Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

I have a problem with authority all the time. Oh, and I might of just got my English teacher fired. I talked about what she did before and she found out it was me that told on her and she threw a pen at me...while the princaple was there! Ahaha it was the best!
Catherinesmyidol said:
Reeble, if I had an annoying sub, I probably would have said "Yo bitch, shut your face!" :lol: But then again I'm in a bad mood and seem to have a problem with authority today.

See, I would of, but she was kind of old and I would of felt bad. So I had to just suck it up and close my eyes, but it still didn't work.

*hums "You are 16 going on 17..."*
Reeble said:

See, I would of, but she was kind of old and I would of felt bad. So I had to just suck it up and close my eyes, but it still didn't work.

*hums "You are 16 going on 17..."*
I always have this one sub that persists on calling me Joe. My names Zoe and i correct him everytime he calls it in roll but then he always tells me i'm wrong haha...i don't think he speaks much english tho
by the way Reeble your icon cracks me up :lol:
You think you have it bad? No sub has ever pronounced my name right. It's Ievy btw (prounced "ee-vee"). There's been so many different versions. Let's see...Ivy, Levi, Uhvee . My english teacher sometimes says it wrong still.

And thanks, Joe! Er- I mean Zoe. ;)
My name is Levon (like LEE VON) and people call me Leveen and levoon and really dumb stuff. Oh and my English teacher is ofically going to kill me!!!
My name is Jasmina and my English teacher used to call me Jasmine(um, there's an a at the end, not an e) Before class started once day I told her how to correctly pronouce my first name and since then she's been doing it the right way. It pisses me off when people call me Jasmine.
i just had a dream and Marc Vann was in it and i was running around and all of a sudden he popped up and i was like "Great Job on the OC.... high five " then i kept on running :lol:
I had a crazy OC related dream last night; I woke up, went downstairs and as I was pouring a cup of coffee I glanced over to the table and Julie Cooper was sitting there drinking coffee and reading the paper. It was insane; I sat down and we just talked to each other like old friends. :lol:

It's raining here again. I'm thinking of going out for a run...
Dude, my science teacher is officially the dumbest person I have ever met.

A couple of guys in my class were thinking up words that looked the same up side down and right side up (like "lol" for example). Yes, they were that bored. Anyways, they decided to ask my science teacher for ideas, and you know what she said?


I died of laughter.
lol ok I forgot about this thread...wow I'm smart. Anyways my science teacher simply sucks. My other one that sucked went for surgery and isn't coming back so now we have the worst teacher in the world. She is SO hard to listen to she's just like bla bla bla and then I fall asleep! I barley passed my science test with a 53% cause I didn't know anything cause I can't pay attention in class!!
I'm exactly the same in science class. It's my teacher, I swear. I cannot listen to a word she's saying. She's lost hope on a bunch of people so she'll just kind of ignore them. I'll say two words and she'll move me.

Luckily I got a 70% on my science test. Whoop whoop!
It's kind of weird that my peers think it's mandatory to lose your virginty at a young age. I mean, they're doing it and they use "curiousity" as an excuse". That's F-ed up. I know it's peer pressure. But they do "it" and they act like there aren't consequences. And when it comes to their studies, they're so careless.

So, do you think people like these are the hope of tomorrow?
tanglewood14 said:
It's kind of weird that my peers think it's mandatory to lose your virginty at a young age. I mean, they're doing it and they use "curiousity" as an excuse". That's F-ed up. I know it's peer pressure. But they do "it" and they act like there aren't consequences. And when it comes to their studies, they're so careless.

So, do you think people like these are the hope of tomorrow?

that is VERY F'D UP!