Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

okay so im not a fan of the designer jeans but i found a pair of peoples liberation jeans, the ones with the stars on the butts, and i just had to buy them!! i feel so trendy lol

:lol: You sound like me. I'm always like "Ughh look at her with her Louie Vuitton purse" but then I saw a really nice one and I had to get it. I'm such a hypocrite :p.
I was sick the end of last week and the weekend. =( but watching CSI reruns made it more bearable.

Today= a snow day.. so I've been reading forensics novels and on the computer all day.. I have some evil english hw i'm supposed to do but I'm procrastinating. haha, I do way too much of that. =P

I'm not naturally great at math either.. luckily I have the easiest teacher ever this yr.. last yr was so difficult [our teacher would give us about 40 5 part problems for every 2 days.. and that's NOT an exxageration] and I'd stress out so much that I practically gave myself a nervous breakdown. but yeah.. just try your best and work hard and you'll be able to become a nurse. :)
man, im so tired. i just finished all my v-day art work for tomorrow :D i know...im a dork

my grandma comes to visit tomorrow- the only thing is, i hope her flight isnt cancelled because of all the snow on the east coast
I'm tired also. Last night I was up doing my stupid math homework and science project. I'm running on a 4 hour sleep.

And for once in my life I actually did something useful with my money. I bought CSI season 3 and a fish! My fishies name is Gil!! He solves underwater mysterys!
I'm tired also. Last night I was up doing my stupid math homework and science project. I'm running on a 4 hour sleep.

And for once in my life I actually did something useful with my money. I bought CSI season 3 and a fish! My fishies name is Gil!! He solves underwater mysterys!

Aww! :D I want a gray hamster! I want to name it Grissom! :lol:
ok well my night ended awesome, me n dyl had a spa and then well, i didnt go to skool today either coz i slept in too late, haha, imagine my excuse to the teachers yeah sorry i was doing things with my bf, LOL
I went skiing with my school today! I screwed up my knee so badly becasue I did a flip and oww it was painful. Then I fell off the stupid magic carpet and the ski patrol guy was like freaking out at me.
CatherineWillows said:
I went skiing with my school today! I screwed up my knee so badly becasue I did a flip and oww it was painful. Then I fell off the stupid magic carpet and the ski patrol guy was like freaking out at me.

Aww, I've gone skiing with my dad (I loved it). I fell down this big slope. I flew in the air for a minute and then WHAM! I fell flat on my stomach. One ski fell off and dug into the snow like in the cartoons, the other was on my foot still, my hat fell off, and I broke the $20 sunglasses my dad had just bought me that day! :lol: