Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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*thwacks pillow at McStokes*
'kay, I'm not afraid of you
I was thinking you meant the kind of elves in Dragonfly 's pic. I'm happy realising it is the pretty santa's helper type. I'm pretty sure Nick/George would be a fan of the short red dress/fur trim look. Actually, I already have a dress like that, but that's another story.... ;)

*thwacks soft pillows at McStokes and softcake . I'm only a little bit scared of you* :lol:
*wacks McStokes back* and a good morining to you too.
I think I'd prefer the red dresses and fur as well. I think Nick would too :p
I'm glad we can agree on an outfit - red dress with white fur (no real fur, of course )
I was afraid I'd have to wear long striped stockings, a tight green jacket and a ridiculous hat :lol:

*grabs pillow* Howdy, Stoky watch out! *zwuuuush*
McStokes sais
Don't be afraid of me!! I'm quite harmless! Ok...so I've wrestled men who are 6'4" and 250 pounds to the ground and handcuffed them before, and I've been known to break out the tazer, but...I'm really...nice! I promise!
:lol: :lol: you mean really i´m afraid of you - ohhh no McStokes you´re nice and funny

Softcake :devil: here i am, grabs pillow and chuck back. :lol:

Grabs two other pillows and cuck back to Jacquie and McStokes :lol:

Jacquie yes, cute elfs that´s my idea. The elfes who
Dreagonflyer show are similar pic our german "Gartenzwerge" :lol: oh i hate these things.
Oh yes, the nasty Gartenzwerge! (aka garden gnome) :D I can't stand them either. I can't believe they're some kind of elf!
They're good for dwarf tossing...and target practice!

It's their eyes...they follow you no matter where you go!
My mom has one of them in her garden, and it freaks me out. He looks like a hunter and has this little rifle clinged to him... I swear one day I'll either throw him or he'll shoot me ;)

*grabs garden gnome and swings it around*
McStokes yes that´s OK to tossing this things :lol:
Softcake :lol: our neighbor have some :devil: i´ll shoot them when i´ll get them - outsh i´m striked from a garden gnom
it´s OK i´ll standing :lol:

sleep very well and nice George/Nicky dreams
i´ll make post in Stokesforum ;)
The garden gnome talks reminds me of the scene in Full Monty with the garden gnomes. They didn't quite get tossed around but there was some physical stuff :lol:. If you've never seen the movie it's quite good.
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