Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Well, Warrick saved Nick's ass. Really, Nick 'was' in the wrong, throwing a punch first, and in no self defense...he could have been charged and his career would have been over...so yes the shove was hard, but both CSIs were emotional.

McStokes said:
It certainly looked like Nick was having an internal dialogue somewhat along the lines of "should I just shoot him...nah...then I'll get in trouble...yeah, but it will feel reaaallll good!" And how 'bout Sophia with the shotgun! You go, girl!

I kinda wanted Nick to get back up and bitch slap Warrick for shoving him!
As far as Nick's anger....well its been brewing for a while. I still think its deep seeed to the fact he got no real justice from GD....he had no person to put behind bars no one to release his anger at....so by proxy after a close frined was hurt, for Nick, perhaps punching the taunter was that slip of control and release of a couple years of frustration and almost an act of vengence not only for Greg but for himself.
thats what you get for calling nick stokes a joke! :lol: guess it just goes to show us that he may not be so stable under the surface after all, and there are things that will set him off...
I agree with you people about the garage scene. Wow intense Nick. He looked like it would take some serious talking to from one of the cops for him to put the gun down. Maybe season 7 will be our lucky one for some good Nickyiness
I lost in faith in the writers last season after Daddy's Little Girl.

But as far as last night goes, Nick's response to Warrick about being the wrong town was a red flag for me. This guy has been through the ringer and I think he's read to blow.
I hope this doesn't mean Nick is leaving town, I would rather Nick just have big meltdown and move on.
::::sticks head into room:::::::

Yep, Nick was on edge! But remind me to never tick off Nick Stokes! That look on his face would make me think twice before getting into his face! I about had a dozen head of beef when Warrick yanked him away. I was seriously thinking Nick hit the back of the Denali from the way it looked. I don't remember who mentioned it about weather it was scripted or a mis-step by George in the scene, it was extremely real. I'm surprised George didn't get a dislocated shoulder out of it! Sounds like Nick needs someone to talk to....I'll be more than happy to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on! :D

Gotta love that Texas drawl! I get all tingly when I hear it! :::::sigh::::::::::

I've been out of touch lately. My mom went back into the hospital this week due to an infection at her inscision site. Found out it is MRSA. Luckily it is only at the site and not in the blood or in the hardware in her back. So I've been working, housekeeping, cat wrangling, mom visiting, little sister duties and not having enough time to sleep. Been a bit tired to even turn the computer on. I've missed the ward!

allmaple you are killing me with that icon pic! Made these cold Ohio days a bit warmer you know?! :D
SparkyGirl sorry about you mom being sick again. Hopes she's well on her way to recovery. Tell her if she behaves herself we'll get Nick to come and visit :)
its the cowboy thing Sparky ;)
ive got lots of cowboys at my school, being the u of moo and all, but theyre all canadian so none have the southern accent. thats a key part to the fantasy :D
and of course we dont want to tick off nicky, but the intensity, wowie! now who wouldnt want to be grabbed by him and thrown... erm, ill stop now :devil: *goes off to look at own collection of less than appropriate george pics* yum yum!
hope your momma gets well soon! ive got to get myself to a walk in clinic tomorrow (havent gotten a new doctor since mine retired :lol:) so fingers crossed everything is ok!!
good ;uck with that Allmaple :D

ok firstly, remember when in 'Poppin tags' Warrick grabbed that kid and almost did more, and Nick pushed him away? Warrick sort of did that.

and I think nick was right for hitting that jerk, he wound being the bad guy any way, so it was right, besides people like that need to be punched... in my opinion :)

also i still think it was an accident and Gary threw George harder then he was supposed to, you'll see, when the DVD comes out for Season 7, and they have commentary for this episode, they'll say that.

anyway, I think nick will be fine, I also think his hitting of the punk had nothing to do with what happened to him in the past, but with what happened to Greg, he loves Greg, I always thought he treated him like a little brother, and this pissed him off.
but i also think he was pissed off because these were stupid senseless crimes for no reason, he seams to get more emotional about those kinds.

so that is my two cents, and I think George will stay on the show, and if there are any more out bursts like this, they'll be completely justified and Nick will be fine.

ok now I'm done.

and George is hot... just to break it up a a little :D
Check out this lame article by TV Squad. They are so mean to Nick and so mean to CSI, I actually commented on one article and asked why they waste their time writing about the show if they have nothing decent to say about it.

