The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

Dutchie said:
_ransom said:
He actually does act like a baby. If not a baby, then a bitch. Ryan's even gaining his "baby fat" back. I think JT might be drinking too much beer.

Okay, let's get back to the bloopers shall we? If this is your opinion that's fine with me, but keep it to yourself, as other people might find it insulting. ;)

I have one: In 'Recoil' Calleigh gets blood over her creme-colored pants. After the shootout (for the second time, in the middle of the episode) she walks into the AV lab and you see her wearing the same pair of pants...without the red stain. Now it could be me, but how do you want to get red blood out of creme-colored pants? Especially before the next scene starts :rolleyes: My friend and I joked there's a walk-in-closet with only creme-colored pants somewhere in the dressing room. :lol:

That's what I am thinking!!! :)
Sorry I don't want to off the topic,but is makes me feel a little uncomfortable to see some sarcastic language in totally matterless thread..... :eek:
Ok the very first thing that came to my mind when I saw the title of this thread was the blooper posted by the person that started it.... the one with Ryan wearing a different shirt while taking apart the tire and the rim... he was wearing a Tshirt the whole episode and in that one scene he was wearing an orange button down shirt with a lab coat over it.

There was something else that I picked up... I don't know if it was an intended blooper on the actor's part but in Nailed when Calleigh and Ryan head towards the dumpsters.. Ryan whistles at the garbage men to hold up and Calleigh comes over and they stand there and pause and Calliegh says "It's your turn. I went dumpster diving at Joe's Togo" I think she was supposed to say Joe's To Go but she definitely said Jonathan's last name!!!!
That's what I am thinking!!! :)
Sorry I don't want to off the topic,but is makes me feel a little uncomfortable to see some sarcastic language in totally matterless thread..... :eek:


AMEN SISTER! And what does Ryan's "baby fat" have to do with anything? :mad: He's a dang good CSI and I personally love his little belly. But that's just me. He's adorable. :D
Guys...back on topic please. :)

I want everyone to keep in mind that this thread is to discuss continuity bloopers only, any discussions of the characters and the actors that portray them can be taken to the various character/actor threads.

Thank you.
-> Here's one-- In Season Three- Under The Influence, when Ryan is still in his Patrol Uniform. His gun holster is on his right side...
Oh, I found this one mentioned on the Wikipedia entry for CSI: Miami, and I watched the episode again to double check, and sure enough it was true: In season one, in the episode "Breathless", Horatio makes a comment that the mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon MONOXIDE (not DIOXIDE) that humans breathe out.

Umm, Horatio, if we breathed out carbon monoxide, we’d all be… dead, really :lol:.
i have one. CSI:M seems to like "recycling" scenes.

In double jeapordy, season 5 episode 18, they wanted to "dug out" Debra Massey's coffin...

that scene was "recycled".

it was previously used in felony flight when they wanted to "dug out" Mr Hoberman's coffin. notice Ryan's shirt.

but, correct me if im wrong about this. :)
RYANisHAWT said:
i have one. CSI:M seems to like "recycling" scenes.

In double jeapordy, season 5 episode 18, they wanted to "dug out" Debra Massey's coffin...

that scene was "recycled".

it was previously used in felony flight when they wanted to "dug out" Mr Hoberman's coffin. notice Ryan's shirt.

but, correct me if im wrong about this. :)

They also recycle overhead shots of the everglades... I've seen the exact same aligator scramble into the water at least 3 episodes.
I'm not sure if its a blooper, can we say if a actor has showed up in the show more than once, when they're a vitim or a murderer (not recurring)?
About the Calleigh line, DELKO OR TOGO - I don't have the episode on DVD but my friends lending it to me so i'm gonna watch it to settle this debate once and for all! :D I'm usually quite good at hearing things like this!
Happilyhappy said:
RYANisHAWT said:
i have one. CSI:M seems to like "recycling" scenes.

In double jeapordy, season 5 episode 18, they wanted to "dug out" Debra Massey's coffin...

that scene was "recycled".

it was previously used in felony flight when they wanted to "dug out" Mr Hoberman's coffin. notice Ryan's shirt.

but, correct me if im wrong about this. :)

They also recycle overhead shots of the everglades... I've seen the exact same aligator scramble into the water at least 3 episodes.

I've seen a lot of that on all three CSIs They only shoot in thier repesctive cities for certain amoutn of time, also reusing footage is a good way to keep the budget under control. ;)
Carolyn318 said:
I've got to share this with someone. This is just too funny.
In the season 2 episode STALKERAZZI there's a scene where Eric and Speedle are in the Hummer. Speedle is driving. Eric has a laptop and is doing an owner of record check on the address they were just at. The owner of record is Brad Tustin.
Well now here's the scene which is followed by an explaination of the funny part:
Speedle: You mean Death Grip 2000 Brad Tustin?
Eric: Body Count and Double Tap, even though those movies sucked.
Speedle: Yeah, but you saw everyone of them, didn't you?

Now here's what's so funny about that scene. BODY COUNT, one of the Brad Tustin movies mentioned, is the name of a real 1998 movie David Caruso was in.
Don't believe me??? Check out this page of IMDB.
And get this, a few seconds later, the very next scene in CSI: Miami season 2 episode STALKERAZZI features David Caruso. LMAO.
Well there's also the fact that 'Body Count' is a season 1 episode- the finale, in CSI: Miami. Then there's 'Double Tap,'- well 'Double Cap' was a Miami ep. And 'Death Grip 2000'- well 'Death Grip' is also a Miami ep. i didn't even know you were talking about a DC movie when you quoted this, I was like -'those are Miami episodes!'
Thanks for pointing that out. :D
I noticed a blooper in "Death Grip".

I noticed when Speed and Calleigh were investigating the road from the videotape they were viewing, and Speed was looking at the chip of fibreglass with tweezers and he was talking but his lips weren't moving.


from "Dead Zone"

Speed and Delko were working on the computer, when Speed was comparing items on the computer there was a camera shot from behind him, he was talking but his head wasn't moving. This shot was done several times in that particular scene.