Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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That's "Code of Silence" By iboneki


She's part of our little writing group...however she has not updated much because (chapter 7) when she moved to D.C., she was tapped by a congressman to help promote the peace corps, so she's been busy writing for professional reasons :-D

However in her last e-mail she has not forgotten the story, but she moved to D.C because of a new job and she's been swamped. Check the link out and read some of her other stories, she has a gift with words.

wlk68 said:
I'm here hoping someone can help me locate a fan fic.

I know that technically this doesn't belong here but who better to know about Nick centric fan fic but other Nick fans.....

I came across the story a couple months ago and then lost track of it. It was a WIP that I saw over on fanfiction.net (I think). Of course I can't remember the title or the author.

It was a case story that centered mostly on Nick and Brass investigating a murder. They got chased by a dog and their primary suspect was a guy who reminded them of Napoleon Dynamite. There was also a scene where Nick ate a Froot Loop that the suspect's mom had strung and used as a decoration on her Christmas tree. His little taste test told him that the cereal was too stale to fit the alibi the mom was using to try and clear her son.

You would think since I remember so many details I would remember the name of the darn story but that is not the case.

Hopefully this sounds familiar to someone....
Kristen9999 said:
That's "Code of Silence" By iboneki


She's part of our little writing group...however she has not updated much because (chapter 7) when she moved to D.C., she was tapped by a congressman to help promote the peace corps, so she's been busy writing for professional reasons :-D

However in her last e-mail she has not forgotten the story, but she moved to D.C because of a new job and she's been swamped. Check the link out and read some of her other stories, she has a gift with words.

Thanks Kristen, I knew someone here would know! I'm familiar with iboneki's work and enjoy it very much.

The fact that she hasn't posted anything recently is probably why I lost track of it. The story must have slipped down a few pages and then I couldn't find it again.

The thing that killed me was the story left off in a spot that looked like Nick was headed into potential danger. I'm going nuts with wanting to find out what happens.

Thanks for your help!!

BTW, I'm really enjoying your Minstrel Boy series. Keep up the great work!!
Yes Elsie, Nick-centric is a word! It is a very good word in fact!

Hmmm...love to see much more of a shirtless Nick. Not that I couldn't deal with that, know what I mean? I could deal with that just fine! :D

Ah....ever have one of those moments when you get lost in those soft brown eyes and you feel your breath catch in your throat?

Guess it is time to check in! I'm mentally exhausted and physcially tired. I'm becoming grumpy! Mom calls me Miss G!
SparkyGirl said:
Yes Elsie, Hmmm...love to see much more of a shirtless Nick. Not that I couldn't deal with that, know what I mean? I could deal with that just fine! :D

Ah....ever have one of those moments when you get lost in those soft brown eyes and you feel your breath catch in your throat?
Well, no shirtless Nick last night. But getting lost in those eyes -- well, when Nick was sitting with the vics wife after explaining that it was a random act of violence and his eyes got so sad and misty, I was like butter - I melted.
I love him with a shirt, not that I would complain if he took it off every now and then... :D *points out promotion and new pretty avatar, very happy*

OnlyTruth , I will look forward to seeing the new episode, I think Nick is always deals with the issues sensitively, bless him! Sadly, won't get to see the episode until probably February when it airs here, oh well I guess new Nick is always worth waiting for.
Nick's puppy dog eyes had me going last night. I liked the episode last night. Not alot of Nick time but the time we got was very well concentrated much like 4x4. Should be some good screen caps to show in the ward when they're up :D
Wow. What a great couple 'o scene's with our boy last night. And, yes...when he was talking to the wife of the Marine, man...he made me want to cry!

I love him!!
I loved it.

Now it would be nice if we could get George over to Grey's Anatomy for a show or two. He could play a specialist and be another McDreamy, or a McYummy, or a McWOW!!!
Like all of you, last nights episode was awesome. GE really outdid himself in his last scene. I almost cried. He looked like he wanted to pull the widow into his arms and let her cry on his shoulder. Too sweet. I love the way GE does scene like that. I think he does them better than about anyone else out there.

One thing I noticed, or was it just me? Did GE go back home to TX during the hiatus? I thought his accent was markedly stronger than last season. Am I the only one that noticed that? Maybe I am just crazy.

Oh this might go better in the syndrome thread but, does anyone have that picture of GE when he was young, sitting on the car? I have a new photo program (and the skills) to make that better. If someone could PM it to me or post it, I could try to make it so we could see it better.
Amy, I was just saying the same thing about his accent to my (poor) husband...it DOES seem much stronger. I loved the "Ve-HICK-al" pronunciation...it made me chuckle. I hope he keeps it up!
Maybe he popped in here and found out ho much we all love the drawl, so he's letting it come out more to please his devoted fans? ;)

Hey, it could happen! :lol:
^OOhh..I'd love to see his face if he read some of our comments..especially the naughtier ones....we really should tame ourselves..

hell no!!!
That would be soo cool if he did come on, I love it when he has more of a strong Texan accent.
Can't wait for the next epi, just saw a clip on Intertube, and he looks really hot, well he always is, but I can't wait!
I'm watching "Pledging Mr.Johnson" now. Man! The first few minutes of the episode made me melt!
SO Like it! :D
I am new to the board and have been reading and reading and have to ask: Can anyone tell me why George/Nick cut his hair again. I liked it longer. This is twice that he has shaved his head.
I have always been a Nick fan and was stunned to find out that he is from Belton, Texas. My family still lives in Texas (Killeen)and we use to go to Belton Lake all the time and we still go when I go home to visit. My high school football team played against his football team. I've got to find my school yearbooks now.
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