Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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Do you think George/Nick shop at the same store for clothing? Or has Nick's style changed a bit sense Grave Danger?

Does George have any say as to what his character wears?

Just a few burning questions floating about my mind. I would think George does have somewhat of a say with clothing style for his character. I don't think I've seen Nick wear something I didn't like. Nick does look good in various colors.....reds, blues, blacks, long sleeves, short sleeves.

Hmmm....that shirt George was wearing on Craig Ferguson's was interesting. It is kinda growing on me! Should I be worried?
nicks style is pretty consistent over the years, a good mix of tshirts, dress shirts, jeans, khakis an slacks. although in season 6 he did go through the untucked shirt phase, i dont know why but i liked the shirts on him tucked in. i havent seen nick wear anything i dont like (and yes, im including the weird graphic tee in a little murder :p ) george on the other hand.... :lol: where do i begin??
hes had some misses on the red carpet *cough*bronzesuit*cough* sorry, had something in my throat there. there was the one peoples choice he wore all black 4 button tuxedo, hes too short for a 4 button jacket. plus i have a pet peeve about him doing the buttons up wrong. ill blame that on a stylist, at least i hope a stylist did that to him... maybe hes just like my dad, i dont think my dad has bought more than a few shirts for himself since my parents got married :lol: perhaps george needs a lady to take care of him too :D
and i liked the craig ferguson shirt! dress shirt and stripes are a winning combo in my books. and i liked the pattern on the back too.
and looking at softcakes gorgeous avvie makes me once again sooooo happy that our dear boy has not touched botox or collagen like many other actors in hollywood. his face is perfect, lines and all, dont screw it up by injecting foreign substances in there! it really makes me mad in some of the photoshoots they severly photoshop his face until its perfectly smooth. relax guys, we know george has wrinkles, we like them, leave them alone please! sometimes the super smooth pictures that come out are a little creepy and i for one think georges lined face is much more appealing than what they publish in magazines
I agree, he looks good in most things. Maybe I am weird, but I am a big fan of the bronze suit! I do like a man in a suit though. The tight tshirts are another favourite of mine, and having previously looked at the picture thread, blue is definately a good colour on him...
He does look good in pretty much anything...there was that one shirt he wore on Regis and Kelly that had me scratching my head. It looked like it had flames, or flowers near the shoulders...then he tells them that he cut the sleeves off of it, and all I could think was "good lord! What did the REST of it look like!?"
The bronze suite....hmmm....must have forgot about that one. ;) Wonder how I did that? :D

You know allmaple, George would have no problem having us ladies help him take care of him. Besides, we all know what colors look good on him! I've never payed much attention to the 4 button tuxedo thing. Guess I was too busy just looking at him! You have got an eye for fashion! I loved the untucked stage for Nick. Wow!

I loved the stach look! Sigh....I'm so weird!

I love George being natural! Forget airbrushing those wonderful wrinkles, laugh lines and blemishes..which are very few if any! He is handsome as he is!
SparkyGirl said:
He is handsome as he is!

Amen to that! :D

I like the casual style on him - denim, shirt, that does well for me. That or a tux :devil: Except there's one- I can't remember when he wore that, but he had a black (or dark grey) dress-shirt and a huge bow tie. That made him look - I don't know - stupid :D *hides from flying objects*
I'm hoping that the return of the buzz cut means more dress shirts. In season 5 he wore more dress shirts throughout the season than he did last season. Personally I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of person, but when you look as good as he does dressed up why not do it more often.

George/Nick can wear anything he wants, it all looks good on him, yes he has worn the ocasional strange thing, but I like 'em all, and yes I like 'the ugly' shirt in 'a little murder' it was hot on him.

and I like the dress shirts, but I liked it when they were untucked, and I love the t shirts, and of course the jeans...ok if he wears the tucked in shirts with his jeans, I'll be happy...

ah who am I kidding? he should go shirtless!!!
nicksarafan2 said:
ah who am I kidding? he should go shirtless!!!

And again, amen to that! :D
Though I don't think TPTB will do us that favor... (Storyline: Nick is suddenly allergic to fibres of any kind? At least on his upper body? :devil:)
But when it comes to dress shirts, he should take Warrick as role-model and open it up a little more...
I think one of the best shirt pics was from Swap Meet. That has the right number of buttons undone. For those that don't know my favourite pics it's the one with Nick and Warrick on the steps outside the video arcade. He is so yummy in that. :devil:
really? that one is your favourite? geez i had no idea :p
i dont think the whole man whore look works for nick, and i dont mean 'man whore' in a bad way, although it sounds like i do. gary/warrick can pull off that extra undone button but i dont see nick walking around the lab flashing chest all the time. unless the shirt is off completely :lol: i do however like the little surprises when a defiant little button comes undone all on its on, like in swap meet, viva las vegas, and crows feet.
everytime i see a new dress shirt i say thats my new favourite, but i can narrow it down to a few. the light blue one in friends and lovers, the white one in bodies in motion, and the brown/orange stripe one in harvest :D yep, those are all tasty
Mmm, he looks yummy in white. My favourite shirts include the white bodies in motion one, the blue black one in room service and the light blue one from feeling the heat (definate all time favourite - he looks fine throughout that episode).

Out of interest, what defines a dress shirt, is it different from a normal shirt? I am imagining it means a shirt that you could wear a tie with or maybe it is just my British confusion? :confused:

Have a lovely day.
Elsie your definition of dress shirt works for me. When you look at Nick in a dress shirt a tie would go nicely with them but them that would mean no open neck. I like the shirts without the ties :D
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