Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

I might go up to my room and watch Grave Danger again; That actually sounds very appealing!

My sister is making me laugh so hard; She's sitting next to me saying "I have a fever, my armpits are hot!" :lol:
That is so weird! We both live in Ohio. We Both Love CSI.We both like Law&Order SVU.And We are Sick.

Can u tell me that is not weird????
I'm officially in love with the songs "Cowboy Take Me Away" & "Bless The Broken Road". I'm not really a country fan but I can't stop listening to those two songs.
^ I love the song "Love That Will Never Grow Old" from the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack :D I absolutely love it :D

OMG guys, I'm freaking out because my tutor's coming today! :lol:
Congrats, ineverysunflower! :D

CSIwannabe, that is so weird! And I LOVE your icon; I saw it the other day and was like "Cool. Cath's such a weirdo!" :lol:
OFF TOPIC haha today i wore this tank top and a low cut shirt over it like many girls do but apparently according to my friends they wish they were as "well endowed" as me i didn't know what to do with myslef i was popping out and all my friends told me to leave it i looked hot...and i admit i did get compliments from a few boys but then again. im pretty short and they are tall. so yea they pretty much got the whole package. i think im going to wear a baggy t shirt tomorrow. i hate being complimented i feel all singled out and like everyone is looking at my chest it was kinda creepy.
Yeah, I'm okay. Typing is a little bit hard but I've always liked a challenge or two! :D

Holy crap, just all at once it started snowing really hard! It looks so pretty...
Hey everyone! =) I'm pretty new here, so I haven't posted in this thread yet..

We usually don't get snow days, but last year we had a whole week off cuz the blizzard of '05 in the northeast.. in fact during the time I was in FL. and our flight back to Massachusetts got canceled.

Today's bus ride home from school was crazy. To make a long story short, this kid on my bus decided to light a cigarette, so the bus driver called the cops and they made everyone in the area he was sitting in [which included me] get off the bus and stand up against it with our arms raised. Then they acused my friend of being the one smoking because there was ash found under his seat, but that was because it was the kid sitting in front of him and he had PUSHED the ash under his seat.. you could even see part of a shoeprint and the ash all spread out.. so yeah, that was an interesting day.
it was snowing here today too and i think it's suppost to snow again tonight but i don't really want it too because i have practice so the ride home might suck
we have been having the nicest weather. sun, sun, and more sun. :D

we had a power outtage today. so none of the phones work, because the genius people who were working, hit the makor phone and power line, and so everything need to charge up.

im going to submit some of my photos to my schools literary magazine! the due date is the 14th! thats also the day my g-ma comes to visit