Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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oreet! just wondering around and i find a thread for us english folk, beltin'. im from Leeds and damn proud of it! im also very proud to be english and a real yorkshire lass, and you gotta love that tea, speaking of which i right fancy a brew nah.
and dont worry i love marmite on toast, mmmm its very nice, especially with a cup of tea!
Though it looks like I'm the only marmite-lover around here :(
I love Marmite wibbs! The 'Growing Up Spread You Never Grow Out Of'. I usually have it on toast for breakfast. :D
*huggles Luce* Yay! Glad I'm not alone :D I love it on toast for breakfast, though personally, I think I could eat the stuff all day :)
Yeah but Luce is like... my fave stereotype English. Likes kidneys :p

ok fine... I was watching BBCFood yesterday and there was no kidney food (well there was last time!) but some strange soup.
Awww...I'm just kidding *huggles her co-mod*
I like English and y' know, stereotypes are what those are and not neccesseraly true. Except tea in this case :p
Yeah but Luce is like... my fave stereotype English. Likes kidneys :p
:lol: Yes, I confess, I love kidneys (but they have to be cooked 'nicely' and cored properly), especially my Dad's Devilled Kidneys! Very yummy. :D

*Huggles wibbs* My Marmite buddy. ;)
gross, cant believe someone actually eats them.

well the weather has gone back to its usual british self.

had bacon n egg butty for breakfast yum yum, so what was max temperature where you are for yesterday was about 31 here in bradford in office it was about 35 was red hot.

well was supposed to be going alton towers on saturday but one mate has injured his shoulder so will have to go another time, probably be full of wasps anyway.

my hubby says bumble bees dont sting....... i dont believe him what do you say?

wish i could get out of this office its melting my brain, wish i was in a car somewhere just driving about.
Bumble Bees do sting when they're forced to but they dont do it generally because when they sting, they die anyway. :p

Hahahahahahaahaha, just watched a show on BBC1 about the Queen coming to an estate and there is a bad lookallike of the Queen. Really bad anyway. She gets invited into someone's....home. :p Hah..Yeah, it was stupid. :rolleyes:
Apparently the Runaway Mine Train in Alton Towers has broken down and it injured 29 people; 3 had to be transported by helicopter to the nearest hospital.

The temperature is starting to go down a little bit I've noticed...still blistering though, but I'm pretty adaptable.

What other stereotypes are the English/British known for?
^ Some people think the English are snobs :p I guess...I dunno, because of our accents, and that we're patient, polite and proud of our Queen, etc. Oh, and because some English use phrases like 'terribly sorry to bother you' or 'cheerio' :p

And yeah, that accident at Alton Towers was awful :(
Americans seem to think that we're a nation of bad teeth. :rolleyes: Pssk, we're just not as vain as America is. :p Every country has their fair share of bad teeth but quite a lot of Americans seems to think that England/Britain is the only country that "exists" across the pond if you know what I mean so they dont concentrate on other countries....I guess :p
wibble said:
^ Some people think the English are snobs :p I guess...I dunno, because of our accents, and that we're patient, polite and proud of our Queen, etc. Oh, and because some English use phrases like 'terribly sorry to bother you' or 'cheerio' :p
:lol: Yeah I'm guessing all you guys talk very posh :lol: I wish ya'll speak with a Manchester accent.. that's HOT.. I mean pleasant :rolleyes:
lol i am yet to meet anyone cept the queen that says "cheerio" and "terribly sorry to bother you". i think about 0.1% of the population speak like that, i mean i for one am a yorkshire lass and i speak commen as muck, lol.
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