This week, they are mean to Nick. I'm the last comment.

Sorry, but they get my goat!!! :mad:

Nick Bashing on TV Squad
ouch. well, this is the sort of thing that's being discussed on the "CSI vs. Grey's" thread, the people on tv squad are watchers of G.A. and they strongly support that show. They don't know what they're missing :p

Not that I'm justifying tv squad, I just don't think we need to start bad-mouthing Grey's now just because some people don't understand that CSI has set very high standards for itself (but they're good standards!!)

alright, I'm done babbling now.
are those the same people that did the 10 reasons to kill nick last year? they really need to get a life. george isnt, and shouldnt, go anywhere. it was just the nature of the episode, they needed someone to comment on the violence in las vegas. and nick being as compassionate as he is, he definitely should have been the one making those comments.
do not fear ladies! this is just the blathering of uninformed, unimportant people ;)
nicksarafan2 said:
good ;uck with that Allmaple :D

and I think nick was right for hitting that jerk, he wound being the bad guy any way, so it was right, besides people like that need to be punched... in my opinion :)

I think this was pretty major thing for Nick, how much death, horror, and bad guys has he encountered? And someone taunts him and he hits him? Yes, Greg was attacked, but at at the time the guy was a punk, not suspect but a heckler.

What Nick did was illegal, it was assault...he hit first. He could have ruined his career over a guy talking smack.

I don't think he would have done that three years ago, or two no matter what had transpired before then. Nick is a member of law enforcement, and that means he of all people has to keep himself as a civil servant and professional or he needs to get another job.

Now I'm not jumping on Nick at all, I just think this means something for his character, he was angry, angrier than we've ever seen him, including that warehouse scene where he look a bit overly aggressive toting his gun.

I kind of liked it :-D,

But all I'm saying is that I think its was a major display, much more than we've seen from him. It'll be interesting if this was a one time thing, or like the buzz cut eppys of season 5, if season 7 will be a more edgier/ 'tougher' Nick.
allmaple said:
are those the same people that did the 10 reasons to kill nick last year? they really need to get a life. george isnt, and shouldnt, go anywhere. it was just the nature of the episode, they needed someone to comment on the violence in las vegas. and nick being as compassionate as he is, he definitely should have been the one making those comments.
do not fear ladies! this is just the blathering of uninformed, unimportant people ;)

They aren't very informed people, I've read a few articles where they've gotten their facts completely wrong. And I told Anna Johns in another article she wrote that was is she wasting her talent (or lack thereof) bashing Nick and CSI. I guess she has nowhere else to write.

Well George is above all that stuff. He's a smart, talented actor whose had to go through a lot in his life (house burnt down, almost murdered at 14, held at gunpoint while in college. Then he started off life as a salesman and that went downhill, so he finally got up the courage to go for his dream despite his dad's misgivings and guess what? He made it.

I admire George because he so honest and frank about things and he's honest about himself. He admits that he gets nervous about auditons. He's like Bono of U2 who admits to almost vomiting before every performance.

Sorry, I had to add in one of my other favourite men. Bono, George Eads..in the same room together..I'd die.

And George is a U2 fan as well..go George!!!
I agree that it's a pretty major thing for Nick. He was definitely out of line. I kind of liked it too, but it was really bad for someone in his position. That was not self defense or even anger at someone who they thought committed the crime.

I think it shows how fed up Nick is getting with dealing with what he does all the time. I thought it was kind of important that he seemed to think about it first. He didn't just lose control and go after the guy, he walked up to him, then stopped and thought about it, and still hit him. It's like he knew the consequences but just doesn't care anymore. I think they'll probably not pursue the ramifications of his actions, but in real life with all those people around, someone would probably try to bring it up again.

I also thought maybe Warrick pulled him away so hard because, first he couldn't believe Nick actually hit him, but then maybe also he wanted to make it look like Nick had been pushed by the people on the other side of the tape. I'm probably just over-analyzing on that, but they were standing really close, and maybe if anything came of it, Nick could say that he ended up on the ground too.
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