Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

evel_queen27 said:
tanglewood14 said:
It's kind of weird that my peers think it's mandatory to lose your virginty at a young age. I mean, they're doing it and they use "curiousity" as an excuse". That's F-ed up. I know it's peer pressure. But they do "it" and they act like there aren't consequences. And when it comes to their studies, they're so careless.

So, do you think people like these are the hope of tomorrow?

that is VERY F'D UP!
what do you consider young?

i lost mine at 15 and it wasnt peer pressure, and i dont know ne1 over 16 thats a virgin still. and it doesnt effect our studies, i dunno if this is weird to you or not, coz here its normal, i know people over the other side of the country hu say its the same.

i dont think its a pressure thing, its just that kids are growing up and maturing at a younger age now.

and its not for the lack of knowing the conseuences, i for one know them very well. (i got preggaz) and i dealt with it, but its something that happens to adult aswell, so its not just something you can say happened because i was young. it something that happens to everyone, and i know the consequences, but so do adults, its like your saying sex is a bad thing just coz your young. it depends on your maturity yes, but age is just a number, maturity is much more then how old you are.

there can be people that are in their 20's and very immature when it comes to things like sex and relationships, and people like 18 and stuff where people wouldnt think nething of them if they were having sex and they can be less mature then a 15 year old and people judge the 15 yr old just coz of their age.

things should depend on maturity not age. age doesnt show how much you know about the world, maturity does.

neways i aint been to skool all week lol, but i gotta go today coz i got 3 exams :eek: HOW SO NOT FAIR!!!

i was trying to get dyl (bf) to let me stay home, but him being the responsible guy he is wont let me, lol. damn him for being so responsible, but its good coz otherwise i woudl never go to skool (not like my parents have a say in what i do, i hardly am even at home, norm at dyl's)

i've got a maths exam, english and physics, ALL IN ONE DAY!!!

soooo not fair argh *pulls hair out*
On a serious note that dosent give us much hope does it!
Oh prolly not.

And I hope you did ok on those midterms ineverysunflower. I barley passed mine with 58%. Then again I didn't study cause I have better things to do.. :p
bleh, i had a chemistry test on friday...i totally failed...oh well, i've still got about 4-5 wekks before my half-yearly's are on, and i still have a bunch of homework to write up...oh well

and at my school, i only know a few people who have lost their virginity, and thats only rumour...as far as i know most people haven't, but maybe thats just me being naive, and them being very good at hiding secrets...
heartagram69 said:

i lost mine at 15 and it wasnt peer pressure, and i dont know ne1 over 16 thats a virgin still.

i'm over 16 and still a virgin! :p hehehehe...

on another note, I'VE FINISHED ALL EXAMS FOR THIS TERM! yay! i'm currently on a 3 week break and i couldnt be happier! garde 12 is hard work and i'm so releived for the time being about not having any more assessment! well, actually, i have about 4 assignments i'm supposed to be doing these holidays... but i cant be bothered starting them just yet.

I lost mine at 14. It wasn't pure pressure.....long story...and my roommate who is 19 hasn't lost hers yet (then again she cant hang on to a guy longer then a week)

And I just remembered THE DAY I get back from spring break (cause I go back monday cause my school is screwed) I have a math test. I havn't studied a thing and not to mention I'm missing 11 math assignments therefor I'm failing math! And I need to get my mark up otherwise I can not graduate and I will be pissed right off.
i think last time i checked this thread a few months ago you guys were on the sex topic :lol: pretty popular eh?
i lost mine at 18 with a guy id been with for almost a year, who then dumped me when his parents found out (at least thats what he said, i dont believe him) i dont regret it, but i still hate him for doing that to me. i refuse to even say his name, hes simply 'the jerk faced bastard' :lol:
at least that freed me up for a summer fling with a cute boy at work who always hit on me while i was still with my ex :p
All I will say about me was I didn't have a choice whether I wanted to or not...I'd rather not disguss the story really. And after the jerk stalked me for like 6 months until I got a restraning order. I had to actually video tape him following me in his car...what a jerk!
oh my god CathrineWillows i would be pooping myself, id say he was more than a jerk but the words would go like this
I remember this guye wouldnt stop pesetring me lets call him MrX and the problem was he lived by me so what i did in a cunning stroke of genius we all went swimming in the river by me and it was really hot that summer so when he fell to sleep on the grass and i started to write perv an his forhead in a very high factor suncream but he woke up in the midddle of the letter E and asked me what I was dooing i said massaging your head cause I love you so he closed his eyes and i completed the word, it was getting dark by the time we left and we were all burnt and the next day he came out he started shouting at me but all I could do was laugh because on his forehead standing out from his lobster fase was PERV lol
evel_queen27 said:
im almost 19 and a virgin and PROUD OF IT!! W00T!
lol u go gurl lol, thats unheard of round here lol.

im not and saying im proud of it makes me sound like a slut lol, but ill say that im not ashamed about it. (that make sense? :confused: ) lol