Tell Me Who, Who

I'd have to say Archie...he is good.

I would also like to see something happen at Lady Heather's so Grissom would have to go back there - in a professional capacity - his not hers. One reason I would like to see this, is I would like to see if Nick was there was well and if LH - given her skills at reading people - would be able to tell Grissom that Nick is still not over what happen in Nick in Grave Danger.
what about the funeral home owner who appared in a couple of episodes in a sort of "Huggy bear" capacity. he got busted for re-using caskets and then was approached by grissom in another episode for info on black market organ transplants.
Bobby G is cool, his interaction with Nick and Warrick is good.
Archie is excellent
Terri would be good in one of the other CSI's (assisting aiden in NY?)
Hodges is a good replacement in the lab for Greg

On the whole all the sub characters are good and remember, both Greg and Doc Robbins were "lesser" characters.
Lady Heather- her mysterious aura just never ceases to amaze people. I hope she comes back.
Jacqui- I love her humor. I think it will be soo funny to see her with Wendy. :lol: Archie and Bobby D are adorable too.
I'm another one who'd like to see Ellie again, but this time with her trying to get her act together and reaching out to Brass.

And I'm so far the only one who'd like to see more of Ecklie. I actually like his character. I loved the ep where all the CSIs were out and there was a DB in a parking garage and the sherrif (or was it a cop?) basically told him he should work it.

You're not the only one who wants Ecklie back. I'd like to see (Please someone stop me) an Ecklie centric episode, concerning why he's the way he is (keeping the language UNDER PG). Hmmm...maybe more coffee pots getting thrown at him too. He seems really nice to GReg, so I don't know why he hates the rest of them! Ecklie's one of my fave characters. Silly me, I always like the bad guys...
I'd have to say

Archie, Bobby form the the lab and Lady Heather.

I would love to see if she (LH) can see that Nick is still effected what happened in Grave Danger...