Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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No I would much rather see George in a psychological thriller like SAW, or as a professor of sorts in Harry Potter..mind you he'd have to fake a British accent..but that would be hot.

Or a real serious movie like Munich?
I'm with you myfuturecsi, I would love him to play in a serious role or a in a thriller. I think he'd do relly well in that.

wlk68, your icon is awsome. I love it! :D
We should ask George to do a short piece action, fantasy, comedy, ect. Then that way we can see just how wonderful he would be in all of them! We can call it "George Eads Film Festival". I'm sure there will be multiple viewings! I think he would really excell at comedy. What is it about that look in his eyes that makes me wonder what is going on in that mind of his?

I think they should let him host CSI's bloopers. If a blooper real ever comes out on DVD. He would be so funny.

Okay..is this heat getting to everyone? It is almost as hot as George Eads! :D
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
Why would dressing in drag damage George's rep. Take for example some of the Monty Python actors. Alot of time they dressed in dresses and it certainly didn't damage there careers.

What I would like to see George in is a good old side splitting comedy. Not some stupid comedy but something that is funny. If they ever did a remake of the MASH movie I could see him playing either Hawkeye or Trapper John.

I'm with you Jacquie..

Right now we have the Monty Python musical 'Spamalot' playing in Toronto...if only George could sing (I mean..he'd have to a majorly good singing voice, he's not bad), he could play one of those roles...probably Brave Sir Robin..the role played by Frasier's David Hyde Pierce...or the 'homicidal bastard' Sir Lancelot.

I could truly see George in a Monty Python like role..he's got a great sense of humour and can laugh at himself..so dressing in drag would probably not hurt his career..
I come in here and all i read is: 'GE in a dress' :eek: :lol:

to say the least I was confused, but now I see, I don't care if he dressed in drag, one of my fave movies is 'To Wong Fu' it's a really good movie.

but I personally want to see him in movie that is less likely to flop, like a romantic comedy, or an Action movie, or even a cute comedy, but I don't want his first big screen movie to be a stupid one like 'Dude wheres my dog?" or something like that, just a good movie, though I feel that GE has some control over what movies he'll choose to be in and they'll be good ones.

but let me just say, that it would be weird to see him in a dress, but it's ok, Wesley Snips, Patric Swazey, and that other guy, they did fine after that one movie, or even 'The Bird Cage' that didn't hurt any ones carrere.

but it would be weird, non the less :)

ooh and i want him to do a voice over for a cartoon movie, that would be cute :D
nicksarafan2 said:
I come in here and all i read is: 'GE in a dress' :eek: :lol:

to say the least I was confused, but now I see, I don't care if he dressed in drag, one of my fave movies is 'To Wong Fu' it's a really good movie.

but I personally want to see him in movie that is less likely to flop, like a romantic comedy, or an Action movie, or even a cute comedy, but I don't want his first big screen movie to be a stupid one like 'Dude wheres my dog?" or something like that, just a good movie, though I feel that GE has some control over what movies he'll choose to be in and they'll be good ones.

but let me just say, that it would be weird to see him in a dress, but it's ok, Wesley Snips, Patric Swazey, and that other guy, they did fine after that one movie, or even 'The Bird Cage' that didn't hurt any ones carrere.

but it would be weird, non the less :)

ooh and i want him to do a voice over for a cartoon movie, that would be cute :D

Oh yeah, a voice over for a cartoon would be awesome. Some kind of animal cartoon like 'Finding Nemo' or 'Lion King' or even Shrek now that would be a funny movie for George..if Antonion Banderas couldn't do Puss N Boots, George could take over that role even so much as hacking the hair ball.

George: gag..gag...gag..s'cuse me..hairball..

But I think George could do a serious movie like 'Crash' or 'Munich'..or play a lawyer or in a John Grisham movie. He'd done the romantic comedy thing like "Walk In the Park".

He's got the intensity to do something serious like a movie about a loved one murder such as a wife, or child and then he goes on a vendetta to find the guy.
Now George as Puss N Boots would be great i have heard he can do a sexy spanish acent, but then we wouldn't be able to see his sexy body.
myfuturecsi said:

He's got the intensity to do something serious like a movie about a loved one murder such as a wife, or child and then he goes on a vendetta to find the guy.

Ok I'm hooked on this idea. Pass me the klennex box. Better make it 2 boxes
SamStokes said:
Now George as Puss N Boots would be great i have heard he can do a sexy spanish acent, but then we wouldn't be able to see his sexy body.

That´s why I would like to see him as a major role if they would do a film version of the book "surf" :devil: Don´t know if this book is already filmed.
But I also like the idea of seeing him in a serious movie. :cool:
*comes back from the dead*

I would love to see George in a QT movie...the whole way he puts those things together, the real larger-than-life, OTTness of the characters and the plotlines - George'd be great in it, and I bet he'd have the best time. He says he's a character actor on the inside, and what better character to play than one of QT's, you don't get much cooler.

I think if George does ever make the leap to the big screen though, he'll get himself typecast because of how he looks - unfortunately that's the way it works. Though god knows I wish the studios would take a chance from time to time and make a casting decision that actually surprises me. Like George as a villain? I know him too well as Nick, the ultimate good guy, but I don't know - I think with the right part/character he could pull it off. And you wouldn't go in knowing who the bad guy was from just reading the cast list would you?

And, as I'm in a piratey mood atm (wonder why ;P) I have to say that I think George would make a great pirate - that whole costume and persona would look so good on him!

Buzz cut - I prefer it slightly longer, but you know, as long as he stays clean shaven I really don't mind what he does with his hair anymore!

Was any of that even remotely connected to what you're all talking about?
:lol: I've been away a (long) while and there was so much to read through I think I got lost!
Welcome back Poteidia. I hope thinks are going well for you. When it comes to George and Nick, as you know , we do have a tendency to ramble back and forth. You know you're in the right spot for this. :)
Well, now that Mel Gibson has effectively ruined his career, maybe GE can step into his shoes and take over the roles he was getting...like Lethal Weapon, What Women Want...that type of stuff.

I've often thought GE looked like a YOUNG Mel, before he lost his mind completely! <no flames please, I'm pale and burn easily!)
You have to admire George for keeping his life private. Other than the 'firing' 2 years ago he has kept himself out of the press.

I feel somewhat sorry for Mel Gibson. If he was just your average Joe Citizen and made these comments he is alleged to have made nobody would know or care.
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