Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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BethAnn welcome to the board. According to the interview he did on the late late show he's saving the studio $11.00 a week by shaving his head. :lol:.Other than that I have not heard or read anything that would suggest the real reason this time.
George is a wacky, crazy guy! Who likes to do weird things to his hair. I'm expecting a greased-back look..

*ducks hoping he isn't reading this on going, "hmmmmmm..never tried that before"

As long as he doesn't do a mullet on us!!

No, George..no mullets....
Ah you know how it is for guys- the haircuts/styles are more limited, so every once in a while they grow it out, then they shave it... They do what they can to keep it fresh. :)
I like his hair really short, long is good too and so was the longerish hair, but the only bits I don't like is when it's growing to be longer, cus he looked sorta wierd.
And yes most of us are fascinated by his drawl cus he makes it sooo sexy, normally when i hear a texan speak I just think he doesn't sound as good as George!
I love his drawl too!, gaah! i just want to i don't know, hug him, yes that is it, hug him ;)

and i love his buzzed hair, it looks cute on him, besides I can se how he's not going to loose his hair any time soon, looks good! and as you all know I loved his long shaggy hair Grrr, I wanted him more then... i still want him, but that was a soft spot he hit there for me :p :D

yeah men do strange things with there hair all the time, so far all the men I like on Tv and in real life, have done somthing strange with there hair, and it's funny, but George is a silly cute guy, who can do as he wishes with his lovly hair, ecsept the mullet, witch my mom says she likes... why i don't know, she doesn't like the Texan drawl, but mullets she's ok with, go figure :lol:

any way, i can't wait for this thursday!!

right now 'Spongbob' is on, I'm laughing quite a bit, I'm just wondering if he likes to watch it... I bet he does :lol: I also wonder if he watches 'My super sweet 16' or 'Fashon House', we already found another hunky guy who likes those shows (Anderson Cooper)...ok i'm just dragging on, sorry.

Bye now :D
oh the drawl does things to me that im not allowed to talk about, must not cross pg13 line! ive always wondered, did they put out a casting call for southern men or is nick texan because they picked george for the role? either way im glad hes never had to cover up the accent, and in some of the movies he actually got to bring it out more :D

a few weeks ago crows feet was on, and there was that one lab tech who was supposed to replace george as nick. not even going to touch the issue that cbs though they could replace him. horrors!!! but i definitely noticed some ackwardness between the two men when they were on air together. it was funny to watch after knowing who the other guy could have been. i know george is profesional and all but he seemed uncomfortable in the scene with his would be successor :lol:

oh spongebob, how i love you so :D my dad laughs at me and usually leaves the room if i turn on spongebob
Oh god how can CBS think that someone else could do the role as Nick Stokes better then George Eads. It just wouldn't be Nick!

The drawl...love that drawl.....
I found the drawl very..... I don't know. I just like it. I like the fact that George has not lost himself in Hollywood. I read somewhere that when he went to LA he would not let LA change who he was. I think we see that with his drawl. It's take me as I am or you can't have me approach. I like him and respect him for that.
allmaple said:
did they put out a casting call for southern men or is nick texan because they picked george for the role?

I read somewhere that the original part was a person named "Nick LaDee" who was a Motersicle riding, tatooed, pierced, blond haired, ex cop from Nebraska (how GE ended up in that audition I will never know. Wrong turn? :lol:) but when William Peterson saw him, he was so impressed that they actually changed the charictar to a fairly straitlaced ex cop from Dallas. I for one am glad they made the change. I think the charactor on Nick really adds to the show. Not to mention the acting talant of GE.
I could never have fallen for an actor that was tatooed, and pierced except a certain pirate that alot of us seem to like as well :). I am glad George got the part and I like hearing that William Petersen was impressed with him.
yes i love good wholesome nick stokes :D nick ladee sounds kind of creepy. how lucky are we that billy has some common sense after seeing george? :lol:
also like the new name better too. does anyone else here watch ncis and laughed at the character named 'mick stokes'? :lol: although if nicky had a tattoo somewhere hidden under his clothes that would be fun :devil:
I watch NCIS but I've never heard the 'mick stokes' one. I do like hot they do twist names to make fun of them though.
Oh, did anyone besides me totally love tonight's episode! I'm kinda really worried about Nick's happiness though... he seems very depressed, with reason of course, but it is unsettling
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