Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

Helloooo everyone!

I was away for a little bit being a busy little bee.

My parents momentarily grounded me from the computer until I got my grades up, which I did. I've been getting A's in everything now and I'm sooo happy about it! :)

I also may be getting a job at a laundrey cleaning service sometime in Spring, which just makes me even happier. :p
Haha, I got this weel chair thing down! It's a power one, it's so fun especially in the mall!

But being gimped still doesn't help with all the homework I've been getting. I have so much in math and I still havn't caught up on all my assignments which I rally need to do cause if I don't I won't be able to graduate this year. And my health teacher isn't a very good health teacher (not that I mind) today we watched the olympics hockey and I finished all my work.

Aww, sounds like fun, CW. Wheelchairs are so fun. I've never tried an electric one but i'll see people in them and i'll suddenly have a craving for speed. Even though they go like 5 km/h. The one's where you have to turn the wheels are so awesome with wheelchair races. :lol:

Totally random, but it sort of ties into the whole electric thing: have you guys ever heard of electric scooters? I tried one and I expected to accelerate pretty fast, you know? It wasn't at all what I expected. I could walk faster than that thing at it's max speed. Pathetic, but oh so fun to go down hills with. :p
hey guys! reeble, i've tried an electric scooter... but it really didnt work... and i fell off and hurt myself... it was funny though! i learnt a valuble lesson: don't ride electric scooters in the house.

on other news: soooo incredibly swamped with school work at the moment... i have a bio assignment first edition thing due tomorrow and the final due on monday, a maths assignment AND a multi-strand assignment due on monday as well and i have an ancient history test on tuesday. and all of this assessment counts to my OP (overal percentage: 1 being the best and 25 being the worst) because it's my last year. in other words, i need an OP 7 for the course i want to get into in university and all of my assessment this year determins if i can do that course or not... *starts wigging out*

and i have to actually do my oral tomorrow for english, because, although i handed in the transcript, i have to perform it now! my weekend will consist of no fun whatsoever...

i have no life...
OH! I found out today that I have my mid terms next Thursday! (My school is screwed) so there like ok you have midterms next thursday and you have to study everything youve learned in a week! I was so pissed!

And my L.A. teacher is such a little homophobic b*tch!! I can't beleive her!!!! She told us today that people who were gay were wired and stuff!!!!!!!!!! I almost like screamed at her. Instead I got her in crap with the prinaple...then I realized the rest of this year is going to be a living hell!
:lol: I probably would have slapped her!

Wow, dinner tonight was eventful; For the first time, my sisters and I had cabbage rolls.

Me: What are these? (Pokes with fork)
Mom: Cabbage rolls. Taste it, it's good and you'll like it!
Sister #1: Mom, I'm seriously not eating this.
Sister #2: What's in it? Should I eat it?
Me: Silly girls! The questions isn't 'Should I eat it?', it's 'DID I eat it?'
(Sisters laugh whilst mom glares at me)
Mom: Fine, don't eat it. I don't give a shit.
Me: (Feeling guilty) Jesus, Mary, Joseph and a cup of coffee; I'll try it. (Takes bite) Oh my God... That is... (Mother smiles as if she's just converted me) that NASTIEST thing I've ever eaten!
(Sisters laugh again while I yet again get evil glares from both 'rents)

It was really, really funny; Maybe only to me...
nah dont slap her, just go up to her and kiss her (if ur a chick)

HAHAHAAHAHAHA that would teach her a lesson, then pull back and go, "haha ur wired"

LOL ok dont mind me, but seriously i wouldnt pretended to be a lesbian and asked if she thought different of me because i like to **** chicks, like be all out there and stuff and ask whats wrong with it and shite, lol.

i do things weirdly, but it sure would shut her up :p
CatherineWillows said:
OH! I found out today that I have my mid terms next Thursday! (My school is screwed) so there like ok you have midterms next thursday and you have to study everything youve learned in a week! I was so pissed!

Oh I totally know what you mean. I finished my midterms for college a few weeks ago but with my teachers they usually don't like to share what's going to be on the midterm a few days before. Um, I'm gonna need more then a few days to study if I want to do well. Oh, and I have 3 midterms for my computer science course and they're worth 20% each! Knowing how much they affect my final grade really gets to me.

Anyhoo, my new favourite song is "Poster of a Girl" by Metric. The music video is awesome and I can't wait to see them live!
I haven't written here for a while (though I read this thread every day). Well I didn't have to go to school today thanks to Estonia's independence day ;) I had to spend the day reading a book (for school) but I watched the olympics istead and read only 20 pages..That's so me :D
i spent the day in the pool and watching movies in bed with dyl with the air con on coz it was boiling.

too hot to go to skool, pfft skool lol.

dyl was like should u be at skool and im like, cbf and he is like, good coz i cbf driving you, haha, and im like sweet, so what movie u want to put on?

man im so lazy
I spent all day just hanging out with my sister; It was a very amusing day!

Can someone please help me with my HTML? On my xanga, I have a bar that has my favorite icons; Go to www.xanga.com/mariskacsi_fan to see it. I can only put 8 icons in at a time but I want more and am too stupid to figure out what's wrong. :rolleyes:
its storming like a bitch here, torrential rain and i swear its the loudest thunder ive ever heard, and the koolest brightest lightning, forks n everything. my dog is shitting herself under my desk atm :lol: she is so cute though