The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

wow ima watch those now just to see lol

umm i dont know if this is a blooper but i found it quite funny. in episode freaks and tweaks when delko finds the cameras and shows them to horatio in the lab they look at em and find out that they are still working then horatio say:smile to delko and puts the camera up for like a second you can see delko with this hug smile on his face it was freaky it was so funny when i caugt it happen lol
I don't know if this is a blooper or intentional but you know how each character has thier own opening credits equations?? well you may not have realised this but i did....Rory's and Jon's equations have the exact same variable groupings just in a different order.....

Rory's is...(3h) + (7b) = 6m
Jon's is....(7b) = 6m + (3h)

the (3h) has just been moved to the other side of the equation....i don't know if that was on purpose or something...but it's just a thought and i thought it was worth telling...oh and everyone's equations are the exact same length as the actors' names.....

D a v i d C a r u s o
4 y - 1 = 3 b ( N h )

E m i l y P r o c t e r
3 a 1 - x = ( A 9 X y )

A d a m R o d r i g u e z
3 b + N = 7 b n 1 ( 6 A )

K h a n d i A l e x a n d e r
x - T 4 a = ( 7 h ) 3 X y N h

R o r y C o c h r a n e
( 3 h ) + ( 7 b ) - 6 m

J o n a t h a n T o g o
( 7 b ) = 6 m + ( 3 h )

K i m D e l a n e y
A 1 b + B 2 c = R 4

and when Rex Linn and Eva La rue have one i'll figure those out too.. and Sofia Milos didn't have one so.....
^ I have noticed that about Rory and Jon's equasions. It could be because it probably wasn't a priority to think up something for him since the last time anyone thought them up, it was back in 2000-2001. Plus, Rory Cochrane and Jonathan Togo are the same length so it was probably just simpler that way. :D

And thanks for pointing out the other equasions!
lol equations is spelt with a t speed_cochrane, just thought i might say.

and umm does csi miami have a blooper reel? cuz i kno csi has one
yeah probably...but what where the odds that their names are the same length? isn't that wierd.....i think it is....but yeah it probably was simpler and they probably would have come up with a new one if the length was different..and it took me a while to realise the equations were the same length as the actors' names....and it took me like 10 episodes to figure out the entire equations because they appear so briefly that i only got one or two variables for each actor every time.....and i have bragging rights because my friend bet me there wasn't anything before the actors' names appeared....but she was wrong :D
csi_pinoy said:
lol equations is spelt with a t speed_cochrane, just thought i might say.

and umm does csi miami have a blooper reel? cuz i kno csi has one
Look who is talking. "know" is spelled with a "W", "cuz" is "because", and "i" should be capitalized. Also, punctuation is wrong. Maybe, if we are lucky, the upcoming new version of the board software will have a spelle chekker. :D
Haha, well I have been typing up like all of my coursework for the past couple of months, so i'm used to typing the whole words!

Anyway, back to topic! ;)
i just saw one on Recoil....this is after the Eight Hours Earlier part so it's real time..not a flashback....after the shooting Ryan is calling out "Calleigh" she gets up and notices the blood on her and says "I'm not hit" so Ryan looks at his hand and notices the large shards of glass sticking out of his hand....but later in the episode..there is no sign of a bandage on his hand or any sign that it was cut up by glass at all......which is wierd because normally when you get cut....uh there's uh supposed to be a bandage..or a cut......duh common sense..but there isn't one.....just thought i'd bring it up....
I don't think they were actually emebeded in his hand. He was hold a vial of blood , and it did break but I don't remember him actually getting cut because of it.
4 y - 1 = 3 b ( N h )
I just noticed that doesn't make much sense.
4y-1=3b ( NH) =
-1= 3b (NH)- 1/4y
right? it's been ages since I took math classes in high school, so don't shoot me here.
and if
-1 = 3b (NH) -1/4y
1= -( 3b (NH) -1/4y)
which means
1 = -3bNH + 1/4yNH
1/NH = -3b + 1/4Y
so if
1/NH= 1/4y -3b
that means Y doens't have a real solution.

any math geeks out there?
cause I don't really remember thses things.

it just irk me. what's the solution here? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Well I'm only an eighth grader in geometry but when you did the negative multiplying you forgot to make 1/4y positive...but you're right in the way it works out in the end.
^^wow... I'm not sure if the writers were planning on fans trying to figure out the equations. ...math makes my head hurt :lol: They aren't really onscreen long enough to even get a good look at them.
i've been trying to figure them out...i'm in 11th right now so i've had some experienc with this.....but i just can't seem to find some of the values of some of the variables....