The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

The episode where Speed and Delko were in the elevator, was 'Double Cap', season 1. :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Now I also have a question that I was asking myself for so long now but I always forgot to ask here. So here it is:

In which season has been Eric's finger prints at the crime scene after he had something with a woman (could also be the victim; not sure about that anymore)? They had a One-Night-Stand there, I think, and it was located on this huge window panes made of glass. I only have that special scene with Eric and the girl in my mind. I can't even say if Speedle was still there or not. ^^

Any help? Thanks! :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

its defo season 3-I'm not good with the eppy names for that series-you mean the one where he loses his badge??its season 3, Speed is gone by this point.hope that helps a little
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

That was Season 3's 'Killer Date' I believe. :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Oh yeah! That helped me. It's Killer Date.
He also looses his badge there.

Thank you both for the help! :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

You're welcome. :)
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Silly question but...I'd really love the full quote from Driven when Calleigh goes to the Car Dealership and smooth talks her way to the owner by asking for a new Viper door. :D
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Have they gone any further with Horatios past? I'm re-watching "From the Grave" and at the start it shows him talking to a Cardinal about a life he took years ago and that there was nothing else he could have done.

And at the end (which was a justified shoot) he goes back to the church. So I'm just wondering about that. I know they changed his storyline.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I really hope this is the right place to ask this question, but since she works for Miami now...

Anyway, if a person was going to write to Ann Donahue (a fan letter that is, not a 'I hate what you're doing to the show' letter) would they just send it to the same place that they'd send one to the star of the show Miami?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Silly question but...I'd really love the full quote from Driven when Calleigh goes to the Car Dealership and smooth talks her way to the owner by asking for a new Viper door.

- Hi,
- hey.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- What can I do for you?
- Save my life, I hope. I, uh, got a new car and I kinda had a little accident.
- Yeah?
- What kind of car is it?
- A viper srt.
- And what's the damage?
- Well, the driver side door is smushed in. I can't even open it. I called the dealer about getting a new one, but they're, like, five grand.
- We might have something for you. Let me go get the owner.
- Thanks.
- How you doing?
- Fine, thanks.
- You're lucky. Got a couple viper doors in today.
- I bet you did. Keep your hands where I can see 'em, mr. Watson.
- Wh now?
- I'm going to call for a warrant.

hope this is the right quote u search for :rolleyes:

Have they gone any further with Horatios past? I'm re-watching "From the Grave" and at the start it shows him talking to a Cardinal about a life he took years ago and that there was nothing else he could have done.

And at the end (which was a justified shoot) he goes back to the church. So I'm just wondering about that. I know they changed his storyline.

all that we know for this new H NY past is :

in CSI Miami 4x08 Nailed - as i remeber H says to Rick:

R: Welcome back, Horatio.
H: It's good to be back, Rick.
R: How's New York ?
H: New York was busy.
Rick: Yeah, I heard. Uh, you had to postpone a court appearance
on a "personal matter" ? A case from over 20 years ago ?
H: That's true.
R: I also hear you're a suspect in a homicide investigation.
H: That's true, too.
R: That's... pretty hypocritical, isn't it ?
H: Not from where I'm standing, Rick. Will there be anything else ?
R: Uh, yeah. You want to tell me what happened ?
H: You wanna know what happened ?
R: Yeah.
H: Okay, Rick, I'll tell you.
H: In an attempt to save my mother's life, I intervened in a situation and her killer wound up dead. That's what happened.
R: And so did she?
H: That is correct
R: New York D.A.'s going after you on this ?
H: That is correct
R: Do you have any idea why ?
H: Rick, I was hoping you could tell me.

after this in epi CSI NY 2x07 'Manhatten Manhunt' - H got subpoena delivered (to testify in court or something), but there don`t have any continuation or explanation - for what was - it was the only thing in this NY episode to "mentioned" about H's private life or his NY past....

end of the sorry...too typically for TPTB...they forget this new H story line :lol:

Anyway, if a person was going to write to Ann Donahue (a fan letter that is, not a 'I hate what you're doing to the show' letter) would they just send it to the same place that they'd send one to the star of the show Miami?

suppose if u send Feedback from this CSI Miami Offical Site on CBS Ann D. can get ur e-mail :rolleyes: :confused:
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Re Horatio's past, it is also revealed at the end of Season 4's 'Collision', that he killed his Father (whilst attempting to save his Mother's life). Earlier in the Season, in 'Skeletons', Horatio reveals that his Father was abusive.

Other than that, H's NY past has not been referred to again.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Yeah i loved that part where Cal smooth talked her way to that guy. I remember that episode.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Lucy said:
Re Horatio's past, it is also revealed at the end of Season 4's 'Collision', that he killed his Father (whilst attempting to save his Mother's life).

...really, they said that? I thought we were just speculating and inferring that particular fact. Of course, I didn't remember that whole post-NY conversation with Stetler, either. (Hm, maybe I should have gotten the season 4 DVDs.) Do you have an exact quote?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Re Horatio's past, it is also revealed at the end of Season 4's 'Collision', that he killed his Father (whilst attempting to save his Mother's life).
*counts on fingers* Brother,Speed,Wife, Mother, and Father. But he killed his father; who was abusive, so he must of felt good in some way. Still, Horatio has not lead a very happy life. See? THAT's why he needs to have a ship with Yelina, and niether of them get shot. Give Horatio a break for petes sake.

I have a question, and a weird one at that. Do we know how Cals nickname of 'lambchop' began? Only her father calls her that, was there some incident that she revealed that got her that nickname?
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