Tea and Scones ~ english thread

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YAY! There's finally an english thread, I was actually gonna make one and call it "Fancy a Cup of Tea?"

Technically I'm Cornish :p We Cornish people generally say that we're not English, not British, but Cornish, we've got our own flag, language, don't know anything about them considering I haven't lived there for a while; I only know how to say, "you idiot" in cornish but then again, I probably can't say that right (It's "ti mako"). Now I live in Bedfordshire.

Have you noticed we got lots of terms that we call people that half the people in the world don't know about? I was talking to one of my american friends, the other day on the phone, and I said the word "chav" and she DIDN'T know what/who a chav was........ :eek:

I LOVE tea, scones, cornish ice-cream but hate cornish pasties... bleugh! PG Tips are the only tea bags for my tea pot, only the best for the best. :lol:

For some reason people say I remind them of Giles from BtVS :lol:

I love being cornish/english/british whatever!
I agree, cornish people aren't techincally English because they have their own language and have had it since before the english language was here so therefore not english but still damned British! ;)
However, My mum is from Birmingham and Dad is from Northern Ireland. So I have got a small link to England, even though it's only through my mum, plus I've lived in England a lot longer than I have in Kerno, Scotland and America. So I'm just as good as being English.... :lol:

I know the English customs a hell-a-lot better than the Cornish ones.

Born in Germany, British by blood and heart.
Dad hails from Northumberland, Mum from Leicestershire near Lincolnshire where I live now.
Coffee does painful stuff to me and gives me cramps (remember the shopping trip, Anna? :D), I love tea, all tea, milky, black, green, loose, honey over sugar though, but scarce in this household.
I can't stomach cream :( too heavy.
Love the rain, feels so comforting to sit inside/under gazibo warm and dry with a hot cocoa/cuppa and hear the skies revolt. :lol:
The sound of an outdoor summer sports match ( not football/rugby ) is so familiar and comforting, even though I might hate the sport itself to bits.
Nothing better than having a WHOLE pot of tea to yourself, though it does flush out your kidneys something awful ( this is one of thosre good/bad things)
kazzy said:
I agree, cornish people aren't techincally English because they have their own language and have had it since before the english language was here so therefore not english but still damned British! ;)

The language isn't the only factor when thinking who is who. Believe me. I wrote looooong answer about this in Social Science (and got good grade and prof telling it was the one of thebest anwers ever). We have Swedish speaking minority, and they are Finns despite the fact that they speak some stupid Swedish (and sometimes only that). :p
^Yeah we have that in Holland too.. the north (Friesland) has its own language, but is still considered to be Dutch.. unfortunately :rolleyes: :lol: Hmm, I don't think any of the Dutch around here come from that area, so I can say it haha!
CSIannalysse said:
YAY! There's finally an english thread, I was actually gonna make one and call it "Fancy a Cup of Tea?"

I would've called it "Jolly Hockeysticks" :p

Erm, and don't get me started on the term "chav" :rolleyes:

About what you guys were saying about London earlier, personally I love the city for 1 day or 2 day trips :) However, I'm slowly exhausting the things to do and see there, and I'll soon be feeling I've 'done' London :(

Though I went for a trip there yesterday...man, what a wild epxerience it turned out to be :lol: First to Madame Tussauds, which was excellent but the price is rip-off considering the short amount of time it took to go around the place. But we did book to go into the Chamber of Horrors - Live!, which was more scary than I thought it would :eek: The actors were very good and made a good job of frightening everyone! :eek:

Then I went to the London Dungeons, which was another mad experience - seriously scary some of the stuff in there :eek: at one point we were in the boat ride to Traitor's Gate and the tunnel was pitch black. I could barely see my friend sat next to me. We had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen next :eek: Whoa! :lol:

Finished the afternoon by going for what we thought would be a relaxing tour around the HMS Belfast (a WW2 warship). But no...only to find we had to climb up and down about 20 ladders to get around all the different decks of the ship :lol:
CSIannalysse said:
For some reason people say I remind them of Giles from BtVS :lol:

I love being cornish/english/british whatever!

lol, I loved Giles before I lived in England lol. He was so awfully British (not awful as in horrible, but as in the way the English mean it lol) and I used to be fascinated with that. Now I live in Nortern England I'm very used to the accents.

It's funny how American and other people from different countries tend to generalize the English accent as being like Giles's when there are actually so many! I'm used to the Lanchashire accent now lol.

Hi! Glad there's finally an English thread. About time! I'm from Bury, in Manchester. Don't like tea or coffee though, which everyone I work with thinks is really strange. Don't really watch soaps unless there's something interesting going on.
yay northerner. im sure us yorkshire folk have our own little language somewhere!!!!" mmmmmmmmmmm thinks"

best thing about london is the road out of it lol.
no offence to londoners. do they have grass down there, cant remember seeing any.

well next weekend we are skiving out of cricket and we are off to alton towers for the day yay.
anyone wanna meet us there? just post if yes and will give details.
where up north are you from cordelia?
well temperature is supposed to be about 28 degrees today feels more like 30 at the mo and its getting hotter.
tan is coming along nicely.
as for typical english sport well this weekend i have sat sunbathing watching my hubby playing cricket, what a way to relax.
its boring as hell but can be quite entertaining especially when tempers flare lol.
manda said:
best thing about london is the road out of it lol.
no offence to londoners. do they have grass down there, cant remember seeing any.

I think I saw some in Hyde Park! :eek: But yeah, you can really see grass if you go to a particular trusted park. :p
Ok.. now one good stereotype. Everyone who likes/eats kidneys (or food made from those, such as kidneypie) raise your hand!

Liver I can take but oh English and their kidneys :rolleyes:
I don't like kidneys in kidney pies actually- dont like pies but kidneys on its own is nice! :D
All hail Yorkshire people! :lol: I'm from Barnsley (South Yorkshire), but recently moved to Bath for uni. The one thing I can't really stand is how the Southerners call "dinner" lunch and "tea" dinner lol. Maybe it's just me being weird lol

Anyway, yeah, I don't really like how the Americans sterotype all english people into top hat-wearing, tea-drinking (although we do :p) peeps who never see the sun (ok, it's true that it does rain an awful lot, but we do have lovely weather sometimes).
I don't like kidney either - blergh! Horrible stuff!

Anyone here eat black pudding by any chance? I never understand the attraction with that either :lol:

All hail Yorkshire people! I'm from Barnsley (South Yorkshire), but recently moved to Bath for uni. The one thing I can't really stand is how the Southerners call "dinner" lunch and "tea" dinner lol. Maybe it's just me being weird lol

My Mum's guilty of that (I live in Oxford). And because I say it the "normal" way round, I always confuse her :p

Anyway, yeah, I don't really like how the Americans sterotype all english people into top hat-wearing, tea-drinking (although we do ) peeps who never see the sun (ok, it's true that it does rain an awful lot, but we do have lovely weather sometimes).

*sigh* Indeed. My best friend, who is from Germany btw, not America, is forever doing that :lol: I think "That's so English" is one of her favourite phrases :p
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