Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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dancingqueen said:
Nick singing just made my week! I didn't know he could sing so well, he even managed to put a country edge on that song...bless the soul who uploaded that scene onto youtube!

My tivo is getting a serious workout! I keep rewinding and replaying the "sing for your evidence scene." It makes me smile. :D :D :D :D :D
.....heading over to YouTube to watch it online now.....
George has a nice voice! Will not say how many times I watched/listened to him sing! Needless to say I was a puddle of Goo. My mom even said he had a good voice. Now she understood why I was crowing.

George is looking hot! I do mean hot..like fire hot! I get a feeling that this winter is going to be a warm one! :devil:

Think George can sing to me for my birthday? It's not till April, but I think I should start now!
Adzix said:
okay guys. i'm normally neutral towards Nick but DAMN, i think i developed a little crush after his today's singing. WOW, the man is hot and he CAN sing!


i just rewatched it on YouTube and OMG - his SMILE *thud*

i'm a goner. seriously, i don't know if i've seen anything equally cute recently.

see! resistence is futile! the stoker will get you in the end :lol: :p
ok, so who had sweet sweet nicky dreams last night? *raises hand* i used to always be happy i share the my name with catherine (except i spell it the cool way :lol:) but now i want mandys name so nicky will sing to me!
after he cracked along to the radio in grave danger i thought he had a bad voice, but accapella wow! :eek: i cant carry a tune to save my life if theres no music to back me up. and im pretty sure (someone who knows more about sound can correct me if im wrong) that he wasnt lip synching over a pre recorded track, he was doing it himself in front of everybody!! how can you not love him after that? and not to mention the dead sexyness. i had to control myself because i was watching with someone who doesnt understand my obsession :lol:
I've also seen it.... So great!!

I'm just always confused about his voice. I mostly see the german synchronisation and there he has a lower voice. And then the origin voice... but it's cute! :D
Oh yeah, just go on rubbing it in! :lol: I want to see it, too, did I mention that? ;)
As for Nicky-dreams... I haven't had one. Instead I dreamt that a giant crocodile/T-Rex mix chased me around! That was scary. And no Nick there to rescue me :(

Yurek I always have problems with the German voice. It's the same they use for Spike the Vampire on "Buffy" And I might be crazy, but that voice just screams Spike to me :lol: And I'm so in love with George's voice and the drawl...oh, the drawl.... *sighs*
Even though I saw the clip of Nick singing earlier in the day I was tickled pink when it came on. If I wasn't in love with Nick I would have been after last night. I asked my husband if he wanted to see it again and he said NO. I don't think he was a fan of the singing. I agree with you allmaple and that I don't think George lip synced that.
OMG...he was great last night! It was a bit like having the old Nicky back...he seemed relaxed. I must say, I didn't like Sophia when she first came on, but she and Nick seem to work well together.

Re: the ring on the thumb...that's his shooting hand...I have to move my ring too as it gets in the way of the trigger guard when you try to shoot. That big 'ol Texas Tech frat ring he wears must really get in the way!
softcake_70 said:
Yurek I always have problems with the German voice. It's the same they use for Spike the Vampire on "Buffy" And I might be crazy, but that voice just screams Spike to me :lol: And I'm so in love with George's voice and the drawl...oh, the drawl.... *sighs*

Yes! I'm also confused. I'm still a huge Buffy fan, though it's over. And I always watched it. When you don't watch on the screen and then hear Nick's voice I often think there's Spike. Then I think: "Damn! Why is Spike up there? Is the CSI now into real vampires?" :lol:
I've never really been on here ...

But hearing Nicky sing was just really sweet. It just makes him so much more adorable. And his "Oh Mandy" at the end was just the icing on the cake.
where abouts on youtube can i find this singing??? Does anyone have a link? I tried looking but im useless at it i managed to watch him on the Ellen show that was cool!
thank you i was looking under george eads (Not lituarly under him who knows what i might find (I wont say because i know this is a family forum but...)
Gah I was trying to watch the singing last night and my brother called me right in the middle of it :eek:! Thankfully I taped the ep so I can watch it again later :)
I just watched the YouTube video again cuz I was laughing too hard through it last night...but alas, I was squeeing so much watching it again this time that I just might have to watch it over and over again until I can stay calm through it! <I know, tough job, but SOMEone has to do it!>
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