into her mouth?
Eric says to Horatio that she only has months left.
She goes to a chemo treatment with Horatio. Is that her first chemo? Is that what they'd discussed - her going on chemo?
She seems more upbeat about it by the time they get married. Did she go into remission? Unlikely, I know, after she'd been so ill, but this is Miami...

Does anyone have any ideas? Did I miss something, or is this it? Should I care? Hmm...
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I have memories that she had leukemia? I mean, when Delko was busted to buy drugs - didn't he say back then he was leukemia and drugs help her with the nausea that chemo causes.

I have a friend who had leukemia and she lost all her hair, she was very pale and even lost her eyebrows because of chemo. (yes, Imentioned it back in days when these Aerosol eppys were aired)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Marisol= Absolutely.NOT.A.Realistic.Way.Of.Portraing.Cancer

In any way, shape or form.

trust me, I've been there.

Even if you get the lightest for of treatment, you don't walk around like Marisol and look gorgeous. Besides if she's so sick she has lke just a couple of months, she'd get the entire range of meds to try and save her, and

apart from being sick with cancer, she'd be sick with the meds.

I don't know who researched it, but it was just upsetting.

On my cancer survival list, there were people who have never started watching Miami again after that story arc.

ah well. I just can't watch Alana de la Garza anymore, even though I know it's not her fault.

I do remeber Eric telling Alexx Marisol had leukemia as well. I don't remeber anything about breast cancer.

H 's not very likely to date a breast less, hair less chick, is he? he aslays dates gorgeous girls.
In this case apparantly imune to the effects of cancer and chemo.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I remember Dan Cooper saying to Ryan that she had leukaemia, but I thought she had breast cancer. Did I read that somewhere? I thought when DC said about leukaemia that he'd got a slightly garbled rumour again, like he does. :rolleyes:

I know she said to Horatio that she'd found a lump, so maybe I just assumed it was a breast lump. I don't know that you'd find a lump if it was leukaemia.

And she always looked way too healthy for a cancer patient of any kind. A bit like the 19th century heroines who were prettily dying of tuberculosis. I suppose that Horatio might not find her so attractive if she were throwing up all the time.

I would agree that this storyline being so inaccurate would be upsetting to people who have really been there, who know what it's really like. You'd think that the writers would think a bit. And I'm sorry if my question upset you at all, Juma . :( I hope you're doing okay now.
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