Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

heartagram69 said:
my rat died last night :( she was the mum of my other 3... im sad now :(
Sorry to hear about your rat. I own 4 myself. The mother of two of the babies I have now is getting old...

Awwe I'm sorry to hear that! Yea my roommates fish died today and she's getting over this dude Jake (who she was dating) only now shes really sad about both. And my ears are starting to hurt. She cried all yesterday, all today and right now she's crying in here sleep!
Hey Zoe, welcome! I've been better; How are you?

Sorry about everyone's pets and stuff; My dog is such a moron! It's like 2 degrees outside and he will not get in his dog house!
Hey Zoe! Nice to see another teenager here.

Dogs can be really wierd. My husky died about 3 years ago from blood cancer. I had a hamster before that, but my dog ate it. :eek: She also killed my neighbours cat. Bit it in the neck. I was like, "SHEENA! wtf!". I had to just kind of leave it there and hope my neighbours found their cat. I swear my dog like lived with wolves or something.
my dog died in august 05 and on thursday of last week my parents went out and got i new dog. im kinda pissed about the situation but id rather not start a fight with them.
Catherinesmyidol said:
Hey Zoe, welcome! I've been better; How are you?
i'm swell.
my dog...well my dog smells like fish right now so no one has really wanted to pay attention to her so she made her own fun and ate the book i was supposed to read for english. :rolleyes:
we almost lost my pixie cat two summers ago. she had this lump on the side of her neck that they thought could be a tumor. so basically, our options were to assume it was a tumor (which they wouldnt be able to remove, since it was in her throat and soft palate) or have a biopsy (sp?) where the anesthsia could kill her because she is old, small, and the lump was pressing on her aorta.
turned out to be a build up of dead tissue they think she got from trying to swallow a bug that stung her on the way down! she had to get a feeding tube and was in animal icu for a while, but shes all good now. i cried like a baby when that happened, weve had her for 14 years! and last year when we took her for a checkup the vet called her 'pixie the miracle cat' :D
I had a cat last year. Only it umm kinda got killed by the neighbors dog! My (old) neighbor came over and was like I'm sorry...but my dog killed your cat. Then he left...I was so mad! Then like 2 weeks later my roommates and I found a differnt house because we didn't want anything else getting killed by his dog.
You scared me for a sec there, CW. But I'm glad you found a new house. I would be pissed.

allmaple, that's a great story. Speaking of bug stings...

When I was little, it was the summer and I was eating a piece of watermelon. When I opened my mouth a wasp flew into my mouth and stung me inside my cheek. I spit it out but my mouth got so swollen! I was lucky. If I had swallowed it I don't know what would of happened.
when i was 7 i was stung in my eye, i was on holiday and eating an ice-cream and this but bee came and stung me
Owwie! That would so hurt!

Ahaha today I pissed off my English teacher sub. so much he like kicked me out it was funny. I wouldn't stop saying "CSI" and I kept saying it and he told me to stop but I kept saying it anyways then he kicked me out of the class and told me to write on a piece of paper about what I did to get kicked out of the class. So I wrote CSI,CSI,CSI over and over again til the bell rang. Then I gave it to him and ran off (or rather wheeled off) it was so funny!
Haha, speaking of subs. Today we had a substitute in music and she was so annoying! All we did was watch Sound of Music (which I love but...c'mon after the fifth time?). I was trying so hard to fall asleep, but her personality was just...ah! She was a nice person and all, but she wouldn't stop talking and commenting on the scene. Like...can you keep it to yourself? :rolleyes:

Easy to say I didn't get any sleep like I was wishing. And then we had TAP and well...that teacher is one of the strictest in the school. She won't let us lean on our desks. I mean, c'mon, I was tired!

Ouch, getting stung in the eye? That musn't off been pretty.
Reeble, if I had an annoying sub, I probably would have said "Yo bitch, shut your face!" :lol: But then again I'm in a bad mood and seem to have a problem with authority today.
*strolls in and has a nose*
I have a problem with authority everyday...
*strolls back out again*
:) oh forgot to say hi - HI!