Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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:eek: Okay, I have mind-altering skills you don't wanna know about! ;) But I better won't test them...
*leaves St. Nick's lap to make room for Stoky*
:lol: McStokes sais
I'll warn you...I am trained in hand-to-hand combat and know how to take a person down if I have to!
Ok we are testing we are beshing us at Nicky :lol: you Know .. i´m now a mason that´s given power :devil: *thwacks with a soooo softley pillow*

Softcake noooo you don´t leave here :lol: i´m sooo small
Stoky you think we both fit in Nicky's lap? :lol:
Okay, the right knee is mine, it's prettier! :p
Still I'm afraid of McStokes I don't wanna get into a beef with her. She's armed and dangerous.
Ooh, it's nice that you are all sharing! And the elf outfit never makes anyone look fat, that is part of the joy of the season! Yay! More chocolate for me (and Nicky...move over girls). ;)
Ok you ladies have really put my mind in the gutter. :devil: I would really like to type what I thinking here but I'm not sure what Destiny would be spraying us with after she read my comments :devil: That being said I would like my equal time with Santa Nick and I think 30 minutes should be plenty :D

McStokes have you every thought of writing a book called the 101 Uses for Handcuffs. :lol: I was out at our Mall late this afternoon and I saw 3 of our finest waiting outside one of the dept. stores. So I think to myself as I walk by I wonder if I should as them for a pair of handcuffs. :lol:

Stoky an Elf is one of Santa's helpers. Usually they are females dressed in short red dresses with white fur trim. I hope this helps you :) At least that is the North American version.
Jacquie thanks :D but it´s nice and looks centranly cute or? :) than i´ll dressed an elf outfit for GE :D - preconditioned it looks cute ;)
Jacquie nice :D than we must dresses the elf outfit and make a pic, perhaps GE lurkes here and see, what nice Ladys him like :)
Hy DragonflyDreamer :lol: nooo that´s not true or?
that i´ll not dressing

thanks for information and pic ...... :lol:

Jacquie do you have me browned :lol: *thwack with a very big pillow*
Stoky don't worry that's not the elf I was thinking about. I was thinking of the cute elf. :) Grabs pillow from you and smacks you back :)
Don't be afraid of me!! :( I'm quite harmless! Ok...so I've wrestled men who are 6'4" and 250 pounds to the ground and handcuffed them before, and I've been known to break out the tazer, but...I'm really...nice! I promise!

I would be interested to see what kind of reaction you would have gotten from the cops if you asked to see their handcuffs! :lol:

Geez...maybe we'll get into dwarf tossing next instead of a pillow fight!
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