Tell Me Who, Who

Good choices wibble. :) I also heart Lady Heather. And I'll never miss a chance to express my love for Bobby D and Archie, my adorable labbies. Jacqui rules too, as does Mia (although it's so weird to see Aisha Tyler so stoic all the time because she's actually really funny).

I also like the Sam Braun character quite a bit but we know he'll be back. :)
If we're not talking a main character, then I'd like to see more of Archie and Bobby. These two lab techs are fun, and remind me of how Greg used to be before he went out in the field and lost his zany personality which I miss so much.

Funny, his IMDB bio and even the one at Archie Kao online are unbelievably short and lacking in detail. I always thought Archie looked Chinese or Japanese, or something to that effect.
Squeeee! I love the lab techies! :D :D :D Hooray for techie love. Give credit where credit is due CSI guys, everyone knows the lab techies run all the tests. :)

Let me suggest again the idea of a lab techie centered episode. C'mon, who wouldn't want to see that?
Lady Heather, just because she's so cool.

And more lab techies. I love the lab techies. :D
I'm another one who'd like to see Ellie again, but this time with her trying to get her act together and reaching out to Brass.

And I'm so far the only one who'd like to see more of Ecklie. I actually like his character. I loved the ep where all the CSIs were out and there was a DB in a parking garage and the sherrif (or was it a cop?) basically told him he should work it.
I would like to see a recurring villain on one of the three series. Someone like Wo fat on Hawaii Five-0 or Dr. Miguelito Loveless on The Wild Wild West. Paul Millander, played by Matt O'Toole, would have been good at this, but died in his thrid appearance. Or was he? Could he come back? Or maybe a twin? Or can they create a new recurring villain for one of the other series.

I think the story lines get interesting when recurring criminals come back. They never got the guy who was attacking theose girls on the college campus did they? I recall they were unable to prove that the art teacher was a suspect. How about that magician - Zephyr - he implied that he was going to be able to escape when he coughed up that handcuff key. That would be fun to see - if the CSI gang finally catch up to the guy and are able to jail him.

We fans should all write an episode of CSI ... LOL... I've read some great ideas! Hey CSI writers... MORE WARRICK PLEASE!!!?

Anyway... I can't wait for the next season!
Yes, LADY HEATHER!!! But her actress is on The O.C. now so I don't see that happening :(
yeah! it would be lady heather for me too! but just in case you didn't know (even though you probably all do, since your waitng for the 6th season so eagerly) they say that lady heather's gonna come back in the 6th season, so *yay!*