The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

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Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Dynamo1 said:
Daniela said:
Why did he left??
Someone else answered why Speedle left. This was because the actor who played Speedle, Rory Cochrane, was tired of the grind of a weekly television series and wanted to be let out of his contract.
Ok, I see...Thanks Dynamo1
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

In CSI: Miami "Rampage," I remember a conversation H and Marisol had (their last) which went something like this-

Horatio: You know, I got us booked for a restaurant tonight.
Marisol: Casa Tua?
Horatio: Casa Tua.
Marisol: You got the good table?
Horatio: I got the good table.
Horatio: You're not planning... You're not planning to stand me up, are you?
Marisol: Never.

What exactly are they talking about? A real place?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

The entire conversation was just to make her feel kind of happy rught before she died, he didn't mean anything by it.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Dynamo1 said:
Daniela said:
Why did he left??
Someone else answered why Speedle left. This was because the actor who played Speedle, Rory Cochrane, was tired of the grind of a weekly television series and wanted to be let out of his contract.

And also because he never got a great amount of material to work with, he was forever saying 'I'll get this back to the lab' or something like that, and he got bored of it :rolleyes:

Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Anyone know what he's been doing since then? apart from that movie with the earthquake?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

From Rory Cochrane is filming "The Company", a mini-series that traces CIA activities over a 40-year period, from the beginning of the Cold War through the demise of the Soviet Union. Also stars Alfred Molina, Chris O'Donnell, and Michael Keaton.

Also in "A Scanner Darkly" with Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr, Woody Harrelson, and Winona Ryder, and "Right at your Door"; both released in 2006.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Does anyone remember what the Tattoo Calleigh has? I can't remember it.

Does anyone know WHY Peter's Fiancee(I wanna say Megan but i'm not sure it's right) told the FBI about Miami being the bad lab? I know she took the money to blame Ryan but does anyone know why?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

All we know about Calleigh's tattoo is that she has one. We were never told what or where it is.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

HoratioCainesGirl said:
What exactly are they talking about? A real place?

Yeah, it's a real place...rather upscale restaurant in Miami - Casa Tua. He was referencing their conversation from earlier in the day when she suggested they have dinner there.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Re that earlier question, why did Calleigh leave Firearms?
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

Because her ex-boyfriend John Hagen killed himself in the lab. While shooting a gun later, some brain tissue leaked off the ceiling and dropped onto her. She placed the gun down and got out of there as soon as she could, and removed her name from ballistics, not returning until 'Shattered'.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I have just CSI Miami where Horatio and Marisol gets maried and then she gets killed. Our station decided to extend the cliffhangers by inserting a few old episodes for a few weeks in between so I got confused. My question is, didnt they get married in the afternoon, so why we're they having breakfast to celeberate their marriage or was that suppose to be the next day after the marriage. I thought she got killed the day they got married so they never really became husband and wife... anyone shed some light???
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

The timeline for the last couple of episodes is somewhat unclear, but I believe it was supposed to be the morning after their wedding. Marisol was just really into wearing all white the last few episodes. ;)

They were married, hence the comment in that scene, "Are you happy with your new husband?" (that, and the show found about 300 ways to bring up the word "wife" over the next couple eps) Just very, very, briefly.
Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.

I was wondering what episode it was that speedle and eric are in a elevator together...
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