Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

My mom called me a slut when she asked what age I did. I didn't tell her the whole story though. I counted down the days 'til I could legally move out and left.

And you go people who havn't lost thiers yet! And draig_goch that is just plain awesome!

I haven't done anything that funny but one time I was at the beach and this b*tch Alyssa was thier for her 16th birthday party and she fell asleep on the beach and all of her friends/birthday party guests were swimming out deep. So I came up and drew a mustache with my sharpie and my friend Chris wrote ELF!! on her forhead (we call her an elf cause she has fingers the size of my little sisters) and when she woke up her friends didn't know where it came from and everyone was like it was probably someone you don't even know. I have pictures somewhere...
ha ha ha thats fab, I still have mine and intend on holding on to it for a while longer im only 16, even though i'm legall i dont want to. I tthink your mum said what she said out of anger unless she said it as a joke.
evel_queen27 said:
thank you...and i plan on keeping mine till im married. :D
:eek: whoa :eek:

i dont know how ne1 could do that lol.

even if i could, i wouldnt want to, i mean ur wedding night is meant to be good and stuff and your honeymoon and that is meant to be awesome sex, but if your a virgin it wont be, coz the first few times suck lol. thats one reason heaps of people dont do that ne more, well, from what i've heard.

its one reason i wouldnt if i could.

but good on you, you obviously have morals and can stick to them :D

i dont and cant, LOL.
*coughs* heartagram, that netspeak *coughs*

And could we please talk about something else than losing your virginity. Thank you all :)
I may vote when I'll be an adult, but I dunno...In my country politics suck. The parties rival all the time (I guess it's quite common) and they always lie. They often get threatening letters, too. :devil: LOL. And one vote won't decide who wins, so I still dunno if I'll vote or not :p
WillowsWannaBe said:
And one vote won't decide who wins, so I still dunno if I'll vote or not :p

well what if everyone thought that way? :lol: i voted in the first election after i turned 18. my friend was so angry that the election was the day before her birthday. but since this is canada and we like to have lots of elections there was an other federal one in january. i actually didnt vote because all the party leaders sucked and i couldnt pick out who sucked the least. (although i did know who i disliked the most, and i knew he was going to win, and he did)
just remember, if you dont vote you cant complain about who wins :p but i can, because i knew harper was going to get in no matter what. :D

ive started my end of teenagerhood countdown, tomorrow is my last day. im in complete denial. im too imature to be *gasp* 20!! i wont go down without a fight though....
lol blair bush's lap dog I hate him, I dont like Labour but the minute the conservatives come in people will lose there jobs that always happens I think its about time Lib Dem get in see what there like
Yes, Lib Dem could be interesting.

They say that if all the people who said 'I'm not bothering voting Lib Dem because they won't get in' did actually vote for them, they would be in power :lol:

I sometimes wonder whether I should start my own campaign, encouraging people to go and take their opportunity to vote on polling day :p