The Catherine/Sara Slash Journal

just an update from catherines diary
Dear diary
im pregnant with faternal twins to warrick.
dear cath and sara's diary,

cath, did i not tell you to maintain your diet? that bloated feeling is from taking too much salty food.. you cannot get morning sickness from playing tic-tac-toe with warrick and spank me good with gil.. wait a minute, did you take a sip from Ecklie's sweet but sometimes a bit nutty coffee?!?!!? that may be the reason why your tummy's rumbling..

--Doc Robbins
Dear Diary,

Sorry Doc Robbins I slipped of my diet a little bit. Drank too much vodka at Gils hot tub/spanking bash and took a sip of Ecklies sweet but nutty coffee. Greg told me it would make me feel better before I played Tic- Tac- Toe with Warrick. Then Sara and I had a slumber party and I may have ate too much guacamole and veggies.

dear c/s diary,
there you are.. cath do you think sara will go out with me on a date and let me stick my hotdog in her buns?

dear greg,
oh no you wont. Sara's going out with me. my doppelganger just won $20,000 on video poker. beat that Warrick. and Greg, uhm, please take care of my hairless Cat while I treat Sara for dinner.
Dear Diary,
Naughty boy Greg wanting to feed me some meat. You know I am a vegatarian. Nick why don't you take Greg out for dinner. Nick's cat has been spreading rumors around the lab that Greg has the hot's for you.

dear diary,
no way nick.. i just decided we would go to cancun with all the gang in tow and stay in Shacky's ultimate party Beach House.. Lets bring out our bikinis, Sara. :devil: :D


dear c/s diary,

can i bring my bikini too?

Dear Diary,
Cancun and a beach house count me in baby.
Packing list....Bikini(check), rum (check), vodka(check), paddle for spanking(check). Don't forget the suntan lotion to rub on my back Cath.

dear diary,

well the whole gang's boarded the plane and left for cancun except gil and i. seems we've been delayed by hotel security (thank you sam, i owe you big time!!!)


ok, so freudian slip there, forgot where i was. thank god sara was in a gil costume :lol:
dear diary,

i've grown accustomed to this beard. think i'll go to norway and see about making it permenant.

Dear diary,
I had a horrible dream that Sara grew a beard and liked it so much that she decided she wanted to keep it...What a nightmare...If I had wanted a beard I would have slept with
Dear Diary,
Glad the rum I drank while packing for the trip told me to dress up like Gil and play a joke on Cath. Now everybody else is gone and I am stuck here at this great hotel of Sam's with Cath for a weekend. Time to break out the champagne.


(note to self) Wonder when I should ditch this beard.
dear diary,
while i was relaxing on the couch in my suite, i was startled when i felt a tickle at the back of my neck.. i chuckled, oh gawd, that rubbing of beard on my neck is so exhilarating.. i closed my eyes as i seized the beard that was rubbing my neck.. uh, oh wait! whose beard is this rubbing my legs?!?!
