Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

Holy shiz, heartagram, you haven't seen snow? OMG! I love snow, snow is my best friend! If I had snow I would send you some, if I could make sure it wouldn't melt, that is. :D

I like snowboarding; My mom and dad got me a board a few years ago (We hardly get any snow at all so I don't know why they bought it) but I've used it a few times.
I'd love to go skiiing! :D Though, I don't know if I could do skiiing because I could never master ice skating. ONLY COS THE CRAPPY BOOTS DIG INTO MY ANKLES! Well, that's my excuse for being a crappy skater. :p
Last time I went ice skating I fell and hit my head! Then I said I was never going ice skating again! Still havn't gone...

And I'm so excited I get my cast removed on March 11!
I snowboard!!!Well ive only snowboarded 2 times because the secound time I broke my wriste that was about 2 months ago.And my mom wouldnt let me go so I'm not even good at it
OK! I am the biggest loser on the earth! Today at work I was running around like a complete idiot then I fell and broke my leg! I don't even know how I managed to do that! So now I have a broken arm and a broken leg!
oh my lord even i dont know how u could manage that :lol: are u like in a wheelchair coz like crutchers and a broken arm doesnt work, ive tried :lol:
CSIWanabe said:
Ok can you please try to tell us how you manged that.It is hystarical

Well I was supposed to be moving this huge couch thing but I am a really bad employee and decided not to. Then my boss was screaming at me and I started running away from him then there was like this huge puddle and I slipped and fell and couldn't move my leg. So I layed in the middle of Super Store while I waited for the paramedics to get there. I was popular also, I had like 50 people standing around me! And yea I'm in a wheel chair until March 11th because I can't hold crteches exactly :p
nawww poor CatherineWillows! i hope your leg doesnt hurt too bad!

ahh man, i spent all of my weekend doing a stupid english assignment that was due in today! it was such a hard assignment to do too! we were told to pick an issue and persuade people to your opinion and we had to use persuasive techniques... damn... it was hard! i chose the topic of gun laws... and how australians should have the right to bear arms for protection... grrrr.. stupid english assignment!
OOh havent been here for a while.^^^I feel for you. I got an english assingement too on great expections. Oh the fun. CatherineWillows it's really weird because ive nearly finsihed writng a csi fanfic about a sking trip and one of the charcters kinda hurt their ankle in that.I hope you get better soon!!!