Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Jacquie said:
He did seem to feel there is no hope left. He seems angry.
Agreed. And I broke into a cold sweat during the conversation with Warrick about Vegas and whether it was the right town for Nick. :(
I really loved the role our Nicky played in solving the whole case though -- when he found that cell phone and then came up with the idea to text everybody and have them meet. Way to go, Nick!
is it just me, or is it nick the one who figures out the key piece of evidence more than everybody else? go nicky!
i too got a little tense when warrick told nick he was in the wrong town, and nick said maybe. ah!! no leaving!! i also wanted to remind warrick that he too has hit a suspect, but i guess he forgot that when he got ticked off at nick. :rolleyes:
Gotta agree that Nick seems depressed and more than a little angry at the world right now. Compare the ending of this one with Nick, Warrick, Grissom, Catherine, and Sara to the ending of Unfriendly Skies with the same 5 people. Nick's become real pessamistic(?).

The Texan drawl was in full swing last night.

While Warrick may have forgotten that he hit a suspect last season, he did save Nicks butt. Cole Tritt actually wasn't a suspect, yet, when Nick punched him. They didn't even know of the pigmans existence, or who he really was. Nick was punching an 'inocent bystander' (for lack of what else to call him) at that point.

I agree. Nicky seems very disillusioned, cynical and frustrated these days. Looks kinda like he's heading for a burnout. Several seasons ago, he would never have let a heckler get to him that way even though a friend was the victim. And did you see the Look of Death he gave the female suspect when he found the first victim's wallet in her car?
I think that Greg being a victim in this case (especially on the heels of Catherine's recent experience) plays a large part in Nick's reactions. It probably would bring up memories of his own victim experience (or maybe that should be experiences). But let's face it, if all you saw day-in and day-out was the worst of people, it'd be amazing if it didn't make you somewhat more pessimistic. Nick needs a girl who can help him reconnect to the good stuff.
Yeah, he seems like he's finally reaching that point of "enough is enough." It's only fair, I mean, a person can only see/deal with the kinds of things they do everyday for so long before you start to get a wee bit disillusioned. I wonder if this new attitude is what will bring on that stronger friendship-theme between Nick and Warrick that TPTB were hinting at.

But...I do have to say I loved his comment on the use of "y'all" to Catherine! That one had me giggling!
With that "y'all" comment do you think we will continue to see the real George voice as opposed to the subtle Texan drawl we've been getting?

I did find it interesting last night to see how fed up Nick was with the stupidity of the tourists. I also like the comments that everyone made at the end. It would be interesting to see if the words were their own or the words of the writers. Maybe a bit of both.
He's definitely sounding more like himself these days, if that makes sense. I always thought he was trying not to sound too Southern. I think Nick's anger at the tourists is also misplaced anger at himself for getting caught by Walter Gordon...he's probably still replaying the events in his head and thinking "how come I never heard the guy come up behind me," "I should have done this, that or the other thing and none of it would have happened, etc."

Something else that bothered me a little last night was when Warrick pulled Nick away from Pig, instead of just pushing him away, he really shoved him hard...and it seemed like Nick ended up falling. That annoyed me...I mean, come on Warrick, he's your bud! Whose side are you on!?
yeah, nick was for sure on the ground after warrick tossed him :lol:
i too liked the 'y'all' comment (look! i used an apostrophe! :p) i like silly moments to break up the drama.
nick was certainly very angry last night, so intense! maybe i was wrong in thinking it was too late for him to have a blow up moment... i hope he says something to grissom :D

ps Jacquie 'mick stokes' was on ncis two or three weeks ago with the guy who escaped from prison who was there for bank robbery and murder, but mick was an older man who actually was the murder

oh and wlk, get in line lady! :lol:
Ahh... I think Warrick just wanted to get Nick the hell out of there so he didn't get himself in anymore trouble, he probably wasn't focusing on how hard he shoved him...

Was anyone besides me minorly freaking out at the end there where they went to arrest all those people. My dad and I totally thought Nick was going to shoot that guy *shiver*
I know i saw him hit the ground too!! I think that might have been a blooper in a way, like he accadently threw him as hard as he did, becouse it didn't look like George plannned on landing on the ground.

and i too liked how he just wailed on the guy... well punched him the stumic, go nicky!!

and I also thought nick was going to shoot K-Fed, that would be crazy!!

and poor Greg, it's obviouse that Nick cares about him, and I wonder if he feel responcible for it? I mean, the way he was acting even before Greg was beat up, he was pissed, this only fuiled it.

hopefully we will see some more of this in the future, need more nick action!!

and yes the "Ya'll" scene was adorible, he's a cutie!
It certainly looked like Nick was having an internal dialogue somewhat along the lines of "should I just shoot him...nah...then I'll get in trouble...yeah, but it will feel reaaallll good!" And how 'bout Sophia with the shotgun! You go, girl!

I kinda wanted Nick to get back up and bitch slap Warrick for shoving him!
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