Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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That interview was so adorable! GE looked amazing, and he did seem a lot more relaxed than last year. He even stuck his tongue out a few times. :D
It wasn't Monica... I thought they broke up?

any way, it was some chicka, don't know who she was though, I still think she was a plant to get Nick away from Cath, so whomever slipped Catherine the micky could do so with out Nickbeing there.

any way I loved how he danced, me want him more now, and yeah, I also don't think the girl he danced with will be in any future episodes, it was just somthing they did to set the whole plot up for Catherine.

any way I GE gets more scenes soon to come!
BabaOReilly said:
^^^ Normally I would agree, and I don't think he'll stay mad long if he does get mad- but I think Warrick probably also has a "blind spot" where Catherine's involved. I think he may do the "Where the hell were you man?" thing at first, and then realize that Nick really didn't do anything wrong. I think it'll just be a knee-jerk reaction.

Yeah that would make sense. I think Warrick and Nick will be spending lots of episodes together this season, and I've also read that their friendship will be featured this year. I guess it would be a good friendship scene if Warrick does go off blaming Nick at first, but then he gets to apologize later.

You know I also noticed the girl's resemblance to Monica. While it would be a good twist if the girl happened to be a plant to lure Nick away, I think Cath said something like he knows the girl and he said yeah (if I remember correctly). Also, the way he automatically wrapped his arms around the girl seemed way too familiar. But I do agree that they only put the girl in the scene in order to make Nick leave and have Cath all by herself.

I can't wait to see how Nick will react when he learns about the whole thing.

Catherine will ask Sara to help her about the investigation. I'm thinking Cath may choose to keep it a secret between them and not tell the rest of the lab. So maybe there's a possibility that Nick won't know what happened to her?
I hope that tptb don't have Nick beating himself up too much. I believe Catherine is as much to blame for not keeping an eye on her drink. You hear reports all the time of people letting their drinks get out of their sight and something like this happening.
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When did George and Monica breakup? As of March 1, 2006 they had the same address. But then again George did go to Australia alone.
i dont think its common knowledge, even when they were together he was very private and didnt talk about her too much. he did say he was single in an interview in australia, but even when he was on craig ferguson the first time and craig referred to him as a 'bachelor' he never brought up monica. they might still be together, they might not. to me single is single, but in hollywood sometimes 'single' is simply 'not married'
who knows! im glad hes able to keep some aspects of his personal life personal, whatever happens i wish him the best. although, he does need to get a start on the babymaking, the next generation of girlies (or boys, whatever floats your boat) needs a piece of george too! :lol: and if hes having trouble finding the right lady im sure there are more than a few eager volunteers on this board alone ;)
I read an interview with Gary Dourdan about a month or two ago. They asked him if he did anything with his co workers.
He said he and George use to hit the bars, but now he (GE) has a girlfriend and that means George and him don't do that much anymore.

Personally I don't think GE will ever marry, but I agree with you that he should be spreading his genes around a bit, after all he has almost all the gifts a person can have, intelligence, looks, talent!.
I sure hope he still isn't with Monica, she just didn't seem the type of girl George would go out with, then i have no idea what he likes soo, but anyway I would love to see loads of little Georges running around in 20 years, wooo, If they all looked like GE, TV would be smoking!
Personally I think it's none of our business to judge about with whom he is together. ;)
But when it comes to babies, I'll throw myself into the gen-pool :D
lol we'll have to form a line :)

*hopes he grows some hair before season's end...no offense to anyone else but he's just hotter with hair IMHO. Your opinion may vary though.
One of the thinks I respect George for is his ability to keep his private life private. We can all wish we're his girlfriends but I don't think we should make judgements on who he's dating or not dating
Thank you Jacquie for saying that and in saying that, lets move the topic of the thread along. :)
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