Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Hey, did anyone see the first 10 min of the show? EVERYONE in my dorms wash Gray's and my TV died :( Took me 20 min to find free TV. Do they show Nicky at the begining?
he was consistently in the whole episode, but not until after the opening sequence and first commercial break at least.
id say were doing ok on the nicky wish list so far! we got time outside the lab, even if it wasnt topless basketball with the other guys and was probably only there so catherine could get raped. but how cute of a dancer is he? i love him even more now :D i especially found it funny how the girl latched on to him before he even asked her to dance :lol: but hey, if i guy like that was looking at me in a club id probably have my paws all over him too :D looked like he went home with her too. but no more one night stands nicky! they dont turn out so well for you :p lets just hope shes not a hooker
I liked the dance sequence but I didn't like what happened to Catherine. Are we going to have a drawn out season with her angst while we are left with 'it's over' for Nick.

I watched the interview with Craig Ferguson after the show and George seem much more comfortable with the interview this time. It was nice to hear the salad story. I was thrilled to see the little stoker make several appearances :)
I'm pretty sure when Craig greeted George at the side of the stage before they moved to sit down, I saw him mouth the words "I'm Scottish" to George! :lol:

If so, then it's nice that he remembered the details of their last interview. :)
i will have to check that Baba, it would be pretty funny if craig picked on george a bit.
and i think because its catherine, we may never hear the end of this one. move over nicky no one (well the writers at least) cares about your issues anymore! :( its strange that they would put these two huge developments for the characters so close together, when they said they didnt want to deal with the backlash for nick and then they go and do this to catherine. oh well, maybe they have favourites just like we do.
im going to digress for a moment because i recently saw a clip from extra right after george and jorja were wired. they claimed the studio execs were 'not worried about the effect on the show' when they fired them and hired two other actors. i hope george has made them eat their words! (of course he hasnt really) but could that other guy, who appeared as a tech in crows feet, have given them grave danger? could he have given them gum drops? no. george has become such an asset to the show that its sad they give his character these great storylines and decide to drop them whenever they please.
ok, theres my rant for the day. after school im off to peterborough to visit a friend for the weekend. now, if only george was part of the movie they are filming there right now id be super happy! :lol:
Actually, I'm thinking Nick may get some mileage out of this Catherine thing- after all, he's going to feel like crap when he feels out that after ditching her so he could go get laid, she go roofied! He's going to feel like absolute garbage.
i lied, im still here.
see, thats what bothers me. nick is almost always the one making mistakes. now that youve mentioned it, if the writers do go in that direction theyll probably have the other characters pissed off at nick too. on the big scale of things, nick has probably made the most mistakes. girls get killed and raped whenever nicky is looking for a little something for himself.
i guess we can look at it as good or bad, they might give nick screentime to deal with this, maybe hash out his other issues (wishfull thinking i know) but on the otherhand the rest of the team might treat him differently as if its his fault.
drama, drama, drama, that is what csi is about after all.
ok this time im gone for good, gots to get to class!
Nope no other actor could do what George does, he is really somthing, I hope he gets lots of movie rolls in the future!!

and I saw the Crieg interview, he did seem more realaxed, I love him, he's to cute.... sigh... kinda sad arn't ?

any way on last nights epeisode, why do I think that girl was a ruse to get Nick away from Cath, so the bad stuff will happen to her?

and I also feel like if Catherine tells Grissom what happened, he's going to get mad at Nick, i hope not, but well see.

also, i think tptb, are going to stick to Catherine's story for the whole season, the oposite of what they did for Nick's story line, and because of this, we may never see a conclusion to 'it's over', but who knows, they could surprse me!!

and did any one notice how Nick was using his Super sluithness and spotting all sorts of things,from the sand on the guys shoes, to the thing on the screen, Nick is good! and I have a feeling he'll be taking over Gill's place soon!! (hopes)

and I did'nt think anything of the dancing, it was cute, and they were trying to have fun, it was nice, and then it all went south, I hope Nick doesn't feel guilty of anything.

but other wise a kindof blah epsiode really, Greg wasn't there much, it was sort of forced in some ways, I hope it picks up momentume soon.

and I was disapointed they didn't use any of Nick's long hair shot's for the intro, but I guess they had to make room for the other two.

ok bye!!

oh and George was smoking alst night, he's so fine!!
I think that Nick will take it hard and it will be Catherine who defends him - she is grown woman who goes to bars alone all the time. She doesn't usually depend on a knight in shining armour to be there to defend her, so she won't want to blame Nick for leaving with his friend (if thats what he did). Obviously they went in separate cars, or there would have been a "ride home" discussion. He must have thought at the time she was ok with him hooking up with his friend - he made eye contact with her from the dance floor while she was at the bar. After all, he wouldn't want to cramp HER style by hanging on to her all night. Yes he is still a gentleman, but it probably never occurred to him that she would be roofied.
I think no one will blame Nick, or even think it, except himself.

Btw, yeah nsf2 Nick did look great dancing! I loved that scene!
^^^ I have this feeling Warrick might, but only because he has this secret chemistry thing going with Catherine from before his marriage, and he might be a little protective of her.
Nick will definately blame himself. Don't really think that Warrick will blame him because they are supposed to have a "unique friendship". Besides Nick will most likely be harder on himself than anyone else can be.

^^^ Normally I would agree, and I don't think he'll stay mad long if he does get mad- but I think Warrick probably also has a "blind spot" where Catherine's involved. I think he may do the "Where the hell were you man?" thing at first, and then realize that Nick really didn't do anything wrong. I think it'll just be a knee-jerk reaction.
Did anyone notice a striking resemblance to George's livein Lady and the woman he danced with after Catherine? Even Catherines reply "I bet you do" seemed real to me.
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