The 30 and Over Club

At least you can do it! :)

My grandma crocheted blankets for us when we were babies and big afghans for us for when we got older. I love mine! It's so warm and comfy! I still have my baby blanket and used it for my daughter.

Awwww! :)

I did make a really nice afghan for my grandma that she loved. When she died, I took it back, but come to think of it I think I had to toss it after a move or something when it got too dirty to clean. :(

Anyway, you're supposed to be watching ER. :D
I taught myself to crochet so I could make a baby blanket for my sister when she was expecting. I'm sure she regrets encouraging me now because my nephew has like four from me :D

Now a crochet smiley would be perfect only I can't find one anywhere!
I taught myself to crochet so I could make a baby blanket for my sister when she was expecting. I'm sure she regrets encouraging me now because my nephew has like four from me :D

Now a crochet smiley would be perfect only I can't find one anywhere!

Oh I can see it now! A whole bunch of online/CSI themed items! :lol: Didn't Egeria say she was making a crime scene tape scarf?! :guffaw:That would be awesome!!
I gotta be honest, I'm in no hurry to learn to knit. ;) I'd rather be outside doing stuff usually.

Erm, anyone got anything else they want to flash us back to? I was just having an argument with my cousin about the fact that Zoltar on Battle of the Planets turned out to be a woman... He totally didn't believe me, but I'm sure I saw that!
I gotta be honest, I'm in no hurry to learn to knit. ;) I'd rather be outside doing stuff usually.

Erm, anyone got anything else they want to flash us back to? I was just having an argument with my cousin about the fact that Zoltar on Battle of the Planets turned out to be a woman... He totally didn't believe me, but I'm sure I saw that!

Really. I don't remember.:wtf:
My Mom tried teaching me how to crochet when I was nine or ten but it didn't go well since she's right-handed and I am a lefty. I couldn't follow what she was trying to teach me, so we both just gave up.

As for learning how to knit, my Mom gave me a book for beginners last year...Still have to find time to try knitting though. :p
I haven't been by in a little while. I saw the talk about knitting. Does using the knifty knitter count? :lol: I have made some pretty cool things with it. Although I started a blanket and well have not touched it in over a year. Bad me.

I do have a nice scarf for myself and made some for family. I made a couple of knitted purses and a couple other things.
I dont crochet or knit. Does tying fleece blankers count? :lol:

I have never seem to have the eye (or the patience) to do things like knit or sew. :rolleyes:
One thing that I do enjoy doing, but haven't in a while, is cross-stitching. Easier that crocheting (imo), but also something to pass the time. Just hard to watch tv while you're doing it. :)
Smokey said:
Oh I can see it now! A whole bunch of online/CSI themed items! :lol: Didn't Egeria say she was making a crime scene tape scarf?! :guffaw:That would be awesome!!

:lol: That would be sweet!

It's gonna be awesome!! I'll be sure to post pics when I'm done. Of course...casting on would be useful :rolleyes: !!

(there's a better knitting smiley out there, just need to find it!)

ETA: Found them!

how about this one egeria :)

Lets see I knit, crochet, hook rugs and cross-stitch. I haven't done cross-stitching in years as I've found it was getting harder on the eyes. We have several wall hanging in the house that are either hooked rugs, mostly by my hubby or my cross-stitching. I think my all time cross-stitching hangings are The Twelve Days of Christmas and my American League Baseball Teams.

I find knitting or crocheting are great ways to fill time while watching TV. It keeps the fingers and mind busy so I don't fall asleep.
One thing that I do enjoy doing, but haven't in a while, is cross-stitching. Easier that crocheting (imo), but also something to pass the time. Just hard to watch tv while you're doing it. :)

Oh I love cross-stitching! Of course, I haven't done it since the computer was invented. :lol: I made some really nice pieces for gifts tho back then. I even did one of The Last Supper and had it framed for my mom. Now THAT took a while to finish! But it's pretty nice. :)

Egeria, nice smilies! :lol: And we definitely want pics of the scarf.